Each individual participant should fill out a form and return it to: Ina Rendtel, Mehlbeerenweg 5, D-14469 Potsdam, Germany, as soon as possible.

Your registration will be guaranteed only after Ina Rendtel has received the minimum prepayment of 100 DEM. If you wish to participate, but cannot yet decide, simply return this form with the proper option checked to stay on the mailing list for further circulars.

Name: _______________________________________________________ 

Birth date: _________________________________________________  

Address: ____________________________________________________  



Phone: ________________________  

 o wishes to register for the 2001 IMO from September 20 to 23;
 o I wish to reserve a first class room (will pay the additional 
   45 DEM or 23.01 EUR; also contact the organisers).
 o intends to participate, cannot yet register, but wishes to stay
   on the mailing list. 

I intend to travel by: ______________________________________
together with: ______________________________________________
Additional requests: ________________________________________ 

I need travel information
    From: __________________________________________________
    to: ____________________________________________________ 

I wish to stay in Slovenia before or after the IMC and require additional
information regarding this matter. 

Where: ______________________________________________________
Either the entire fee of 200 DEM (245 DEM) or a prepayment of at least 100 DEM should be sent to the treasurer, Ina Rendtel. Follow the payment instructions. Participants paying only 100 DEM have to pay the remaining 100 DEM upon arrival in Cerkno.
Participants desiring a first category room pay the entire fee of 245 DEM (125.27 EUR) to the treasurer.
For participants wishing to contribute to the program please fill out the next form: