Mladinski center Sokolski dom Ilirska Bistrica

i l b i s . c o m



19. Jan. 2002 Ilirska Bistrica student club: Big Bibls Brothers Band
26. Jan. 2002 Reggae Party (DJ Uhuru, DJ Sister Daisy)
01. Feb. 2002 Drum'n'bass & break beat (DJ Dado, DJ Borka)
09. Feb. 2002 Disco party: DJ Crni and Kapetan plavih ociju
16. Feb 2002 Zev Asher / Roughage (CAN)
22. Feb. 2002 Guapo (UK)
23. Feb. 2002 Lo-lite (NL) (link) + Franco Formica (NL)
02. Mar. 2002 Broken Lock and (Crnomelj)
08. Mar. 2002 Children of fall (Sweden) (link) + Entreat (Ajdovscina/Nova Gorica) (the concert was unfortunately canceled)
09. Mar. 2002 Les Savy Fav + The Mars Volta + The Apes (all USA)
15. Mar. 2002 Babylon Circus (France)
29. Mar. 2002 Bratko Bibic & The Madleys
21. Apr. 2002 90 day men (USA)
25. Apr. 2002 Bottom (USA) + CanItrashcan?! (Austria)
27. Apr. 2002 Sean Na Na (USA) + Rollerball (USA)
02. May 2002 Foreclosure (Netherlands) + Kill The Routine (Vrhnika)
11. May 2002 Dead & Gone (USA) + Strychnine (USA)
17. May 2002 Melted Men (USA) + Bobby Conn (USA)
24. maj 2002 Zu (Italy)
08. Jul. 2002 The Slackers (USA)
21. Sep. 2002 Nina Nastasia (USA)
27. Sep. 2002 Ilirska Bistrica student club party - Supernova (Milano, I)
28. Sep. 2002 S.Spier + Liana Flu Winks + Coolhaven (all Holland)
04. Oct. 2002 Student radio club marathon: Cancel, Valterap
05. Oct. 2002 Ex Creta + Phalanx (USA)
12. Oct. 2002 Phantom Limbs (USA)
18. Oct. 2002 Hirameka Hi-fi (GB) + X-Sandra (Ilirska Bistrica)
19. Oct. 2002 Fuzigish (Republic of South Africa)
27. Oct. 2002 The Pietasters (USA)
01. Nov. 2002 Student radio club marathon: Tenacious Zhgantsi, Gdo?
02. Nov. 2002 Paprika Korps (reggae dub, Poland) + Radikal Dub Kolektiv (Zagreb)
09. Nov. 2002 Regatta 69 (USA) + Slaying The Dandies (USA)
16. Nov. 2002 Q And Not U (USA)
21. Nov. 2002 Dumbell (Germany)
28. Nov. 2002 El Guapo (USA)
29. Nov. 2002 Monkey Buzzness (Italy)
06. Dec. 2002 Gesundheit (USA)
27. Dec. 2002 FPO (Forever Postively Obsessed, Macedonia) + Sodn Dan (Železniki)
28. Dec. 2002 The wonderful world of music: DJ Crni and Kapetan plavih očiju

1999 2000 2001 2003 2004