WORK: Civil Initiative for developing of Koroška region
(Civilna iniciativa za razvoj Koroške)



Civilna iniciativa za razvoj Koroške engages themselves together with the CI Šaleške doline, CI Prevalje and the CI Braslovče to purpose a public reaction on the plan to build the new highway through ecological vulnerable territory.
Fact is, on which majority agree, that Koroška and also other regions in Slovenia need useful infrastructures to incentive underdeveloped regions, that are actually cut off from the main traffic connections.
But deaf to all analysis and inquires done on the issue by different experts, state chose the most suitable project.

The question is: “Most suitable for whom and for what kind of future? Do we, the citizen want this future? Did anybody ask us?”

The purpose of the event this four civil initiatives organizes on the necessary discourse on hysteria is to question and discuss this.
Because we think that such big project needs to be fundamentally discussed. Decisions on such important issues can’t be taken, without considering permanent development or preserving the environment, nor considering the expert opinion and part of the civil society?
We purpose a confrontation of the different opinions by experts and we thought, that the cultural and socially engaged event “Necessary discourse on Hysteria” is the right place for doing this ...

