J  a  n  e  z     S  t  r  e  h  o  v  e  c


His recent essays and book chapters

1. "Derivate writing: : e-literature in the world of new social and economic paradigms." In: BIGGS, Simon (Ed.). Electronic literature as a model of creativity and innovation in practice. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 2012,79-83.

2. "Digital literary text as a play and a ride. " In: MASUCCI, Lello, DI ROSARIO, Givanna (Eds). OLE : Officina di letteratura elettronica : www.elettroletteratura.org. Napoli: Atelier Multimediale Editrice, 2011, 381-393.

3. "E-literature and new media art". In: RETTBERG, Scott, BALDWIN, Sandy (Eds.). ELMCIP. Electronic literature as a model of creativity and innovation in practice : a report from the Hera joint research project. Morgantown, WV: Center for Literary Computing, 2014, 87-100.

4. "Digitálny literárny text v ríši nových médií : text ako jazda. " In: SUWARA, Bogumiła, HUSÁROVÁ, Zuzana (Eds.). V sieti strednej Európy : nielen o elektronickej literatúre. 1. vyd. Bratislava: SAP a Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2012, 25-44.

5. "Augmented reality, augmented perception: phenomenological approach to interface culture." In: MAJKUT, Paul (Ed.). Phenomenology and media: an anthology of essays from Glimpse, publication of the Society for Phenomenology and Media, 1999-2008. Bucharest: Zeta Books, cop. 2010, 417-429.

6. "Alphabet on the move : digital poetry and the realm of language. " In: SIMANOWSKI, Roberto (Ed.). Reading moving letters : digital literature in research and teaching : a handbook, (Medienumbrüche, vol. 40). Bielefeld: Transcript, cop. 2010, 207-227.

7. "In search for the novel possibilities of text-based installations. " In: SIMANOWSKI, Roberto (Ed.). Reading moving letters : digital literature in research and teaching : a handbook, (Medienumbrüche, vol. 40). Bielefeld: Transcript, cop. 2010, 367-376.

8. "Elektronska literatura in nove družbene paradigme." Primerjalna književnost,  2013, vol. 36 (1), 103-121.

9. "Digital poetry beyond the metaphysics of projective saying. " In: BOOTZ, Philippe (Ed.). Regards croisés : perspectives on digital literature. 1st ed. Morgantown: West Virginia University Press, cop. 2010, 63-83.

10. "Algorithmic culture and e-literary text semiotics." Cultura, Int. journal of philosophy of culture and Axiology. 2014, vol. 10.2, 141-156.

11. "E-literary text in the nomadic cockpit." Electronic book review, ISSN 1553-1139, 5. 4. 2014.

12. "E-literary world and the social. " Electronic book review, ISSN 1553-1139, 1.12. 2013.

13. "Cycling as reading a cityscape: a phenomenological approach to interface-shaped perception. "The Indo-Pacific journal of phenomenology, ISSN 1445-7377, 2010, vol. 10.2, 11 http://pandora.nla.gov.au/tep/21220.

14. "Gibljive besede-podobe: elektronsko literarno besedilo v času filma, videa in interneta." In: ZORMAN, Barbara, VAUPOTIČ, Aleš (Eds.). Literatura in gibljive slike = Literature and moving images : thematic section, (Primerjalna književnost, vol. 37.2). Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za primerjalno književnost, 2014, 55-71.

15. "Event-space on the move : (on the computer games philosophy) ". Topos, ISSN 1815-0047, 2010 (2), 90-107.

16. "The e-literary text as an instrument and a ride : novel forms of digital literature and the expanded concept of reading". In: CORNIS-POPE, Marcel (Ed.). New literary hybrids in the age of multimedia expression : crossing borders, crossing genres, (A comparative history of literatures in European languages, ISSN 0238-0668, vol. 27). Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2014, 340-356.

17. "E-Literary Text and New Media Paratexts." Examining Paratextual Theory and its Applications in Digital Culture. IGI Global, 2014. 46-62. Web. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-6002-1.ch003.

18. "E-Literature, New Media Art, and E-Literary Criticism." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 16.5 (2014): http://dx.doi.org/10.7771/1481-4374.2486.

19. "Elektronsko literarno besedilo, ki se briše in izginja. " Primerjalna književnost, ISSN 0351-1189, 2015, Vol. 38.3, 23-38, [273].

Some of his previous published articles on media arts and digital textuality

20. "The moving word : towards the theory of Web literary objects". In: ESKELINEN, Markku, KOSKIMAA, Raine (eds.). Cybertext Yearbook 2000, (Publication of the research centre for contemporary culture. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 2001,  100-116.

21. "Textscape as virtual reality". Drunken boat, ISSN 1537-2812. [Online ed.], 2001.

22. "The word image/virtual body : on the techno-aesthetics of digital literary objects". Afterimage, ISSN 0300-7472, Sept./Oct. 2002, Vol. 30, št. 2, pp. 9-10.

23. "Attitudes on the move : on the perception of digital poetry object". In: ESKELINEN, Markku, KOSKIMAA, Raine (eds). Cybertext Yearbook 2002-2003 : with a special selection on ERGODIC POETRY, (Publication of the research centre for contemporary culture). Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 2003, pp. 39-55.

24. "The cyberverbal/ on the Internet textuality".  Towards new media paradigms : content, producers, organisations and audiences : conference proceedings 1.0. Pamplona: 27.-28. June 2003.161-171.

25. "Text as loop : on visual and kinetic texuality". Afterimage, ISSN 0300-7472, July/August 2003, Vol. 31, No. 1,  6-7.

26. "The software language art." In: GORIUNOVA, O. I., SHULGIN, Alexei (eds.). Readme : software art & cultures. Aarhus: Digital Aesthetics Research Centre, University of Aarhus, 2004,  262-274.

27. "The software word: digital poetry as new media-based language art". Digital creativity,  2004, vol. 15, no. 3,  143-158.

28. "From work of art to new media art as research". In: Proceedings of ISEA2008. Singapore: ISEA, 2008,  432-433.

29. "New media art as research: art-making beyond the authonomy of art and aesthetics". Technoetic arts, ISSN 1477-965X, 2008, vol. 6, no. 3, 233-250.

30. "Text as Ride". http://gis.fri.uni-lj.si/textasride/

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