
les, fotografije
Galerija likovnih umetnosti Slovenj Gradec, november 1997

V začetku osemdesetih je bila narejena aleja 88 lipovih dreves na relaciji Radlje - Župank v spomin voditelju SFRJ Josipu Brozu Titu. Danes jih je ohranjenih 78.
Izpraznjena mesta v prostoru so konstitutivni elementi nove aleje, ki nastaja iz zevajočih praznin.

1. tekst
2. načrt razporeditve
3. fotografije

wood, photographs
Art Gallery Slovenj Gradec, November 1997

In the beginning of the eighties 88 linden trees were planted along the road between Radlje and Župank in memory of the late Yugoslav president Josip Broz Tito. Today, 78 of those trees still survive. The vacated places are the constituent elements of a new avenue which materializes from gaping craters.

1. text
2. plan of the distribution
3. photographs