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Pri izpeljavi projekta nam pomaga Klub študentov Ilirska Bistrica Član Kluba študentov Ilrska Bistrica imajo prost vstop, vendar je število kart omejeno! |
MKN Ilirska Bistrica, sobota, 09.03.2002 ob 22h: the apes emerged from the wet, heavy jungle of washington, d.c. in 1999 to command all rock subculture by uniting great warlords, absorbing rogue factions, and educating red-handed guerrilla bands with a passionately wayward rock signal. the mission of the apes was envisioned through mind-bending spiritual excursions and a lifelong devotion to pirate transmissions from the greater kingdoms whose music and crafts left indelible marks on the fertile landscape of youth subculture in the overcrowded wasteland of suburban maryland and 'the establishment' occupied zones of the u.s. nations capital. propelled by erick jackson's burning fur-lined bass growls, amanda kleinman's horny celestial banshee organ, and jeff schmid's iron chest of cocaine drums, throat chieftain paul weil channels the kaleidoscopic eye and children's black tears into the hearts of all who will behold. the overdriven rock assault pounds as tales of conquest, social alienation and a perverse spiritual kinship with the organic universe become trance inducing incantations; weakening great armies of spectators and penetrating the overcrowded brains of headphone astronauts; ultimately establishing a shared enthusiasm for the new aesthetic treasures of ape magic and sound fury. as the green fog of overwhelmed minds chokes the room the band will slow the pace to a psychedelic eye of the hurricane dirge enabling them to grasp the hands and hearts of listeners, bind them together, and create the apes magnificent circle of exchange and annexation - a simple harmonious ritual that finally absorbs each community into the apes new frontier. when the sun rises over these new colonies the bewitched pilgrims are still awake shaking in their night shoes and joyously drawing rainbows, guitars, and teary eyes on each other as the apes venture forward into the darkness of the drift. |