The year 2008 is the year of our planet
Earth. It has been turning around the Sun for millions of years.
Many leaving creatures have lived, they have arisen and died out.
But about 5 million years ago something changed a lot. The first
humans appeared on the planet. Quick development has started and now
we are here in the year 2008. This year should be a big turning-point.
A human race has made a lot of mistakes,
some of their consequences are yet invisible, others we can already
feel. It is important that we learn something from that. We shouldn’t
do any mistakes anymore. It seems that countries and their
governments don’t want to take the responsibility to change things
in a better, green adn Earth friendly way. The glaciers are melting,
the hole in the ozone layer is getting bigger and bigger. And all we
care about is what a queen eats, who the new president is, how good
our neighbour’s car is. If we don’t take steps and change things, it
will be too late. Maybe it already is. We need to do something about
it. As individuals and as a community.
When you brush your teeth and the water
flows, you should think about an eight-year African boy, who is
dying slowly and in pain because of dehidration and malaria. The
Third World is much closer than we think. If we continue like that
the Third World will come to us. There won’t be wars for gas and oil,
but for water and medicines. There are a lot of things we do wrong.
We must not pollute the Earth anymore. We can recycle, use public
transport and energy – saving light bulbs, walk or cycle, take
showers instead of baths … We just have to make an effort. If I live
green and you and your friends live green, we can change a lot. The
world is standing on the young generation, and we are responsible
for our planet.
The first thing we must do is to inform
the children. Then we can take care of the planet. The consequences
of wrong actions in the past result in natural catastrophes. Because
of wrong acts too many people have already died. We must stop this
massacre. We turn away when we see trash on the street and when we
cut down rain forests. Another big threat for us are diseases. We
can quickly lose control. Aids, malaria … Why does money go into the
wrong hands, to wrong people and not for a better tomorrow? The
economy cares only about money, just money. We must fight against
that economy. There are some organisations which fight against wrong
acts and they want to protect important things: Unesco, Natura 2000
… But it isn’t enough.
An old Indian proverb says: »We didn’t
get our planet from our forefathers, we borrowed it from our
grandchildren.« I think it is true and it’s good to follow. I am for
the green future. What about you?
Pripravila: Karmen Obretan,
podružnièna osnovna šola Javorje
Mentorica: Aleksandra Grabner
The Earth. One small planet. One Blue
planet. The Earth is just one and only. Remember that. It’s our
mother, father, sister, friend …
The Earth is not special just because of
us. No! It’s hundred times more than that.
People are just small things. Very small!
But we can do a lot of damage. It’s true that we are only a little
part of the planet Earth, but what about our actions? There are
seven milliard people on the Earth. And believe it or not: we are
all merged in the same action. We are the biggest enemy of the Blue
planet. And we are stupid. Trust me. Yes, it’s true, we destroy the
Earth, but weaker the Earth is, weaker are we. So we destroy
Our planet is a thing that has to be more
respected, of course from us. We are so naive!
I’m sure that millions of people never
think about the Earth and never ask themselves: »Does the Earth feel?
Do I damage our planet? Am I a killer of the Earth?« All answers
are: Yes!
Despite of the damage that we cause the
Earth, we can’t destroy its beautiful nature. The Earth has (for now)
beautiful woods, full of rare wild animals. And we have to mention
the rainy woods. Those are special woods with tigers, parrots, pumas,
snakes and rare plants. Cold places are important too, like
Antarctic, where the silly penguins and the lovely seals and of
course the fuzzy white bears live. And there is also the deep, blue,
cold Ocean, which covers almost all of the Earth.
There are some things that make the Earth
so special. Let’s start realizing that our planet won’t be the same
anymore. If we continue with wrong actions, we’ll destroy the Earth.
Our bad work is coming back to us, like
earthquakes, tsunamis or volcanoes. I hope that we all know – this
is our guilt too.
Earth, water, fire and air are four of
the most important things for living. In the future we will have to
be more careful, because the Earth is not the same as it was.
Inhabitants of the Earth have one more
trouble. Because of all the cars, smoke, industry and lots of
chemicals, the water is less drinkable. And you know what? The same
is happening with the air. We are in serious trouble! Because of to
large use, the fuel is running short. So if that damage continues,
we won’t be able to make a fire.
People, believe me! This is the right
time for doing something good for our sweet Earth – so we need to
reduce the pollution and protect our only Earth with our hearts!
When will we be aware of the damage that
we cause, if not now – in the international year of the Earth!
Nika Žagar, 9. a
Mentorica: Irena Greiner
Ich wurde in der Schweiz geboren. Dort
lebte ich acht Jahre. In dieser Zeit erfur ich sehr viel über
Slowenien und die Schweiz. Wir lebten im deutschsprachigen Teil der
Schweiz, so lernte ich schon schnell die deutsche Sprache. In den
deutschen Schulen in der Schweiz muss man auch nachmittags in die
Schule. Um acht beginnt der Unterricht und dauert bis zwölf Uhr,
dann geht man nach Hause, isst etwas und dann wieder zurück in die
Schule. Um halb zwei beginnt der Unterricht und dauert bis drei Uhr
(bis zur dritten Klasse, höhere Klassen bleiben auch bis nach fünf
Uhr in der Schule). Mir gefiel der Unterricht am Nachmittag
überhaupt nicht, denn ich musste jeden Tag zwischendurch nach Hause
und für ein kleines Kind ist das zehr anstrengend, besonders wenn
man weit weg wohnt.
Eigentlich gibt es in der Schweiz sehr
viele Ausländer wie zum Beispiel Albaner und Italiener. Aber das ist
nicht sehr schlimm, so lernt man viel über andere Kulturen und ihre
Gewohnheiten kennen. Alls Kind freut man sich sehr auf Fasching, da
kriegt man nämlich leckere Lutscher in Muscheln oder
Fastnachtskuchen (er ist fast so wie ein großer Keks).
In Slowenien dagegen kann man mehr Spaß
haben. Die Leute sind auch sehr nett, jedenfalls bei uns in
Koprivna, und sie haben viel Zeit. Es fällt einem auch leichter die
Natur zu bewundern. Es gibt mehr Natürliches zu sehen und die Schule
dauert auc nicht zu lange. In Slowenien kan man das Essen in der
Schule bestellen; das Pausenbrot und das Mittagessen, wogenen man in
der Schweiz immer sein eigenes Essen mitbringen muss.
Und wenn man mich fragt, mir gefällt
Slowenien jedenfalls besser.
Florian Kunc, 9. b
Angela Jelen