Teritoriji, identitete, mreže Slovenska umetnost 1995-2005
Teritories, Identities, Nets, Slovene Art 1995-2005

Rene Rusjan
CITALNICA Sobe s spominom / Rooms with Memory

Iz instrukcij za obiskovalce citalnice   From the instruction list
for the Reading Room visitors

Citalniška miza

Citalniška miza je komunikacijska tocka. Na njej najdete mape s pisnimi odgovori na vabilo k sodelovanju, knjige in drug pisni material ter škatlo z mapami s citalnice U3. Vabim vas, da dodate svoje komentarje. Ti bodo postali del citalniške baze, na katero bodo reagirali drugi obiskovalci.

Soba z mešanim spominom

Ta soba se polni z razlicnimi stvarmi. S fotografijami in objekti, sproti se bo v njej našlo še kaj. Teksti s prejšnje razstave MG (retrospektive Petra Weibla, ki je bil leta 1997 kurator U3) tvorijo stenske tapete, tam je tudi televizija. Na televiziji bi lahko bilo karkoli: novice, pogovorne oddaje, glasbeni programi, filmi, reklame. Toda tu je tv ekran pravzaprav povezan le z vhs predvajalnikom. Na njem se vsak dan vrti košcek spomina iz kovcka (gl. Soba s spominom na davno in nedavno): dokumentarni film Maje Weiss, Cesta bratstva in enotnosti. Spomini na nedavno preteklost. Ce med brskanjem po citalnici najdete vhs material, ki si ga želite ogledati, seveda lahko to naredite tukaj. Prosim, ce kaseto nato vrnete na svoje mesto.

Soba z digitalnim spominom

V tej sobi si na racunalniku lahko ogledate digitalne prispevke k citalnici. Racunalnik nima internetne povezave, gledate lahko le pripravljen material. Ker med pripravo ni bilo interaktivnih prispevkov, postavitev ne predvideva aktivnega dela z miško in tipkovnico. Uporabljajte ga za pasivni ogled: kliknite na želeno ikono, se udobno namestite in glejte.

Soba z ogledali in
spominom na davno in nedavno

Soba z ogledali vsebuje spomin na moj projekt iz leta 1996, Luknje v prostoru, Luknje v casu in s tem, skozi Luknje v casu, spomin na davno. Projekt ima tu svojo sobo zato, ker je bil zame eden kljucnih v dolocenem obdobju in zato, ker je bil izbran v selekcijo razstave Slovenska umetnost 1995-2005, vendar je zaradi svoje narave neponovljiv. V sobi je le nekaj fragmentov, ki imajo zvezo s samim dogodkom, prepoznali jih bodo le nekateri. V kotu s pismom se lahko prepustite domišljiji in spominom ob poslušanju pisem, ki so v zacetku prejšnjega stoletja potovala med Aleksandrijo in Biljami na Goriškem. Spomine na nedavno predstavlja kovcek s Citalnice U3 (1997) in nekaterih drugih citalnic. V njem so ostali tisti spomini, ki so vezani na vojno na tleh bivše Jugoslavije. Ta je v casu Citalnice U3, leta 1997, še trajala. Brskajte po kovcku in prebirajte, vendar prosim, za sabo pospravite.

Soba z razgledom in
spominom na vceraj

V sobi z razgledom si lahko spocijete ob pogledu na del razstave v veliki dvorani. Vsak dan vam je na voljo dnevni casopis, kjer najdete porocila o dogodkih prejšnjega dne. Ce želite katero od novic v našem spominu zadržati za dalj casa, jo nalepite na steno. Kasneje bom vaš izbor novic uvrstila v mapo s spominom na julij-september 2005.


A Reading Room Desk

The reading/writing desk is actually a communication spot. There you can find files with the written part of the answers from different people, mostly those who I invited to collaborate, but also from visitors.Beside, you can find some books, catalogues and small objects and a box with some archive files from the U3 Reading Room. You are invited to join and write your commentaries. Your writing will become a part of the reading room base.

A Room with Miscellaneous Memory

This room is filling up with different stuff. Texts from the previous MG exhibition (Peter Weibel retrospective - in 1987 he was curating the U3 Triennial) make the wallpaper, there are photos and objects, contributions from invited artists and probably there will be more things in a while. On the TV, there could be anything - music, films, the last news from Iraq... However, there is only one program, there: a piece of a memory from the suitcase (see the Room with Memory of recent times). A documentary film The Road of Fraternity and Unity made by Slovenian director Maja Weiss and her sister Ida - a road movie through the ex Yugoslavia after the war in Bosnia and before continuing in Kosovo. Memories of the recent past.

A Room with Digital Memory

Here, you can watch digital contributions to the reading room. The computer has no internet access, you can watch only the prepared materials. As there were no interactive contributions, the setting doesn't allow you to work actively with the mouse or the keyboard. Use it for passive watching: click on the chosen icon, lean back and watch.

A Room with Mirrors and
Memory of Times Recent and Long Past

The room with the mirrors contains memory of my 1996 project Holes in Space, Holes in Time and through it a memory of times long past. The event itself is not repeatable or reconstructable. There are only a few fragments in the room that are in connection with it; they will be recognized only by few people. But you are invited to loosen yourself by listening to the letters that were, in the beginning of 20th century, traveling between Alexandria and Gorica, between my future grandmother and grandfather. They are in Slovene, but you can enjoy anyway.The left side of the room contains memory of times recent or not so long past. It is represented by a suitcase - a remain from the U3 reading room together with those memories which remind us of the war on the grounds of former Yugoslavia. In the times of U3 Reading Room, in 1997, the war was still going on.Browse the suitcase, but, please, put everything back in order.

A Room with a View and
Memory of Yesterday

During the visit of the exhibition you may want to have some rest. Have it here, in the room with a view of the part of the exhibition in the big hall. Every day, you can find a daily newspaper with news about events of the previous day. If there are some news which you want to keep in our memory for longer time, stick them to the wall. Your choice of the news will be later included to the file with memory of July-September 2005.

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