A = Mica Pomočnica (zna slovensko) |
1 = Oblačenje ljudi po navodilih |
B = Zapis besed |
2 = Klik na sukancu, ki skriva pravilni
odgovor na krojačevo vprašanje |
C = Pesmica |
3 = Barvanje oblačil |
D = Pravilni odgovori |
4 = Obleci ljudi - tri oblačila (možnost
snemanja odgovora in primerjave z originalom) |
E = Zaustavitev |
5 = Nakrmi lačno žival z oblekami po njenih
željah |
F = Izhod |
G = Še en komplet
besed |
A = Help in native languages |
1 = Follow the instructions and dress people |
B = Written words |
2 = Click on the thread that hides the correct answer to the tailor's
question |
C = Song |
3 = Colour the clothes |
D = Key |
4 = Dress people - three clothes (pupil's answers can be recorded and
compared to the original) |
E = Stop |
5 = Feed the hungry animal with clothes according to its wish |
F = Exit |
G = Another set of words |
By Romana Ivačič |
Zadnjič popravljeno/
Last updated:
31-8-2000 |
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