Comenius projekt 2011-2013




CURRENT EVENTS             


Dear visitors!

We would like to welcome you to our school webpage dedicated to our Comenius project entitled Eco School Links. This is the English part of our website, so that our friends and partners from Italy, the Czech Republic, Great Britain (Wales), Portugal, Spain, Greece and Poland could learn something more about us. The projects main topic is ecology and we hope to get to address this issue with you, our partners, in the next two years in a meaningful fashion, but also to get to know you better, get to exchange some experiences concerning this topic and to remember this time we spend together and never forget it. We invite you to use this page and learn more about us. 

Dragi obiskovalci!

Z veseljem vas pozdravljamo na šolski spletni strani, ki je posvečena Comenius projektu z naslovom Eco School Links. Kot vidite, je stran v angleškem jeziku, saj ni namenjena zgolj nam, temveč tudi našim partnerjem iz Italije, Češke, Velike Britanije (Walesa), Portugalske, Španije, Grčije in Poljske, s katerimi se bomo na temo ekologije dve leti trudili, da se dodobra spoznamo, da se naučimo kaj več o varovanju okolja, da si izmenjamo čim več izkušenj in da nam ta čas ostane v lepem spominu. Kaj več o projektu si lahko preberete v rubriki About the project.  








This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

? 2007. III. osnovna ?la Celje. Vse pravice pridr?ne!                                                                                                                           Stran ureja: Ur?a Sotler