Spring Day In Europe
- Introduction
Spring Day in Europe was a very important and symbolic event
for all young Europeans. On 21st March 5500 schools from all
over Europe participated in various activities to mark the
first day of a special Spring, the Spring Day of Europe. Countries
from other continents took part in the current of events as
well. In Slovenia there were more than 100 schools included
in the project. Since it is the young people of today who
will be the future leaders of Europe, the aim of the project
was to give them an opportunity to talk outwardly about events
that are going on in Europe and about its future. Young people
have the right to express their opinions and viewpoints and
they have to be well informed. They should have the opportunity
to discuss openly about European affairs and other important
issues that will certainly have a great impact on their future
In the future, the European educational system would like
to achieve a wider range of collaboration among pupils, students
and teachers within the European community. Since person to
person contacts are often limited or even impossible due to
great distances, it is comforting to know that through schoolnetworking,
links between schools in Europe and abroad can be made. International
collaboration and participation through educational programmes
such as Socrates' Comenius, Leonardo, Minerva, Lingva, as
well as websites myEurope, ENIS, Virtual School, e-Schola,
Comenius Space, Spring Day and others, enable people, young
and old, to step out into the world beyond their borders giving
them a wide range of options, which in the long run leads
to a more fulfilling and successful life.
Project coordinator:
Magdalena Bobek