Brali smo o Krištofu Kolumbu in odkritju Amerike.
Poskusite najti kolikor je mogoče veliko podatkov o njem
in pri tem uporabite:
S takimi iskalniki lahko najdete marsikaj: samo vtipkate Christopher Columbus
in pritisnete gumb SEARCH.
Toda Christopher Columbus je lahko gostilna, ladja, založnik... Toliko
stvari je na Internetu! Lahko ugotovite, kako bi iskanje bolj natančno
povejte, kaj iščete, kolikor je mogoče natančno (pri iskalniku Excite kot
bi spraševali osebo: How to stay healthy by eating well)
tipkajte vse z malimi črkami, z velikim črkami izsilite natančno ujemanje
(turkey je lahko turkey, Turkey, tUrKeY ali TURKEY; Turkey je samo
fraze uporabite v narekovajih ("american indians")
uporabite * ("american indian" language* - lahko je jezik ali so
jeziki, * stoji za nič ali do pet dodatnih črk) ali znak $ pri Lycosu (gard$
je lahko garden ali gardenias...)
poskusite uporabiti operatorje AND (kayak AND canoe - oba morata biti v
dokumentu), OR ("computer assisted language learning" OR CALL - vsaj
eden mora biti v dokumentu), NEAR (Jack NEAR London - oba ne smeta biti
v dokumentu med seboj oddaljena več kot deset besed), AND NOT (vegetable
AND NOT beans - fižol je izključen) - pri Altavisti le v Advanced Queries
včasih lahko uporabimo + namesto AND in - namesto AND NOT
We've read about Christopher Columbus discovering America. Try
to find as much information as you can about him using:
library books
CD-ROM Encarta
Internet: Altavista,
It's easy to find something with these search engines: you just
type Christopher Columbus and click the SEARCH button. But Christopher
Columbus can be a pub, a ship, a publisher... There are so many things
on the Web. Can you think of refining your search?
tell what you're looking for as precisely as you can (with Excite
just as you might ask a person: How to stay healthy by eating
type it all in lower case, with capital letters you force an exact match
(turkey can be turkey, Turkey, tUrKeY or TURKEY; Turkey is only Turkey)
enclose phrases in double quotes ("american indians")
use the *-notation ("american indian" language* - can be language or languages,
* stands for nothing or up to five additional letters) and a dollar sign
$ with Lycos (gard$ can be garden, gardenias...)
try the operators AND (kayak AND canoe - both must be present in the resulting
document), OR ("computer assisted language learning" OR CALL - at least
one must be present in the document), NEAR (Jack NEAR London - both must
be within ten words of each other in the document), AND NOT (vegetable
AND NOT beans - beans are excluded) - Altavista: only Advanced Queries
sometimes + can be used instead of AND and - instead of AND NOT
By Romana Ivačič