IV. O svobodi in neskončnosti
crta.gif (65 bytes)

 slo_zastava.gif (892 bytes)         S V O B O D N A

Odleteti pod širno nebo!
Biti svobodna! Kaj je to?
Nič več pouka, učiteljev,
Knjig dolgočasnih!
Samo modro in širno nebo.
Nič več ljudi hinavskih,
Nič več goljufov, tatov, lenuhov!
Samo mir, tišina in svoboda,
V katero odletim kot ptica,
prečudovita, bela golobica!

Tanja Valič, 8.a

Svoboda - čebela na cvetu (foto Šavli)

uk.gif (7420 bytes)        F R E E D O M

Fly up to the sky.
Be free.
No more teachers, school
Boring books.
Only wide blue sky.
No more hypocrites
Only peace, silence, freedom.
I fly into the sky like a bird
Like a marvelous white dove.


(slika iz spletne strani o vesolju)


slo_zastava.gif (892 bytes)       O T R O C I   V E S O L J A

Ste se kdaj vprašali,
kdo nad nami bedi,
da se nam kaj ne zgodi?

In ste se kdaj vprašali,
zakaj so zvezde in planeti
in drugo, kar na nebu sveti?

Menda niste mislili,
da so tam samo zato,
da man je toplo in svetlo!

Ne, nikakor!
Na nebu je vse to zato,
da je na Zemlji vse lepo in prav.

Ste kdaj pomislili,
kdo tam gori živi,
da prižiga zvezdne luči?

Niste? Pomislite!

Na vsaki zvezdi, planetu,
meteorju in kometu
živi otrok. Zvezdni otrok.

Za vsakega zemeljskega otroka
tam zgoraj živi en zvezdni otrok.
In z njim živi,živi.

A ti otroci so zelo igrivi,
zato se po nebesnem svodu podijo.
Le čez dan tudi malce zaspijo.

Včasih se spotaknejo,
Kmalu se naprej igrajo.
A včasih tako hitro tečejo,

Da se ob nebesni zarji spečejo.
In čez rob zdrsnejo
Rob zvezde, planeta,
Meteorja ali kometa.

Vesoljski otrok pada v vesolje,
Njegova svetloba ugaša,
le žalostni krik se oglaša.
To se zgodi,
Ko utrinek nebo preleti.
Zvezdni otrok se zgubi,
Na Zemlji otrok se rodi.

Tanja Srednik, 8.a

uk.gif (7420 bytes)CHILDREN OF THE UNIVERSE

Have you ever asked yourselves
Who looks after us
And keeps bad accidents away?

And have you ever asked yourselves
Why stars, planets, other things
Shine in the sky?

You think, maybe
Their only job is shining,
Giving us light and warmth?

No, no way!
They are there for many other reasons.
 They are there for the Earth to be OK.

 Have you ever fancied
Who lives up there
And turns on and off the lights of stars?

Haven’t you? Think!

On every star, on ever planet,
Meteor and comet
Lives a child. A star child.

For every child on the Earth
Up above lives a star child.
He lives, lives with him.

Children of stars are playful
And are tearing about the sky
Only by day they drop off for a while.

Sometimes they trip,
then they play again,
But sometimes they run so fast
That they are scorched by the dawn.
 And they slip down
Down the star, the planet,
The meteor or the comet.

The star child is falling into the universe
His brightness fades away
And sad screams are heard.
When a falling star
Flies over the sky.

When the star child is lost
A child on the Earth is born.


16. 06. 03
(c) Viljenka Šavli