Mickey's and Milli's Story
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Here's the key for exercise 3 on page 65 in your books:
They are speaking quietly.
He is running fast.
He is killing the dragon bravely.
He is writing a letter unhappily.
He is playing football tiredly.
She is picking up the weight easily.
1.a)Do you like zoos? There are a lot of animals in cages. How do they
feel? What do you think? Write some sentences in English
On-Line and read what the others have written. Then join our chat
room on Thursday - March 19 at 11.00 am and we're going to talk about
animals in cages.
b)-Listen to item 7 on the audio cassette and enjoy the text on page
66 in your books.
-Exercise 6 on page 67 in your books.
2. Do you know the words for all the animals in exercise 4 on page 79
in your workbooks? How about the plural forms in exercise 5?
1.b)Mickey needs some new football boots.
Millie needs a new dress.
Their mother hasn't got any money for them.
The zoo needs a new gorilla, but they haven't got any money.
Mickey is the new gorilla.
He is hungry, but he hasn't got any food.
The people give Mickey some food.
He swings on his rope.
He swings into the next cage.
There is a lion in the cage.
Mickey if afraid of the lion.
The lion is Millie.
4. a lion, a spider, a mouse, a fish, a bird, a tortoise, a rhinoceros,
an alligator, a squirrel, a fly, a fish, a hippopotamus, a dolphin
5. 3 mice, 2 men, 5 dogs, 3 letters, 4 children, 2 feet, 6 teeth, 2
women, 3 records, 2 cars
By Romana Ivačič |