prints & drawings

The graphic collection comprises more then  528 works of art by 20th century Slovenian and foreign artists.
For a complete list click here.
Vladimir Makuc (1925): Woman with Firewood, colour etching, 1960 
 Victor Vasarely (1908): Lapidary II, 
 silk-screen, 1965 


Murai Macanari (1905): 
Runner, lithography, 1963 


 Arnaldo Pomodoro: 
 Composition, mixed media, 1965 


Toon Wegener (1926): Raft near Risttsaari, colour woodcut, 1964 


Antonio Frasconi (1919): Thaw, colour woodcut, 1966 


Ueno Makoto (1909): Hope, 
woodcut, 1964 


Artur Luiz Piza (1928): Blue Star, mixed media, 1965 


Johnny Friedlaender (1912): May, 
aquatint, 1966 


 Johnny Friedlaender (1912): Storm, 
 aquatint, 1966 

   Andrej Jemec (1934): 1966, etching and aquarelle, 1966 


 Joseph Tichy (1922): Bush, 
 etching, 1987 

Bogdan Borčić (1926): Shell, etching, 1972 


  Ossip Zadkine (1890 - 1967): 
 Untitled, colour lithography, undated 


Tadeusz Lapinski (1928): 
Planet, colour lithography, 1972


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