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»very private...*«
19. november 1999 – 5. december 1999, otvoritev 19.11.1999 ob 18. uri
Galerija likovnih umetnosti Slovenj Gradec*
Kustos razstave: Vanesa Cvahte
Koordinacija: Katarina Hergold

Richard Crow

The presentation of Richard Crow's opening performance:

20 /11/99 - 5/12/99
*Opening 19th Nov*

Richard Crow (UK) 'Occupier/Executor'

Performance (duration 1 hour minimum) for 'live' video camera/playback via
video projection.

Richard Crow
Richard Crow je zaslovel s svojo domačo »Institucijo gnilobe« (Institution of Rot) – prostorom, ki ga je uredil v svoji zasebni hiši v Londonu, in projekti, ki jih je realiziral v njem. Združuje performans in to, čemur pravi »instalacija v razvijanju«. Crow je mojstrski tehnik v umetnosti zavrženega in čustvenih drobcev.
Novejše mednarodne razstave: "Among others" (Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Dunaj), "Multiples x 3" (Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin), "Executor" (Blue Oyster Gallery & prizorišča okrog galerije, Dunedin, Nova Zelandija), "Not I" (Consortium, Amsterdam), "Speaking the shade" (Schlachthof, Bremen), "Grenzgänger (Artspace, Sydney).

EKSEKUTOR, video-performens, ki bo potekal med otvoritvijo razstave »very private«
Performans je ponavadi javna manifestacija umetnika, pri performansu Crowa pa gre za vpogled v intimno sfero »umetniškega ustvarjanja«, toka misli, grajenja celote. Crowovi performansi pogosto delujejo kot osebni rituali, v katerih objekti igrajo arhaično in liturgično vlogo: skozi »ritual« dobijo nove pomene. Performans ne bo izveden neposredno pred ljudmi, temveč ga bo mogoče spremljati preko videoprojekcije, kar na paradoksalen način preko medija pretvarja intimno v javno.
»Umetnik bo izvedel performans v posebno skonstruiranem (ali najdenem) skrivnem prostoru (instalaciji), ki ga bo interpretiral, aktiviral in naselil v času otvoritve razstave ‘very private’. Dejanje bo potekalo v živo in prek video projekcije (ali ekranov) z vnaprej posnetim materialom. Umetnik bo uporabljal različne reči (odpadne in osebne predmete). Performans bo prikazoval obsesivno urejanje in razporejanje teh predmetov, prekinjano z razmišljanjem. To dejavnost vodi misel o zanikanju smrti predmeta s tem, da mu namenimo nove rabe. Dejanja v performansu niso dobesedna, temveč vizualno simbolna; pomen reči je prej metonimičen kot stvaren; predmeti in performans nakazujejo stvari, h katerim težimo in o njih govorimo glede na usmeritev našega zaznavanja; vsak predmet je mogoče brati na dva različna načina in lahko bi rekli, da se nahaja med realim in namišljenim in hkrati znotraj obeh. Predmeti se tukaj dotikajo našega sveta, ponujajo se nam kot artefakti skritega reda, ki ga moramo še razvozlati.« (Richard Crow)


  2. Richard Crow gained a strong reputation with his home-based "Institution of Rot" – an artist-run space located in his private house in London, and the projects realised there. He combines performance with what he calls ‘installation in progress’. Crow is a master technician of the art of the abject and the emotive fragment.
  3. Recent international exhibitions (1999): Among others, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna; Multiples x 3, Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin; Executor, Blue Oyster Gallery & off site locations, Dunedin, New Zealand; Not I, Consortium, Amsterdam; Speaking the shade, Schlachthof, Bremen; Grenzgänger, Artspace, Sydney.
  4. EXECUTOR, video performance at the opening of the »very private« exhibition
  5. Performance is usually a public manifestation of an artist. Crow’s performance, however, presents an insight into the intimate sphere of »artistic creativity«, the flow of thoughts, or the construction of the whole. Crow’s performances frequently function as personal rituals in which objects play an archaic and liturgical role: the »ritual« gives them new meanings. The performance will not take place directly in front of the viewers, but will be transmitted to the video screen, which paradoxically transforms the intimate into the public through the medium.
  6. »The artist will make a performance in a specially constructed (or found) secret space (installation) which he will interpret, activate and inhabit during the opening of the »very private« exhibition. This will be witnessed live (and pre-recorded) via video projection (or monitors). The artist will work with a selection of objects (discarded items, personal objects). The performance will consist of obsessively arranging and rearranging these objects, interspersing this activity with contemplation. The notion that informs this activity is the reversal of the objects’ ‘death’ by creating new uses for them. The actions within the performance are not literal but are somehow visually symbolic, the significance is metonymic, rather than being the thing itself, the items and the performance gesture towards what is aspired to and alluded to, depending on how we focus our perception; an object can have two different readings, existing it might be said, both between and within the real and the imagined. Here the objects impinge on our world, being offered to us like artefacts from a hidden order that is yet to be decoded.«
  7. Richard Crow

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Artists Biography

Richard Crow, b 1961

Richard Crow studied  electro-acoustic and experimental music, with Philipp
Wachsmann in London at the City Literary Institute.
He gained a strong reputation  as artist/curator in residence at his own
(well documented) private house in London, The Institution of Rot (Circa 93
-96.) Time is probably his most important material, this finds its form in
performances, images, video works and 'Installations in progress'.Crow is a
master technician of the art of the abject and the emotive fragment.

Recent International exhibitions "Among others" (Kunsthalle Exnergasse,
Vienna) "Not i" (Consortium, Amsterdam) "Speaking the shade"
(Schlachthof,Bremen also Goethe Institut,Sydney) , "Grenzgänger

He Lives and works in London.


Richard Crow

Born 1961, Somerset, England

Lives and works in London

Relevant Studies

1984-7  City Literary Institute, London (theory and practice of
electro-acoustic and experimental music, with Philipp Wachsmann)

Exhibitions (selection)

1999         "Multiples X", Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin, Eire (scheduled)
1999         "Very Private", Art Gallery Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia (scheduled)
1999    "Executor", Blue Oyster Gallery (& off site locations), Dunedin,
New Zealand (solo)
1999    "Among Others", Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, Austria
1999    "Not I", Het Consortium, Amsterdam, Netherlands
1998    "Attaché Gallery", London, England
1998    "Stream TV'' ICA, London, England
1998    "Reality Check" (in collaboration with Anna Scheer) ,
Kulturbraueri, Berlin, Germany (performance)
1998    "Speaking the shade", Schlachthof, Bremen, Germany (solo)
1997    "Performatrix", Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany (performance)
1997    "Wahn-Bild", Gießerei-Projektraum, Berlin, Germany (performance)
1997    "Heretic", Old Operating Theatre, London, England (performance)
1997    "Life/Live", Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon, Portugal
1997    "Speaking the shade', Goethe Institut, Sydney, Australia (solo)
1997     "Art(iculations)", Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, Perth,
1997    "Opening of the Mouth", Midland Railway Yards and Foundry, Perth,
1996    "Bad Habitus Project", John Paynter Gallery and Police Museum,
Newcastle, Australia (solo)
1996    "Life/Live", Musée d'Art Modern de la Ville de Paris, France
1996    "Grenzgänger", Artspace, Sydney, Australia (solo)
1996    "Theurgy - Messe Basse", The Performance Space, Sydney, Australia
1996    "The Noisiness of Bodies", The Institution of Rot, London, England
1995            "Blind site - Death words", Roxy, Prague, Czech Republic
1995     "Royal Sweat Bath", Den Anden Opera, Copenhagen, Denmark (performance)
1995     "Imperial Wardrobe" (in collaboration with Nick Couldry and Tobias
         Heinrich Roller Str 1, Berlin, Germany (performance)
1994    "Fleischerei", Knaack Str 34, Berlin, Germany (solo)
1994    "Nächtlich Geshürtz", 53 Cross Street, London, England (in
collaboration with Rut Blees                              Luxemburg)
1994     "Klammer auf Klammer zu", (Ratten Nagen Beckett) with Die Ratten,
          Karlsruhe, Germany; Paris, France; and Parma, Italy (performance)
1993     "Klammer auf Klammer zu", (Ratten Nagen Beckett) with Die Ratten,
Directed by     Roland Brus,Premiered  'Beckett Late Nights',  Volksbühne,
Berlin (performance)
1993            "Bar Godot", Beckett Late Nights, Volksbühne, Berlin,
Germany (in collaboration with Roland Brus and Carl Hegemann)
1993    "Black Iris - Nigredo" (basement of eighteenth century house),  53
Cross Street, London, England

1993    "The Institution of Rot - a house with objects", Institution of
Rot, London, England (solo)
1992    "Hospital of the Soul", London Filmmakers Co-op, London, England
1989    "Live Electronic Dissections", ICA, London, England (performance)

Curatorial Projects

1996    'The Four Humours' (text based performances by Iain Sinclair, Paul
Buck, Caroline Bergvall and others),  'The Noisiness of Bodies' (site
specific performances by Maria Loura Estevao, Heimo Lattner, Adrian
Schiesser, Anna Scheer, Sarah Marrs and                 others),
Institution of Rot, London, England


1999    'The Institution of Rot (Revisited), Underwood Audio (CD) scheduled

1999    'Kantine Wien', on 'Among others 3', Various Artists, Durian
Records (CD) scheduled
1998    'erethism(a)', Diastolic Murmurs, (CD)
1995    'Music for blind limbs', on 'Variations - A London Compilation',
Paradigm Discs (CD)
1993    'Hospital of the Soul', Diastolic Murmurs/Furt, Vintage Productions
1989-90 'Live Electronic Dissections 4 / Hyperaesthesia', Diastolic Murmurs
(MC) 'Nervenkrankheiten', Diastolic Murmurs, (MC) 'Purgations (flushed)1 x
10', Diastolic Murmurs (MC) 'Live Electronic Dissections 1 & 2', Diastolic
Murmurs, (MC)
1987    'Electro-Medicine', Diastolic Murmurs, (MC)

Selected Film/Video

1997    'eiderphusikon' #1, (A Re-Projection of the Grenzgänger) 23 mins, video
        'fragments from Theurgy - Messe Basse',11 mins, video
1996    '23 Spectres', 10 mins, video
        'The Noisiness of Bodies', 20 mins, video
1994    'Black Iris - Nigredo', 10 mins, video
1990    'In Statu Pupillari - Secret Litanies', 15 mins, Super-8 film
1989    'Namonan' (with Anna Scheer), 4 mins, Super-8 film
1986-7  'Lead (Sehnsucht)', 10 mins, Super-8 film


1999    Creative New Zealand, The British Council, New Zealand
1998    Live Art and Interdisciplinary Practice Travel and Research, Arts
Council of England (Berlin)
1997    Goethe Institut, Sydney, Australia, Visiting Research Artist,
Department of Drama & Faculty of Art and Design, University of  Newcastle,
Australia,The British Council, Australia
1996    Live Art Venue Development, London Arts Board (for The Noisiness of
Bodies at the Institution of Rot)
        Literature Live, London Arts Board, (for The Four Humours at the
Institution of Rot)
1995    Live Art Travel and Research, Arts Council of England (Berlin and
1993    Research and Development,  London Arts Board for founding of the
Institution of Rot (in collaboration with Nick Couldry)


1999    Dunedin Public Art Gallery, Dunedin, New Zealand, Stichting Vedute,
Amsterdam, Netherlands


1999    The Physics Room, Christchurch,  School of English, Film and
Theatre, Victoria University, Wellington (Theatre studies), School of
Architecture, Wellington, The Waikato Polytechnic, Hamilton (Media Arts),
UNITEC, Auckland, all New Zealand

1997    Auto-manic, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia,
1996    100 years of Cruelty, Artspace, Sydney, Australia
1995    St Martin's School of Art, London, England, Camberwell School of
Art, London, England (both with Nick Couldry)


1999    Visitors Programme, Otago School of Art, Dunedin, New Zealand
1996-7  Visiting Research Artist, Department of Drama & Faculty of Art and
Design, University of Newcastle,  Australia
1996    International Artist-in-Residence, Artspace, Sydney, Australia

Professional Experience

1998-9   Tutorials, MA Fine Art, Goldsmiths College, London, England
1997            Assisted on 'Hermann Nitsch - Orgies Mysteries Theatre',
(The first Uk show), 30 Underwood St Gallery, London, England.
1993    Created (as The Institution of Rot) and hosted, spatial and
psychological 'situations' for Austrian machine artist Just Merit as part
of  'Radical Disruption of a Gyroscopic Device with Heterodyne Mutations',
Meltdown, South Bank Centre, London, England (curated by Rob La Frenais)
1985-9  Member, London Filmmakers Co-op, London, England - experience in
Administration and Cinema, exposure to international experimental and avant
garde film, video, and performance

Selected Bibliography

1999    'Of Milk and Atmospheres', Edward Scheer, Log Illustrated, #8,
Christchurch, New       Zealand,        article (scheduled)
1999    Institutions, Deviations, Text: Edward Scheer, Photography: Heidrun
Löhr,  Artspace Publications, Sydney, Australia, catalogue (scheduled)
1999    'Exhibitions: Dunedin - Richard Crow, Emma Kitson, Matt de Gennaro
& Alistair Galbraith', Susan Ballard, Art New Zealand # 92, Spring 1999,
Auckland, New Zealand, review
1999    'Unerwartet Kulinarische Gigaloge', Doris Krumpl, Der Standard, 8th
May, 1999, Vienna, Austria, review.
1999    'Dissolving Presence', Maartje den Breejen, Het Parool, 4th
February, 1999,  Amsterdam, Netherlands, review

1998    'Theatre of Putrefaction - Crow and the aesthetics of dereliction',
Edward Scheer, Everything 2:3, Summer 1998, London, England, article

1997    'Opening of the Mouth - Designing Space and Sound', Text: Paul
McGillick, Photography: Ashley De Prazer, Monument #18, May 1997, Sydney,
Australia, article
1997    'Machinations of the Mouth', Peter McCallum, Sydney Morning
Herald,11th March,1997, Sydney, Australia, review
1997    'Decay, rot, putrefaction, garbage, detritus and filth', Edward
Scheer, Real Time #17, Feb/March 1997, Sydney, Australia,article
1997    Life/Live - Anthology of Artist Run Spaces (curated by Laurence
Bossé and Hans-Ulrich Obrist), Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon, Portugal,
1996    'Sydney sidelines', (Theurgy/100 Years of Cruelty), Rob Garrett,
Monica, Jan 1997, Auckland, New Zealand, review
1997    'The Shamanism of Intent' (pg269) Iain Sinclair, Lights out for the
Territory - 9 Excursions in the Secret History of London, Jan 1997, Granta
Books, London, England

1996    Life/Live - Anthology of Artist Run Spaces (curated by Laurence
Bossé and Hans-Ulrich Obrist), Musée d'Art Modern de la Ville de Paris,
France, catalogue
1996    Performance Research, Volume 1, No. 3, Autumn 1996, (pgs 70-71
éclat sites 1-10 / Caroline Bergvall) Routledge, London,England

1996    'I think therefore I am ...I think', (100 Years of Cruelty) Angela
Bennie, Sydney Morning Herald, 11th Sept, 1996, Sydney, Australia, article

1996    'Weird Art Happenings - In a house near you soon',  Judith Palmer,
Dazed & Confused # 24, Sept 1996, London, England, article

1995    'Royal Sweat Bath',  Andreas Beyer, Informationen,17 June,1995,
Copenhagen, Denmark, review
1995    Uber Leben Spielen - Obdachlosentheater Ratten 07, Photography: Ute
Mahler, Berlin, Germany, March 1995, limited edition book

1994    'Obdachlosentheater Ratten 07', Photography: Ute Mahler, Text:
Lukas Lessing, Sibyille #12, Jan/Feb 1994, Berlin, Germany
1994    'Crow: London Lives', Photography: Barry J Holmes, Text: Linton
Chiswick, Time Out, July 13 - 20 1994,London, England, profile

1993    'Black Iris - Nigredo', Emmanuel Cooper, Time Out, Nov 24 - Dec 1
1993, London, England, review
1993    'Die Absurditat der Welt - Ratten spielen Beckett', Sabine Henkel,
Die Welt, 7 Sept 1993, Berlin,                                  Germany,
1993    'London's Secret Spaces - The Institution of Rot', Chris Blackford,
Variant #15, pg 45, Autumn 1993, Glasgow, Scotland, review
1993    'The Institution of Rot', Josephine Leask, Hybrid #5, Oct/Nov 1993,
London, England, review

Richard Crow
The Institution of Rot
109 Corbyn Street
London N4 3BX

tel/fax   + 44 (0)171 281 8141
<<  project room  >>

@Arbutus Street Studios
top floor
1a Arbutus Street
London E8

tel/fax  + 44 (0)171 249  7875

* Strictly by appointment only *

<< executor >>

<< kantine >>

<< speaking the shade >>

<< grenzgänger >>  (reincarnated)

<< diastolic murmurs >>

<< music for blind limbs >>

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