| exhibition | 2011

Jarg Geismar - Unpredictable |  




Jarg Geismar - Unpredictable

25.3.2011 - 17.4.2011

Opening on Friday 25th of March at 6 pm

Koro¹ka galerija likovnih umetnosti


Jarg Geismar, cellophan filmJarg Geismar, "nothing fits everything goes", film with cellophane drawings, clothe line, 2007, Jiri Svestka Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic, Foto: Martin Polak

Jarg Geismar was born in Sweden in 1958, where he lived until the age of 6 in Burgsvik, on the Baltic island of Gotland. In the years 1980 to 1986 he studied at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf. Although Beuys was no longer teaching there, his influence was still present. For his artistic development it is of importace that he came in contact with "fluxus" again in New York, where he studied at the New School for Social Research. Jarg Geismar lives and works in Düsseldorf, where he returned after living several years in Japan. The land of the rising sun had in many ways marked his artistic creativity.

Jarg Geismar's field of interest in the past decade can be roughly divided into three parts - nutrition (art and food), movement (walking, a subway, a car) and drawing on to the cellophane, these concepts we can see developing in the exhibitions "everybody alone" 2008 ITCA Triennale Prague/Czech Republic, "with love from..." 2008 Gallery HAM, Nagoya/Japan and "nothing fits, everything goes" 2007 Jiri Svestka Gallery, Prague/Czech Republic.

Jarg Geismar is not a traditional painter, sculptor or video artist. Although the bulk of his work are the drawings, but they are not on the paper, as one would expect. He draws on the cellophane with a dermatographs and glass colour. Cellophane is a thin, transparent material made of regenerated cellulose. Its low permeability to air, oils, greases, and bacteria makes it useful for food packaging. Cellophane is 100% biodegradable.

The most disturbing fact of Geismar's work is his ease with which he moves across contemporary art landscape and his indifference with which he counts his steps and takes from the reservoir of images and other relics. Even when the camera is stuck in one frame for too long, the audience won't get bored, because the moment is filled with a cacophony of noises and movements.

At Koro¹ka galerija likovnih umetnosti Slovenj Gradec Jarg Geismar will present site specific installation titled "Unpredictable". "Unpredictable" is made of drawings on cellophane and video projections.

Catalogue of the exhibition with contribution of many renowned authors is available.

Take a look at the pdfs:
Jarg Geismar KGLU Jarg Geismar KGLU





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last update; March 30, 2011 10:04 PM