| exhibition | 2006

Youth projects |






Project Cronos - is an art project. It included art students and youngsters with different interests from whole Koroška region. The Project was supported by MOVIT NA MLADINA and it lasted from December 2005 till November 2006. In this time period two major events - exhibitions were organised.
The first artistic performance CRONOS - FINALITY was from 11.03. till 31.3. 2006 on the location of Andeski Hram near the Gallery. The second exhibition CRONOS - INFINITY was from 16.09. till 13.10. 2006 on the same location as the first.

These exhibitions were connecting more spheres of artistic expression and also theory. Important part of the project was social research about the relation of youngsters to art. Emphasis was also set on the process of creation.

At the beginning of the project there were 11 particiants, but with the time and also as the consequence of activities connected to the project, even more interested youngsters joined in the process of creation and materialisation of their ideas on the theme of time.
During the work there were also debates and discussions, with the aim to present the project to wider public and to develop ideas together.

The group working on this project was combined of students of arts, mostly visual arts, youngsters interested in art and students of humanities.

The art students had to create a work on both themes and present their idea in painting, design, music, film or photography. Students of humanities were following the work process and were in charge to collect the information and to discuss the concept of particular work wit the one who made it. As a result of this working process there were two exhibitions, a publication and a documentary video.

The whole organisational process was left over to the participants. During the mentioned period there were also some meetings and excursions visiting different centres of contemporary art.

Short trailer about the project
author: Karel Hudnik


PR kronos

Special edition of the gallery's newspaper PR - KRONOS, October 2006



Izvedba tega projekta je financirana s strani Evropske komisije. Vsebina publikacije (komunikacije) je izključno odgovornost avtorja in v nobenem primeru ne predstavlja stališč Evropske komisije. Prav tako ne odraža stališč Nacionalne agencije.

Zloženka je bila izdana s podporo JSKD v sodelovanju s KD Odsevanja




last update: 06-Apr-2007 15:52


borut, since 2006