NAME: OpenMindInfotainment, Harsewinkel,
Germany, EARTH.
WORK: Documentation by video & photo



OpenMind creates and distributes controversial, yet helpful media, information and art in an entertaining style to contribute to the survival of humanity in an endangered world.

OpenMind provides Infotainment in order to address both: the intellectual as well as the emotional side of the human mind. Objectivity is seen just as a powerful concept, but not as the final truth, which can never be finally discovered nor described. Each human being is seen as a universe of its own, religious persuasions aren´t put into question nor disregarded.

Since our perceptions lead to our behavior and actions, OpenMind contributes to the idea of peace through mutual respect and cooperation, multicultural coexistence and respectful treatment of nature … concepts which can and should be applied in personal live but as well by nations.


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