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Coniferous trees


Conifers grow all over the world but mostly in colder regions. The zone of conifer wood extends over North America, Scandinavia and Siberia. Narrow hard leaves, which are called scales or needles are characteristic for them. Almost all conifers are evergreen. They don’t have real flowers; they have cones instead.

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Spruce is the most important tree sort. It grows in the central and northern parts of Europe. Its trunk is straight and its branches are almost horizontal. It can reach the age of 500 years. Spruce wood is very useful.
APPERANCE: A spruce can grow up to 50 meters. The top of the tree is conical. The branches grow out invertebrate, the upper ones turned up, and the lower ones down, but again, at the end turned up.
NEEDLES: They are 10 to 25 mm long, they are straight and pointed, dark green and precled.
SPRUCE CONES: They are 10 to 25 cm long, first they have a green and reddish colour and later a light brown. The scales are stiff and hard.
USE: For tall constructions, furniture, floor, doors, windows, instruments, packaging, …etc.

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Pine is spread all over Europe and also Kavkaz, central Asia to the river basin of Amur. It can reach the age of 300 years. It can grow even in lower quality soil, as sand or in a swamp. Because of its deep routs it can face strong winds. This big tree has got branches only in the upper part of its trunk. Because of its nice shape it is often planted in gardens or parks.
APPERANCE: It can grow up to40 meters. If it grows alone, his trunk is often bended but if it is in a forest it is tall and straight, and in the lower part of the trunk without branches. It smells like raisin.
NEEDLES: They are two in a bunch, they are 4 to 8 cm long. They are hard; semi circled suction and turned round.
PINE CONES: They are 3 to 7 cm long, hanging, grey-brown, they fall off after a couple of years.
USE: As construction material, for roads and water construction, for firewood and paper.

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There are many sorts of larches, for example: we have the European-larch. It's our only conifer tree, which means that its needles fall off in autumn. It grows all over central and northern parts of Europe. It can grow in 2400 m high mountains.
APPEARANCE: it has got a straight trunk. It can reach a height of 25 m., and there are usually no branches on the lower parts of the trunk. The branches grow horizontally.
NEEDLES: They grow in a bunch on short branches and the opposite on long branches.
LARCH CONES: They are light brown, about 4 cm long.
USE: Because of its big resistance, hardness, it is useful for furniture, for doors of all kind, floor,…etc.

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The white fir is a tree of south and central Europe. Because it's very sensitive for low temperatures, it demands a lot of humidity and a high temperature. Because of the ecological pollution, the fir is the most rare sort of tree in Europe now.
APPERANCE: It can grow up to 50 meters, rarely to 60.
NEEDLES: they are 15 to 30 mm long, flat and dark-green with two white stripes.
USE: Fir wood is very similar to spruce wood. We use it for packaging, for furniture and paper,…etc.

© Viljenka Šavli