recommended by the organizer

Prices are informative and valid as of June 12, 2000. If not mentioned otherwise, all prices include bed and breakfast. Prices will be charged in Slovenian Tolars (sit).

Current daily Exchange rates            Currency converter
All hotels accept major credit cards.
Reservations will be on the first come - first served basis and have to be fixed well in advance.
Less expensive hotels have been chosen. Nevertheless, all proposed hotels maintain a fairly high level of standard and quality.

A map of Ljubljana indicating the location of the hotels (red reference numbers)(344 K).

LITIJSKA 57, 1000 LJUBLJANA			single room from 19 US$
Tel.: +386 (0)61 148 00 55			double room from 31 US$
Fax.: +386 (0)61 159 9879
	Breakfast is not included!
	Located in the suburbs - good regular local bus service (No 17 and 22).

2 GOSTILNA S PRENOCISCI PRI MRAKU RIMSKA 4, 1000 LJUBLJANA single room from 39 US$ Tel.: +386 (0)61 12 19 600 double room from 64 US$ Fax.: +386 (0)61 12 19 655 Next to the National and University Library building,
3 HOTEL AA-LIPA CELOVSKA CESTA 264, 1000 LJUBLJANA Tel.: +386 (0)61 574 991 single room from 36 US$ Tel.: +386 (0)61 574 822 double room from 48 US$ Fax.: +386 (0)61 574 960 City bus service No 1, 3.
4 HOTEL PARK - Ljubljana TABOR 9, 1000 LJUBLJANA single room from 38 US$ Tel.: +386 (0)61 321 398 double room from 47 US$ Tel.: +386 (0)61 133 13 06 Fax.: +386 (0)61 133 05 46 Within the walking distance to the National and University Library.
5 HOTEL SLON / BEST WESTERN SLOVENSKA CESTA 34, 1000 LJUBLJANA single room from 72 US$ Tel.: +386 (0)61 17 01 100 double room from 130 US$ Fax.: +386 (0)61 217 164 Within the walking distance to the National and University Library.
6 HOTEL KOMPAS KOMPAS HOTELI MIKLOSICEVA CESTA 9,1000 LJUBLJANA single room from 70 US$ Tel.: ++386 (0)61 132 61 33 double room from 112 US$ Fax.: +386 (0)61 320 665 Within the walking distance to the National and University Library.
7 HOTEL SUPER LI-PE BELLEVUE POD GOZDOM 12, 1000 LJUBLJANA single room from 20 US$ Tel.: +386 (0)61 133 4049 double room from 34 US$ Fax.: +386 (0)61 133 4057 Within the walking distance to the National and University Library.
8 M HOTEL * * * DERCEVA ULICA 4, 1000 LJUBLJANA single room from 46 US$ Tel.: +386 (0)61 153 7000 double room from 60 US$ Fax.: +386 (0)61 159 30 48 City bus service No 1, 3.
9 GOSTISCE PORTAL ZALOSKA CESTA 110, 1000 LJUBLJANA single room from 33 US$ Tel.: +386 (0)61 140 06 60 double room from 46 US$ Fax.: +386 (0)61 140 06 60 City bus service.