

Introduction by Emile Wanderscheid
President of FIAP
Dear friends photographers,
On behalf of the Directory Board of FIAP, I am pleased to invite you to take part in the first FIAP Clubs’ World Cup.
This new competition is open to all camera-clubs, members of FIAP, or not.
Operational Members are invited to promote this competition to clubs of their country, in order that the quality of the work of these clubs is known world-wide.
The best collection will be shown on the FIAP web site.
Great success to the first edition of the FIAP Club’ World Cup !

The International Federation of Photographic Art, invites you to take part in the 1st FIAP Clubs’ World Cup which will take place in Paris from 15/11/06 to 15/01/07.

Each club, member of FIAP, or not may enter a CD-Rom containing 20 colour and/or black and white digital works. (at the most two works per author)

Files will be JPG 8 compressed, 72dpi, height 800 pixels maxi, width 1024 pixels maxi. Files will be named with the club name followed by a number from 01 to 20 and will be stored in a directory "Jury". An other directory "Catalogue" will contain the same images high definition (300dpi, 2400 pixels for the larger side).

There is no fee for ILFIAP Clubs.
The entry fee is 40€ (ou 50US$) per club no FIAP member :
To be paid by bank transfer to FIAP
BNPPARB Paris Charonne
IBAN = FR76 3000 4003 6500 0100 6852 348
BIC = BNPAFRPPPBY ( Swift code )
or bank notes with the prints (personal checks are not accepted)

President : Mr Emile Wanderscheid
Secretary : Mrs Marie-Christine Dujardin
Treasurer : Mr Jacky Martin
Members : Mr Joan Burgues

The FIAP Clubs’ World Cup be awarded as follows :
Clubs’ World Cup for the best club.
FIAP Gold medal for the club which comes second.
FIAP Silver medal for the club which comes third.
FIAP Bronze medal for the club which comes fourth.
Six honourable mentions for the clubs which come 5th to 10th.
The authors of the club coming first receive an honourable mention.
One FIAP gold medal, two FIAP silver medals and three FIAP bronze medals will award works of exceptional quality, independently of the subjects chosen by the federations and independently of the clubs’ classification.
Each author can only receive one prize.

Each participating club will receive a catalogue on CD-Rom.
At least one work per participating country will be reproduced, as well as all prizewinning works.

Jacques Denis, MFIAP, HonEFIAP Belgium
Karl Hecquefeuille France
Jacky Hutting, MFIAP Luxembourg
The judgement and the classification are done according to the model of the FIAP Biennial, without however taking account of the criterion of coherence.
The number of acceptances will be defined by the judges according to the participation and the quality.
Accepted works of the ILFIAP will give only access to the clubsdistinctions; each ILFIAP taking part will receive moreover 5 points of basic acceptance.

Closing date : November 15th , 2006
Judgement : December 2nd , 2006
Results notification : December 15th , 2006
Sending of catalogues : January 15th , 2007

razpisni pogoji in prijavnica (.pdf, 44 kB) >>>

Fotografska zveza Slovenije, p.p. 4388, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija