One of the main aims of such a project is to expand collaboration within the European space, to enable pupils to communicate with their contemporaries from other countries, to motivate them to research and exchange ideas and information. That is why the majority of activities that were undertaken on Spring Day at Osnovna šola Pivka were in connection with other schools across Europe.

25 pupils from the 7th and 8th classes made new friends in Norway and Italy through the video conference and two chat lines that were organized. During the one-and-a-half-hour discussion the pupils exchanged views about the EU and talked about and compared school and teenage life in each country. Some questions were prepared to help bridge the conversation:

- What do you think about Europe?
- Are you in favour of a common European language?
- What do you think about cultural diversity?
- Tell us more about your country: - What's your national sport?
- What is the typical food of your country?
- What music do young people in your country listen to?
- Who is the most popular person in you country? Why?
- Do you wear school uniforms?
- Have you ever been to Slovenia? If yes, where?

Everyone in the computer room sang the Slovene hymn to the Norwegian pupils who in turn sang theirs to us. To get to know each other better our pupils had their photos put on the website for their friends in the corresponding schools to see. This was, of course, done with the parents' consent. The pupils in all three schools have decided to keep in touch with each other at least once a month.