Slovenia is a rather small country located on the converging point of several major geographic areas - the Alpine mountain range, the Adriatic Sea, Karst and Panonian basin.It borders Austria to the north, Italy to the west, Croatia to the south and Hungary to the east.
Facts about the country
Slovenia: 2 000 000.
Ljubljana (the capital): 300 000, Maribor 100 000, other: under 100 000.
- 88 % Slovenians
- 12% other
- Italians and Hungarians are considered indigenous minorities with rights protected under the Constitution.
20 256 km2
Alps (Mt. Triglav 2864m)
Forests (55% of the area)
Adriatic Sea
Climate: alpine, continental, and mediterranean.
Economy and Politics
GDP per capita (1998) 9310 US$.
Unemployment rate 7%.
Every citizen is entitled to basic medical care.
Import/export focuses on European market.
Independent since 1991.
Parliamentary democracy:
- 90 MP, minorities guaranteed each one seat.
- Prime minister and 18-member cabinet.
More information about visas for Slovenia and health insorance can be found on the home page of Ministry for foreign affairs of Slovenia.
- Slovenian Tolar (SIT).
- Exchange offices accept all major currencies and traveller checks.
- All major credit cards are accepted.
- A meal = 10-20 DEM (1 DEM " 100 SIT)
Electricity: 220 (230) V, 50 Hz.
- English: all hotels etc., most of the younger population.
- German: lots of hotels etc, most of the older population.
- Italian: most of the population near the Italian border.
Traffic connections
Plane: international flights to Ljubljana airport Brnik.
Train: international trains through Koper, Ljubljana, Maribor …
Car: connected to European highway network. To IMC site 4-5 h from Munich or Vienna, 2 h from Trieste.