Creative API
This is the place where all the syntaxes and information about Creative API can be get.
Table of content
Syntax for adding normal blocks
Working example
Syntax for adding blocks with subtypes
CAPI.addSubtypeBlock(blocknamehere, damageValue);
Working example
CAPI.addSubtypeBlock(Block.cloth, 14);
Syntax for adding items with subtypes
CAPI.addSubtypeItem(item, damageValue);
Working example
CAPI.addSubtypeItem(Item.dyePowder, 14);
Full mod-test file that you can use as a template
package net.minecraft.src; public class mod_test extends BaseMod { public String getVersion() { return "CAPI r6 test"; } public void load() { CAPI.addBlock(Block.silverfish); CAPI.addBlock(Block.mobSpawner); CAPI.addBlock(lolblock1); CAPI.addSubtypeItem(lolitem, 1); CAPI.addSubtypeItem(lolitem, 2); ModLoader.RegisterBlock(lolblock1); ModLoader.AddName(lolblock1, "Lol Block"); ModLoader.AddName(lolitem, "Lol Item"); } public static final Block lolblock1 = (new BlockDirt(135, 1).setBlockName("lolblock").setHardness(0F).setLightValue(1F)); public static final Item lolitem = (new SubItem(200).setItemName("lolitem")); }
Your mod users don't want to use CAPI?
Put all the CAPI calls in like this.
public void load() { ModLoader.RegisterBlock(lolblock1); ModLoader.AddName(lolblock1, "Lol Block"); ModLoader.AddName(lolitem, "Lol Item"); try { CAPI.addBlock(Block.silverfish); CAPI.addBlock(Block.mobSpawner); CAPI.addBlock(lolblock1); CAPI.addSubtypeItem(lolitem, 1); CAPI.addSubtypeItem(lolitem, 2); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { ModLoader.getLogger().fine((new StringBuilder("CAPI not found! Not adding items to creative gui.")).toString()); } }
Getting errors?
If your error looks like this
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Remove item with damage value 0 from CAPI call at net.minecraft.src.CAPI.addSubtypeItem( at net.minecraft.src.mod_test.load( at net.minecraft.src.ModLoader.init( at net.minecraft.src.ModLoader.AddAllRenderers( at net.minecraft.src.RenderManager.( at net.minecraft.src.RenderManager. ( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.startGame( at at Source)
just remove your CAPI call that includes damage value of 0
CAPI.addSubtypeItem(item, 0);
CAUTION: this is just for items not blocks
If error doesnt look like the one described above contact me on minecraft forums (my profile on minecraft forums) and I'll see what I can do about it.
Getting duplicated blocks?
Insert this syntax next to your CAPI calls.
CAPI.devider = true;