Če nekomu pomagaš,
ga tolažiš,
mu vlivaš kanček upanja,
bo spoznal,
da mu daješ možnost,
da s svetom se spozna.
Tudi ti boš zasijal
kot sonce,
oba se bosta lepo počutila,
kasneje še koga spremenila
ter si zapomnila
še en srečen obraz,
ki ga ni premagal poraz.
Pomisli in sodeluj,
pomoč ponudi!
Ni težko, le verjemi!
Tanja |
If you help
soothe him,
and cherish his hope,
he will know
you give him a chance
to get to know the world.
You’ll shine
as the sun,
you both will feel well,
you’ll be changed somehow
and you’ll always remember
a happy,
non defeated face.
Think about and
give a hand,
it’s not difficult at all, I say.