The IMC 2001 will take place in Slovenia in the small town Cerkno.
For the participants who will travel by car, we have made some
finding maps and will place IMC 2001 signs on all important crossroads
to make finding the IMC site as easy as possible.
Elevation - 324m
Population(1991) - 1785
Cerkno is placed some 60 km NW of the capital Ljubljana and 15 km N from Idrija (world known by the mercury mining). It is a well known ski resort.
Cerkno is a small clustered settlement with numerous modern facilities situated in the heart of Cerkno hills, in the basin of Cerknica stream. It's written records date back to 1232. In the town centre is the 18. century Sv. Ana church and the newer Cerkno hotel (our hotel). Nearby Gradisce contains remains of a Roman fortress and the 13. century Sv. Jernej church. Also included in the town are several scattered farms on the slopes above Cerknica.
The hotel also has three smaller rooms. They will probably be used for workshops. So, in the evening when the workshops are scheduled, the participants will divide into smaller groups of about 30 to 40 people and take part in whichever workshop they are interested in.
But there is also another option - in case you find none of the workshops interesting, you can join the others in a (meteor) chat in the hotel bar.