An Accident - What happened to me yesterday

When we speak about the past, actions can be completed (Past Simple Tense) or uncompleted (Past Continuous Tense). Fill in the missing words, please.
Ko govorimo o preteklosti, so dejanja lahko dovršna (navadni pretekli čas) ali nedovršna (opisni pretekli čas). Vstavite manjkajoče besede, prosim.

When I (go) to school yesterday morning, an old man on a bicycle (knock) me down. I (be) not badly hurt, but the man (lie) there and I (call) an ambulance from a phone box. When I (come) back, some people (stand) round the man. While they (try) to help him, the ambulance (arrive) and (take) the man to hospital. He (have) a heart attack.

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Copyright by
Romana Ivačič


What happened to you yesterday?
Could you write about it, please.
Kaj se je vam včeraj zgodilo? Bi lahko pisali o tem, prosim.