Necessary Discourse:hysteria (ND:hysteria)

As you already know but we repeat to emphasize:
ND:hysteria  is an art exhibition.
ND:hysteria points out on the identified predicament “hysteria”.
ND:hysteria brings two generations of artists together.
ND:hysteria combines points of view of artists and scientists from other fields.
ND:hysteria gives the contemporary art museum an active role in the society.
ND:hysteria is an ongoing process, therefore we are looking forward to collect your feedback and impulses, that we think are essential to create a relevant discourse and to legitimate its necessity.


We’re pleased to announce the accomplishing of the 2nd phase of the process: choosing, testing, evaluating and rediscovering art works.
Our next aims are:


To be published in the Večer newspaper on a weekly basis starting in October 2008 and in the book that will escort the exhibition. So far following essayist & scientists & critics have agreed to take part:

So far following scientist have agreed to give lectures. They’ll be presented on a stage built by Jaša in the big hall.




We would like to invite you to give us consequently your thoughts on themes concerning hysteria and the necessary discourse. Any kind of ideas are not only welcome but wanted and needed!!

Jernej Kožar & Rado Poggi



Referring to the general accepted concept of mental diseases, persons are defined as a sane equilibrium of four parts of personality traits: depressive, compulsive, schizophrenic and hysteric. The neurotic suffers from disequilibria regarding these four parts. Persons with a dominant hysteric trail have the insatiable need to be in centre of attention. They are easily to become enthusiastic, but even faster to get disappointed, they tend to close their eyes regarding the reality.

“Occidental World seems to suffer from Hysteria – a pathology which allows effective influence on opinion building and degenerates in consequence the consciousness of the single individual and the whole culture they/ we live in. Let us find the way to reactivate our consciousness.”