The main activity in the first year of Comenius
was the Culture Box. Each school prepared a culture box containing twenty
items depicting the present-day tradition and culture of each country.
The boxes were then sent to all five participating schools in an orderly
fashion. In the schools each box was opened, displayed to the public
for a few days and then sent on to the next school. This continued until
each school received its box back home.At
Primary School Pivka we had a culture day dedicated to our Culture Box.
Parents as well as the mayor and other representatives from our commune
were invited. The pupils worked in workshops which included the making
of traditional items such as painted beehive board-ends, paper flowers
used at 'Vestiringa'(a traditional procession for young men when they
join the military), stonecutting, basket-weaving, embroidering, carpentry,
folk song and dance, painting on glass and wooden utensils, pottery,
baking Slovene traditional specialities. The workshops were followed
by a cultural programme and a display of the pupils' works open to the