The IGLib base library EXTENDED - with other lilbraries and applications.
This is the complete list of members for alglib.optserv, including all inherited members.
calculatestepbound(double[] x, double[] d, double alpha, double[] bndl, bool[] havebndl, double[] bndu, bool[] havebndu, int nmain, int nslack, ref int variabletofreeze, ref double valuetofreeze, ref double maxsteplen) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
calculatestepbound(double[] x, double[] d, double alpha, double[] bndl, bool[] havebndl, double[] bndu, bool[] havebndu, int nmain, int nslack, ref int variabletofreeze, ref double valuetofreeze, ref double maxsteplen) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
derivativecheck(double f0, double df0, double f1, double df1, double f, double df, double width) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
derivativecheck(double f0, double df0, double f1, double df1, double f, double df, double width) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
enforceboundaryconstraints(ref double[] x, double[] bl, bool[] havebl, double[] bu, bool[] havebu, int nmain, int nslack) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
enforceboundaryconstraints(ref double[] x, double[] bl, bool[] havebl, double[] bu, bool[] havebu, int nmain, int nslack) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
filterdirection(ref double[] d, double[] x, double[] bndl, bool[] havebndl, double[] bndu, bool[] havebndu, double[] s, int nmain, int nslack, double droptol) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
filterdirection(ref double[] d, double[] x, double[] bndl, bool[] havebndl, double[] bndu, bool[] havebndu, double[] s, int nmain, int nslack, double droptol) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
findfeasiblepoint(ref double[] x, double[] bndl, bool[] havebndl, double[] bndu, bool[] havebndu, int nmain, int nslack, double[,] ce, int k, double epsi, ref int qpits, ref int gpaits) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
findfeasiblepoint(ref double[] x, double[] bndl, bool[] havebndl, double[] bndu, bool[] havebndu, int nmain, int nslack, double[,] ce, int k, double epsi, ref int qpits, ref int gpaits) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
numberofchangedconstraints(double[] x, double[] xprev, double[] bndl, bool[] havebndl, double[] bndu, bool[] havebndu, int nmain, int nslack) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
numberofchangedconstraints(double[] x, double[] xprev, double[] bndl, bool[] havebndl, double[] bndu, bool[] havebndu, int nmain, int nslack) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
postprocessboundedstep(ref double[] x, double[] xprev, double[] bndl, bool[] havebndl, double[] bndu, bool[] havebndu, int nmain, int nslack, int variabletofreeze, double valuetofreeze, double steptaken, double maxsteplen) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
postprocessboundedstep(ref double[] x, double[] xprev, double[] bndl, bool[] havebndl, double[] bndu, bool[] havebndu, int nmain, int nslack, int variabletofreeze, double valuetofreeze, double steptaken, double maxsteplen) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
projectgradientintobc(double[] x, ref double[] g, double[] bl, bool[] havebl, double[] bu, bool[] havebu, int nmain, int nslack) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
projectgradientintobc(double[] x, ref double[] g, double[] bl, bool[] havebl, double[] bu, bool[] havebu, int nmain, int nslack) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
trimfunction(ref double f, ref double[] g, int n, double threshold) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
trimfunction(ref double f, ref double[] g, int n, double threshold) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
trimprepare(double f, ref double threshold) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |
trimprepare(double f, ref double threshold) | alglib.optserv | inlinestatic |