ABOUT THE PROJECT                               

COMENIUS Multilateral School Partnerships Project:


The Internet has become a vital part of our lives. Students have grown knowing and using the Internet and its various uses. Sometimes they even know more about the virtual world than we do — adults. We have to ensure the safety of students online. Thus our project is intended to make  us all aware of the risks of the Internet and how to protect ourselves, especially our students. In addition, cyber bullying  among youth has turned into a frightening reality and a serious social and educational concern nationally and internationally, among all partner countries, therefore we will focus on different types,  examples of cyber bullying which appear online and include  real examples experienced by some of our students.
It is vital that children as well as adults become aware of the dangers lurking on the Internet and learn how to avoid them.

Furthermore, we would like to prevent students’ Internet addiction with  different "offline" activities such as sports activities, music performances, folklore, art and cookery workshops, debates, charity work etc.
However, our goal is not to stop children (or adults) from using the Internet but rather to instruct them how to use it in a safer and smart way since the online world is part of our lives and can help us all in a lot of different ways. 
We believe that all generations have to work together in order to solve the problems and reach these goals. That is why we will invite students’ parents, grandparents and representatives of local institutions as well as experts to our project activities too.  This will give youth the opportunity to share their knowledge with the older generation.
The concrete objectives are (with subjects and problems we intend to address):
- to raise awareness among all participants on the risks of the Internet - such as cyber bullying, Internet addiction, hacking, identity thefts, false identities, etc.;
- to compare different kinds of violence (eg cyber-, "traditional" physical-, non-verbal bullying), find out which is more spread and harmful;
- to define what cyber bullying is and its harmful effects (recognition of different types, examples of cyber bullying, such as hateful text messages, a bashing website, posting mean things about a person on Facebook or other social networks, anonymous threats ...) as well as recognising the signs of being (cyber) bullied;
- to  prevent all kinds of violence, especially cyber bullying among students with different activities and programmes addressing all participants  (students, parents, grandparents, teachers, counsellors,...) and help the victims of violence;
-  to find out the level of cyber bullying among students of each participating school;
- the comparison of the state of cyber bullying among partner schools and countries;
- to promote  and ensure safe use of the Internet  for all with different activities (researches on the Internet, Internet pages promoting safe use of Internet,  such as, information  campaigns,  students and teachers' worksheets on safe use of the Internet,  older students teaching younger ones how to use the Internet and mobile phones in a safe way, students teaching the elderly how to use modern technological devices, adults and elderly teaching students etiquette, make them aware of the dangers of the Internet, debates on the safer use of the Internet, lectures and workshops led by teachers and invited experts.
- To make an e-booklet titled " e-Behaviour Code" containing codes of behaviour on the Internet (rights, duties and guidelines for a safe use)  written by our students with the help of teachers and other experts.
In order to achieve these goals, different methods and approaches will be employed:
different kinds of communication devices (e.g. emails, video conferences, online Skype chats, project meetings, project website, blogs, mind mapping, phones and other Web 2.0 tools ) will be used to keep in touch with partners. In addition, we will  make and analyze surveys for students and adults, do researches, publish two online newsletters, exchange materials and make evaluations after each project meeting.
All the project activities, photos, videos and the diary of events are published in our blog, so please visit the blog.