Poletna šola in festival - Summer Photoschool at Dom fotografie 2007
12th edition of the international Summer Photoschool at Dom fotografie will run from Thursday, 5th July till Sunday, 15th July 2007 in the city of Liptovský Mikuláš, Northern Slovakia.
Our web site WWW.DOMFOTO.SK is under reconstruction: we apologize for any inconveniences.
In attachment, the workshops´ listing and a short description of the classes as well as an apllication / registration form.
- official opening on Thursday, 5th July 2007 at 3pm in the Gallery of P.M.Bohun;
- 16 photographic classes with 16 reknowned educators / photographers from all around the world;
- 6.7.-10.7.2007: seminars and lectures on contemporary photography;
- 11.7.-13.7.2007: portfolio reviews;
- 14.7.-9.9.2007: Summer Photoschool exhibition, showing the results of your works
The official event will be hold at Gallery of P.M.Bohun – our sparing partner. Official web-site of our city is www.liptovskymikulas.sk.
The tourist information you may find on www.lmikulas.sk. Classes and studios will be located in the center of Liptovsky Mikulas , just few minutes walk from Gallery of P.M.Bohun.
We may book for you a dorm-type accommodation in the city center for 220 SK/ per night, app. EUR 7/ pp.
For any additional services such as hotel accommodation, car rentals, travel itineraries contact our partner´s travel agency PILGRIM TOURS on booking@pilgrimtours.sk, www.pilgrimtours.sk
EUR 200. Extra payment for the classes with models: EUR 65.
Dead line for applications is 15th June, 2007. „First come - first served“ system for enrolling into classes. We recommend to apply ASAP. Registration is processed immediately after payment.
¦ Steve SIMON, Canada / USA; ¦ Paivi ERONEN, Finland; ¦ Tomáš POSPĚCH, CZ; ¦ Siliva SAPAROVÁ, SK; ¦ Joachim FROESE, Australia / Germany; ¦ Viktor KOPASZ, SK /CZ; ¦ Jaroslav MALÍK, CZ; ¦ Annette FOURNET, USA; ¦ Barna ILLÉS, Hungary; ¦ Nadezda KUZNETSOVA, Russia; ¦ Jirka PETERA, CZ; ¦ Cedo BUTINA, USA / CZ; ¦ Suzanne PASTOR, USA / CZ; ¦ Fiona Rukschcio, Austria; ¦ Jozef ČESLA, SK; ¦ Tomáš AGAT Blonski, SK