aim of this activity was to get to know
as many new friends as possible from other
European countries and for them to get
to know where Slovenia is.
aged 9-11 made rag dolls, paper dolls
and cardboard dolls. Each class chose
the best one and the teachers together
with the pupils prepared it for its long
journey across Europe.
Each class was given the address of a
school somewhere in Europe. The dolls
were given a back-pack containing some
information about our school, picture
postcards about our country Slovenia and
a letter from the class sending the doll.
The dolls will visit schools in Sweden,
Cyprus, Turkey, Romania and then continue
on their journey until they come back
home hopefully in a year's time.
Erika Jug and her class of children sent
their doll to Sweden where it was displayed
for the public. It is continuing its journey
in Finland.