Jože Tisnikar

Jože Tisnikar was born in 1928 at Mislinja. He started to paint when working in a hospital (in a mortuary). His painting soon outgrew the frames of Slovenj Gradec, and today, Jože Tisnikar is an internationally established painter. The collection comprises drawings and paintings from all periods of the artist’s creativity.

 Mother with Child, oil 
and tempera on hardboard, 1968
Those who Stay, oil and tempera on canvas stretched over plywood, 1971


   Two Crickets,  oil and tempera 
on canvas stretched over plywood, 1974 

After the Cataclysm I, oil and 
tempera on canvas stretched over plywood, 1975


 In the Prosection, oil and tempera on canvas, 1985 

In the Painter’s Studio,
  oil and  tempera on canvas, 1989


 A Rat, wash drawing, 1962

The Wedding II,  wash drawing,1970
Catastrophe, chalk drawing, 1971


Katarina HERGOLD: Tisnikar's Paintings – A Challenge to Reflect on the Relationship with Life and Death
Milena ZLATAR: Jože Tisnikar
Nadja ZGONIK: Birth, Love and Death


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