A = Mica Pomočnica (zna slovensko) |
1 = Narek števil, na katerih kliknemo |
B = Zapis besed |
2 = Odpiranje blagajne s številko po nareku |
C = Pesmica |
3 = Kliknemo na psu, ki izvršuje ukaz |
D = Pravilni odgovori |
4 = Psu pripravimo obrok - določeno število kosti
(klik na posodi za serviranje) |
E = Zaustavitev |
5 = Reši se čarovnic s klikanjem števil po nareku (dva nivoja) |
F = Izhod |
6 = Poslušanje štirih telefonskih pogovorov po pravilnem
odtipkanju narekovane telefonske številke |
G = Uvod |
7 = Igra bingo (možnost snemanja izgovorjave številk in primerjave
z originalom) |
A = Help in native languages |
1 = Clicking on the dictated numbers |
B = Written words |
2 = Opening the safe with the dictated number |
C = Song |
3 = Click on the dog that follows the command |
D = Key |
4 = Prepare a meal for the dog - definite number of bones (click on
the dish for serving it) |
E = Stop |
5 = Get rid of witches by clicking the dictated numbers (two levels) |
F = Exit |
6 = Listening to four phone conversations after correct typing of the
dictated telephone number |
G = Introduction |
7 = Bingo game (pupil's pronunciation of the numbers can be recorded
and compared to the original) |