  2. TEDEN



TEMA:    Živali smo
Učenci bodo
  • primerjali ljudi in živali
  • se o tem pogovarjali na konferenci
  • ponovili have/has got
  • razmišljali o vrstnem redu in položaju pridevnikov v angleški stavkih


Hi, Peter 

1. Your sentences about animals are good. But look at his one: 

>Snakes lives longer than a cat. 

What do you mean: "a snake lives longer than a cat" or "snakes live longer than a cat"? 

2. I've got a dog. Her ("he" or "she", "her" name or "his" name?) name's Rex and he's one years ("one year", "two years"!) old. Her (His?) hair is  braun (brown!). He (He has got = He's got!) got a beautiful long tail and cute small ears. He sleeps in her (his?) little house. He eats dog food and likes mit (meat?) very much. He can jump very high. 

Give my love to Rex. By the way: a small house for a dog is a kennel. 

And now your next assignment: 

1. Are we animals? How different are we from other animals? 

-Read the text on page 62 in your books. 
-You can find some words on page 94 in your workbooks. 
-Now listen to the cassette (items 1 and 2) and learn to pronounce the words. 
-Listen to the cassette again and point to the part of body you hear. (item 3) 
-Go to the news group alt.kids-talk and write a new article: say something about how different people are from animals and ask the others if they agree. If there is an article on this already, reply to it and write your opinion. Follow the discussion. 

I think that people use their brains better than other animals. On the other hand we kill for fun even when we are not hungry. Horrible, isn't it? 

2. People have got short noses and small mouths. 
"Short" and "small" are adjectives. Where does an adjective go? Right - in front of a noun (pred samostalnik postavimo pridevnik). 

-Try exercise 1 on page 77 in your workbooks. 
-Can you make sentences from the words in exercise 2, page 63, in your books. Write them, please, and send them to me. 

3. Have/has got (nekdo nekaj ima). "Have" - for which persons? I, you, we they! And "has"? He, she, it! 

-Spot the differences in exercise 4 on page 63 in your books. 

4. Do you like puzzles? There's one on page 63 - exercise 3 in your books. 

This is my way of solving it: 
So here are four cats. 
1.  2.  3.   4. 
Pussy hasn't  got long legs. 
not Pussy  can be Pussy  can be Pussy  can be Pussy 
Marmaduke  and Tom have  got short tails. 
not Pussy  can be Pussy  can be Pussy can be Pussy 
can be Tom  can be Tom   not Tom  not Tom 
can be Marmaduke  can be Marmaduke  not Marmaduke  not Marmaduke 
The cat with a  short body isn't  Tiddles.
not Pussy  can be Pussy  can be Pussy  can be Pussy 
can be Tom  can be Tom  not Tom not Tom
can be Marmaduke can be Marmaduke  not Marmaduke  not Marmaduke 
can be Tiddles can be Tiddles  not Tiddles  can be Tiddles 
Tom isn't  standing next  to Pussy.

Number 1 is Tom, Number 2 is Marmaduke, number 3 is Pussy and number 4 is Tiddles. 

Have a nice time, 

Romana Ivacic 


teeth - we've got them in our mouth (zobje) 
head - do you use it? (glava) 
mouth - where are your teeth? (usta) 
leg - we've got two of them and we walk and run with them (zgornji del noge) 
hands - we write and draw with them, hold things... (spodnji deli rok) 
hair - something at the top of your hair (lasje) 
eyes - you can see with them (oči) 

The dog has got a short tail. 
The bat has got sharp teeth. 
This cat has got long ears. 
I have got blue eyes. 
Mandy has got brown hair. 
Tony is wearing a dirty T-shirt. 
The giraffe is an African animal. 
I have got a (!) big orange. 
She has got an (!) expensive jumper. 
This is a new photo of my house. 
My brother has got a fast car. 

In picture 2 the dog has got a short tail. 
In picture 2 the dog has got long ears. 
In picture 1 the girl has got short hair. 
In picture 1 the girl hasn't got a pen. 
In picture 2 the girl hasn't got one eye. 
In picture 2 the cat has got a black leg. 
In picture 2 the boy hasn't got one hand. 
In picture 2 the boy has got black hair. 
In picture 1 the cat has got short legs. 
In picture 1 the cat has got a black nose. 

Učitelj naj sledi razgovorom v konferenci in aktivno v njih sodeluje.

By Romana Ivačič

Zadnjič popravljeno: 
24.julija 1998

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