NeurApp (Neural Approximator) is a simple application for exploring approximations based on artificial neural networks. It is available as freeware. The users can explore how neural network-based approximations work by approximating arbitrary functions of one or two variables. The software has an intuitive graphical user interface and plotting capabilities that allow quick and clear interpretation of results.

  The system has been designed and developed by Igor Grešovnik and Tadej Kodelja, and is based on the Investigative Generic Library (IGLib). For more information, check the software home page at,

or check code documentation at

External Libraries

  This software depends on a number of external free open source libraries. Authors of the code are grateful to all developers that invested their work to develop these libraries and who made them open and accessible to the public.

  The following external libraries are used:

Please visit the home pages of these great libraries (just follow the links above) and consider whether you can support their development in some way. Check also the license agreements for these referenced libraries for precise conditions for using the libraries.

Authors' index

Below is the list of authors' synonims used in the code: