The Expression Evaluator of the Optimization Program INVERSE
(for Version 3.11)
Igor Grešovnik
Ljubljana, 27 September, 2005
4.1 Basic
Properties of the Expression Evaluator.
4.2 Expression
Evaluator Operators
4.2.1 Expression Evaluator
Binary Operators
4.2.2 Expression Evaluator
Unary Operators (functions)
4.3 Pre-defined
Functions of the Expression Evaluator.
4.3.3 Else [ cond, exp1, exp2 ]
4.3.5 Min [ arg1, arg2, arg3, ... ].
4.3.6 Max [ arg1, arg2, arg3, ... ].
4.3.7 Sum [ arg1, arg2, arg3, ... ].
4.3.8 Prod [ arg1, arg2, arg3, ... ]
4.3.9 Trapint [ func[ 0.0 ], left, right, numsteps ]
4.4 Pre-defined Variables of the Expression Evaluator
4.5 File Interpreter Functions which Affect the Expression
4.5.2 $ { var : expr }, $ { func[ arg1, arg2, ... ] : expr }
4.5.3 definefunction { funcname [ defblock ] }
The expression evaluator, also referred to as calculator, is a system which evaluates mathematical expressions. These expressions consist of numbers, operators (unary and binary), parentheses, and symbols. Spaces are allowed between these expression parts, but they have no meaning in expressions. Symbols can be variable or function names. They are case sensitive, can consist of letters, digits and underscore characters, and must begin by a letter. There are some pre-defined functions of the expression evaluator, but functions can also be defined anew, either by the file interpreter or the expression evaluator itself. There are also some pre-defined variables, which represent mathematical constants. The expression evaluator variables differ from the user-defined variables of the shell.
Expressions can be formed in conventional way. When there are several binary operators in the expression, operators with lower piority number take effect first. When there are several binary operators with the same priority, the operators which appear before take effect first. The order of operations can be changed by round parentheses which group sub-expressions.
Variable and function names consist of letters and numbers. The first character of the name must be a letter. Difference is made between capital and small letters.
The expression evaluator functions can take one or more arguments. They must be listed in square brackets which follow the function name, and must be separated by commas. Arguments can be expressions which can be evaluated in the expression evaluator. Of course, these expressions can consist of a single variable or number.
Some expression evaluator functions can also take string arguments. This feature was actually added to support functions which access the shell’s user defined variables. The use of strings as arguments is limited due to the fact that any mathematical expression evaluated in the expression evaluator can evaluate only to a real number, not to a string. Therefore, the expression evaluator functions defined by the definefunction command can not take string arguments.
Operator |
Meaning |
Priority number |
+ |
4 |
- |
substraction |
4 |
* |
multiplication |
3 |
/ |
division |
3 |
% |
int. modulus |
3 |
^ |
Power |
2 |
P |
power |
2 |
CP |
power with integer exponent |
2 |
2 |
lesser of both arguments |
2 |
greater of both arguments |
2 |
< |
is lesser than |
5 |
> |
is greater than |
5 |
!= |
is not equal |
5 |
<= |
is lesser or equal |
5 |
>= |
is greater or equal |
5 |
== |
is equal |
5 |
&& |
and |
6 |
|| |
or |
6 |
: |
definition |
10 |
, |
enumeration |
9 |
= |
assignment |
10 |
All unary operators of the expression evaluator have the priority 1.
Operator name |
Meaning |
EQ |
equality |
- |
negative value |
negative value |
exp |
exponential function |
ln |
natural logarithm |
sqr |
square |
sqrt |
square root |
abs |
absolute value |
sin |
sine |
cos |
cosine |
tg |
tangent |
ctg |
cotangent |
arcsin |
inverse sine |
arccos |
inverse cosine |
arctg |
inverse tangent |
arcctg |
inverse cotangent |
sh |
hyperbolic sine |
ch |
hyperbolic cosine |
th |
hyperbolic tangent |
cth |
hyperbolic cotangent |
arsh |
inverse hyperbolic sine |
arch |
inverse hyperbolic cosine |
arth |
inverse hyperbolic tangent |
arcth |
inverse hyperbolic cotangent |
st |
converts radians to degrees |
deg |
converts radians to degrees |
rad |
converts degrees to radians |
round |
rounds its argument to the nearest integer |
trunc |
truncates its argument to the nearest integer below |
floor |
truncates its argument to the nearest integer below |
int |
truncates its argument to the nearest integer below |
frac |
returns the fractional part of the argument |
sign |
returns 1 if the argument is positive, -1 if it is negative, and 0 if it is 0 |
positive |
returns 1 if the argument is positive and 0 otherwise |
negative |
returns 1 if the argument is negative and 0 otherwise |
pospart |
returns the argument if it is positive, otherwise it returns 0 |
negpart |
returns the argument if it is negative, otherwise it returns 0. |
Expression evaluator functions can have more than one argument. Their arguments must be in square brackets and separated by commas. The expression evaluator has some basic pre/defined functions:
Returns a random number between 0 and 1.
Returns the value of exp if the value of cond is not 0, else it returns 0.
If the value of cond is not 0, it returns the value of exp1, else it returns the value of exp2.
Returns the value of the least of its arguments arg1, arg2, etc. It requires at least one argument and can take unlimited number of arguments.
Returns the value of the least of its arguments arg1, arg2, etc. It requires at least one argument and can take unlimited number of arguments.
Returns the sum of its arguments arg1, arg2, etc. It requires at least one argument and can take unlimited number of arguments.
Returns the product of its arguments arg1, arg2, etc. It requires at least one argument and can take unlimited number of arguments.
Returns the
integral of function func between left and right calculated by the trapezoidal rule with numsteps steps. The first argument must be a function call with an
argument which is a real number. Such arrangement speeds up the calculation. func can be a pre-defined function of
one argument, a function defined with the expression evaluator, or a function
defined by the definefunction
Example of function use:
= { b :
sin[0.0 ], 0, 1, 100 }
write { “Integral of
the sine function between 0 and 1 is “ $b “.\n\n” }
Expression evaluator pre-defined variables are used for keeping mathematical constants. They can be re-defined, but this should be avoided.
Holds the value of
(ratio between circle
circumference and diameter).
Holds the value of
(basis of natural
The = function assigns the value of the expression expr to the expression evaluator variable var. If a variable named var does not yet exist, it is created.
The $ function assigns the expression expr to the expression evaluator variable var. After the execution of this function, the value of variable named var changes if the values of variables or definitions of functions which are included in the expression expr change. If a variable named var does not yet exist, it is created.
The $ function can also be used for the
definition of new expression evaluator functions. In this case, func is
the name of the newly defined function, arg1,
arg2, etc. are the names of function
arguments which must be listed in square brackets and separtated by commas, and
expr is the expression which defines
how the newly defined function willl be evaluated. The expression exp usually contains objects named as
formal arguments listed in the sqare brackets. At the function evaluation,
these objects are replaced by the actual arguments with wich function is
The expression expr can also
contain other variables and functions of the expression evaluator. If the
definitions of these variables or functions are changed later, the definition
of the variable or function defined by the $
function changes accordingly.
$ { powsum[x,y,z]:x^[y*z] }
defines a new function of the expressionn evaluator named powsum, which takes three arguments and returns the first argument raised to the power of the sum of the second and the third argument.
The file interpreter's function definefunction defines a new expression evaluator function. funcname is the name of the function and the defblock is the definition block of the function. At every evaluation of the function after this definition, this block is interpreted.
Calculator functions defined by the definefunction command can be called with arbitrary number of arguments. These can be accessed by the expression evaluator function argument. This function returns the value of a specific argument which was passed to the expression evaluator function defined by the definefunction command. Therefore, the argument function can be evaluated only within the definition block of an expression evaluator function defined by the file interpreter’s command definefunction. The only argument of the argument function is the sequential number of argument the value of which should be returned. Since expression evaluator functions can only return (i.e. evaluate to) real numbers, the expression evaluator functions defined by the definefunction command can not take string arguments. Such arguments could not be accessed in the defblock block because the only way of accessing arguments in this block is through the calculator function argument. Arguments must therefore be expressions which evaluate to real numbers.
The number of arguments which have been passed to the function defined by the definefunction command can be accessed by the expression evaluator function numargs. This function takes no arguments and can also be evaluated only within the definition block of the definefunction command.
The value which is returned by a function defined by the definefunction command must be specified by the file interpreter’s function return. The only argument of this function must be a mathematical expression which can be evaluated in the expression evaluator. The value of this expression is what the function defined by the definefunction command returns.
The following portion of code defines an expression evaluator function Sumation which takes an arbitrary number of arguments and returns their sum:
definefunction { Sumation
while { (indsum<=numargs[ ])
] }
] }
After the function is defined, it can be
used in mathematical expressions. For example, the expression
“Sumation[3,2*4,5]” will evaluate to 16 (=3+2*4+5).
At the definition of new expression evaluator functions
we must be careful at choosing names for auxiliary variables used as counters
or for carrying intermediate results. A concept of local variables is not
implemented in the file interpreter, therefore all variables are global. The
variables used locally in the definition block of the definefunction command can therefore interfer with global variables
if we accidentally chose the same name for them.
The file interpreter's function return is used for setting the value which is returned by user defined functions of the expression evaluator which are defined by the definefunction command. expr is a mathematical expression which defines the value which will be returned by such function. The return function can be used only in the definition block of the definefunction command.
The expression
evaluator-s function argument
returns the value of num-th argument passed to the expression evaluator
function which is currently being evaluatd. Therefore, this function can be
evaluated only within the definition block of the definefunction command.
The expression
evaluator-s function numargs returns
the number of arguments that were passed to the expression evaluatro-s function
which is currently being evaluated. This function can therefore be evaluated
only within the definition block of
the definefunction function.