Our school is one of
the Slovenian schools involved in the national project called Computer literacy (RO)
organised by Ministry of Education and is one of the best equipped schools with ICT in our
region. We started using small computers as Spectrum almost 20 years ago and had lessons
of Basic with groups of students which we can find as the beginning of informatisation of
the school. Year 1992 was a turning-point for us as we joined the Petra project -
the so called Computer literacy project in Sloevnia for grades 5. In 1994 we were chosen
as a central school for using computers at geography lessons in Slovenia. After two years
we became also a regional teacher training centre for computer literacy. Today we have two
well equipped computer rooms with the internet access - one for geography and one for
general use, a specially equipped English classroom with all the necessary equipment for
using CD-ROMs and internet in teaching English and one computer in Slovene, chemistry,
music classrooms. There are more than 70
computers with internet access in our school and most of the teachers use them when
teaching or preparing for the lessons.
Six years ago we started building our
own web site which mostly mirrors our everyday life and achievements. |