Michael Faraday

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Michael Faraday, the son of a blacksmith, born in London, on September 22, 1791. He an apprentice at a bookbinder and this contact with books him a love of reading. After becoming interested in science, Faraday to Humphry Davy for a job. In 1813 Faraday his temporary assistant and the next 18 months touring Europe while during Davy's investigations into his theory of volcanic action.
Davy Faraday a valuable scientific education and also him to important scientists in Europe.
With his first simple electrical generator and then the first electrical motor, Michael Faraday the world. Without electric motors and generators, the world nothing like it is today. For example, you wouldn't be reading this on a computer since computers motors for their disk drives and fans and electricity from power stations using generators.
Faraday's greatest contribution to science in the field of electricity. In 1821 he experimenting with electromagnetism and by demonstrating the conversion of electrical energy into motive force, the electric motor.

(text taken from web page Greates Inventions)