Miahela Triglav

On behalf of the organisers Astronomical association Javornik and Society for Technical culture of Slovenia I would like to welcome you in Slovenia. I am glad that problems in the world in last weak didn't discourage you to come to this scientific meeting - especially those travelling by plane.

I would like to thank Marjana Plukavec from the Society for technical culture of Slovenia to respond so quick on every request we had for letters of recommendation and help with organisation of this conference and finding sponsors. I should not forget to mention the help of our organising committee, especially on the point of finding sponsors. I would like to mention our sponsors who made this conference possible: Leaders of hotel Hotel Cerkno especialy ms. Majda Rojc, the majors of Cerkno and Idrija county and the following companies: Ascom from Idrija, Tehnooptika Smolnikar from Ljubljana, and Infos from Ljubljana and Mobitel.

Having this conference in Slovenia is a big achievement for Slovenian amateur astronomy, which is achieving high results in its work. However, due to financial problems the only Slovenian astronomical magazine Spika ceased to be published this summer. I hope that joining our capabilities, we will rescue our magazine.

On my behalf I wish you all a nice staying here in Cerkno and having a good time between old and new friends of International Meteor Organisation.

The president of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Milan Kucan wishes to welcome the participants, however he was not able to take part due to his visit abroad.

I would like to invite dr. Bojan Jenko from the Office for science at the Ministry of education, science and sports of Republic of Slovenia to say a few words.

Now I am asking the director of the Office for youth at the Ministry of education, science and sports of Republic of Slovenia: Mr Domink S. Cernjak for a few welcoming words too.

Thank you both for the welcome.