Marko Ursic: Four Seasons, philosophical dialogues and monologues – tetralogy, Cankarjeva zalozba, Ljubljana.

Motto of the tetralogy: "Four seasons are given to a man: the past, the present, the future, and the eternity."

II. Volume: Summer, 2nd part: The Sevens, 403 pages, 2006.

Key words and names: the Renaissance, Platonism, Neo-Platonism, Plato, Plotinus, Erasmus, Montaigne, constructive skepticism, Shakespeare, Proust, Beckett.

The book is composed of four “Sevens”:

1.     Seven Platonic dialogues with Angel, the night guest

2.     Seven Menippean glosses on the sentences of Erasmus’ Praise of Folly

3.     Seven philosophical essays, variations on Montaigne’s Essays: On the self, body, death, doubt, night, way, books.

4.      Seven sonnets in the Renaissance English style (a little hommage to the great master Shakespeare).