Rodoslovje - prva stran nazaj 
rodoslovno društvo 

Pokopališča  -  grobovi  - osmrtnice

Iskalnik grobov - Žale (Ljubljana)

MIROGOJ - Gradska groblja ZAGREB
(tražilica pokojnika)

Graftombe (NL)
Graftombe's goal is to make as many cemeteries and graveyards in the North of the Netherlands digitally available to genealogists and others interested as possible.


 O projektu    -    Povezave 

Cemetery Junction home page banner cemeteries

Obituary Links Page...part of

The Cleveland Necrology File was produced from a microfilmed copy of an alphabetical card file containing local cemetery records and newspaper death notices gathered by the staff of the Cleveland Public Library.

The database includes paid death notices published in the following newspapers:

  • The Cleveland Plain Dealer - 1850-1975
  • The Cleveland Herald - 1833, 1847-1848, 1876, 1878-1879
  • The Cleveland Press - 1941-1975

Na vrh gor