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Falco (ISSN 1318-5411) 1983-1999


1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek


1. LIPEJ, Lovrenc. Prehranjevalne navade velike uharice Bubo bubo na Kraškem robu = Feeding habits of the Eagle Owl Bubo bubo from the Karst Edge near Črni Kal. Falco (Koper), Februar 1995, št. 9, str. 21-24.

Mammals and medium-sized bird species were the staple food for the Eagle owls from the Karst edge in the eastern Slovenian Istria. The Fat dormouse (Glis glis) was the most common prey species in terms of prey number, while the Brown Hare (Lepus europaeus) and the Eastern Hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor) were the most important in terms of prey biomass. Altogether they constituted 84% of the total prey biomass. Comparison among three sites on the Karst edge showed similar ratios of different prey species in the diet. The Fat dormouse appears to have important role in the submediterranean ecosystem food web, since it is preyed also by other owl species (such as Tawny owl) and diurnal birds of prey. [COBISS-ID 17619]

2. ŠKORNIK, Iztok. Prezimovanje velikega kormorana Phalacrocorax carbo na slovenski obali. Falco (Koper), februar 1995, št. 9, str. 13-16. [COBISS-ID 73749504]


3. DE MIN, Raffaella, VIO, Ennio, ŽIZA, Valter. Un eccezionale accumulo di conchiglie presso la baia di San Canziano = Extraordinary ashore shell deposit of molluscs near Škocjan Bay. Falco (Koper), februar 1997, let. , št. 11, str. 41-46.

Near the Capodistria (Koper) harbour, an ashore shell deposit has been studied. 135 species of mollusks have been found there and their bionomic origin has allowed to know the sea bottom evolution in the last years. [COBISS-ID 5347121]

4. ŠKORNIK, Iztok. Gnezdenje črne liske Fulica atra v Škocjanskem zatoku. Falco (Koper), februar 1997, let. 11, št. 11, str. 25-30, ilustr.

From 1983 to 1989 nesting of the Coot Fulica atra in the Škocjan Bay has been monitored. Altogether 62 clutches and nests (289 eggs) were measured. the lenght and breadth of eggs were taken with sliding caliper. The weight of eggswere taken with Pesola spring balance. The nimber of breeding pairs in theŠkocjan bay decreased from 16 pairs in 1983 to 9 pairs in 1989. The Coot nests exclusively on water. Diameter of the nests ranges to 40 cm... [COBISS-ID 5338673]

5. LIPEJ, Lovrenc. Gnezdenje navadne postovke Falco tinnunculus na robu Škocjanskega zatoka = Breeding of the European Kestrel Falco tinnunculus at the edge of the Škocjan Bay. Falco (Koper), Februar 1997, št. 11, str. 49-50.

European Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) breeds on the karst edge and in the area of Čičarija. Till some years ago, it was common breeder also in the Sečovlje salina. In the year 1996 a new nesting site was discovered at the edge of the Škocjan Bay (Port of Koper). [COBISS-ID 19155]

6. BENUSSI, Enrico. Indagine su una popolazione di rapaci notturni (Strigiformes) dell'Italia nord-orientale. Falco (Koper), september 1997, let. 11, št. 12, str. 5-12, ilustr.

Four Owl species (Little Owl, Scops Owl, Tawny Owl and the Eagle Owl) were detected with "play back" method. The barn Owl and the Long-eared Owl were not detected with this method. The density of owls was low, probablu due to the unfavourable environmental and climatic conditions on the Trieste Karts. Scops Owl was most abundant (mean IKA=0.7) and was found in almost all environments (with the exception of the moor) without particular preferences. Little Owl and the Tawny Owl were less numerous and only locally distributed... [COBISS-ID 5333297]

7. ŠALAMUN, Ali. Kačji pastirji (ODONATA) Škocjanskega zatoka in okolice = Dragonflies (Odonata) from the Škocjan Bay and its surroundings. Falco (Koper), februar 1997, let. , št. 11, str. 35-40.

Dragonflies from the Škocjan bay and the near plain at the mouth of the Rižana river are presented in this article. Most stagnant water in this area is brackish with a little vegetation. Reclamation channels are very frequent. Twenty-seven species of dragonflies have been found, which presents a little bit more than 38% of Slovene species. Five species (Aeshna affinis, Aeshna grandis, Anax parthenope, Libellula fulva, Sympetrum fonscolombei) are vulnerable according to the Slovene Red data list. Because of the reclamation works Ceriagrion tenellum, still frequent in the 60's, has disappeared and nowit is a critically endangered species in Slovenia... [COBISS-ID 5346865]

8. DULČIĆ, Jakov, LIPEJ, Lovrenc. New records of marine fishes from the Slovenian coastal waters = Nove najdbe morskih rib v slovenskih obalnih vodah. Falco (Koper), 1997, let. 11, št. 12, str. 35-40, ilustr.

In last years some new or less known fish species were recorded in the Slovenian coastal waters. The examination of a fish collection coming from different areas of the Slovenian coastal waters showed that three of the identified species had not been yet recorded as elements of the Slovenian waters ichthyofauna. Authors believe that the occurrence of new fish species in the Slovenian coastal waters coincides with the ingression of south Adriatic waters. [COBISS-ID 79571]

9. KATALINIČ, Dane. Prispevek k poznavanju prehrane in prezimovanja male uharice Asio otus na Murskem polju (SV Slovenija) = A contribution to the knowledge of diet and wintering of the Long-eared OwlsAsio otus on the Mursko polje (NE Slovenia). Falco (Koper), September 1997, št. 12, str. 13-16, ilustr. [COBISS-ID 5228849]

10. LIPEJ, Lovrenc. Prispevek k poznavanju prehrane pegaste sove Tyto alba in razširjenost malih sesalcev v Škocjanskem zatoku in bližnji okolici = A contribution to the knowledge of diet of the Barn Owl Tyto alba and the distribution of small Mammals in the Škocjan Bay and its surroundings. Falco (Koper), Februar 1997, št. 11, str. 31-34.

On the basis of the owl pellets analysis eight species of rodents and 5 of insectivores were recorded in the Škocjan Bay near Koper. Woodmouse Apodemus sylvaticus is the most preyed small mammal, followed by White toothed Shrew (Crocidura suaveolens), Black-striped field Mouse Apodemus agrarius and Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus). Proportions of the Lesser White toothed Shrew and the Pigmy White-toothed Shrew are lower in comparison with other localities in Istrian Penninsula. If we take into consideration the fact that the Eastern European Hedgehog and the Feral Coypu are also inhabiting the studied area, the total number of small mammals of the Škocjan Bay is 15. [COBISS-ID 18899]

11. JOGAN, Jernej. Prva najdba krhke hrbtorese (Gaudinia fragilis (L.) PB.) v Slovenski Istri = The first record of Gaudinia fragilis (L.) PB.) in Slovenian Istria. Falco (Koper), 1997, feb. 11, str. 47-48. [COBISS-ID 7394777]


12. MAKOVEC, Tihomir, ŠKORNIK, Iztok, LIPEJ, Lovrenc. Ekološko ovrednotenje in varovanje pomembnih ptic Sečoveljskih solin = Ecological evaluation and conservation of the important bird species in the Sečovlje Salina. Falco (Koper), februar-september 1998, let. 12, št. 13/14, str. 5-48, ilustr.

From 1983 to 1998, more than 500 excursions were made to the area of the Sečovlje Salina. To date, 253 bird species have been recorded at the Sečovlje Salina and its surrounding, and among them at least 91 species breed there, 68 breeding species have been found in the Salina and the nearest area, 26 species breed in the Sečovlje Salina... [COBISS-ID 5437489]

13. DULČIĆ, Jakov. Growth parameters of round sardinella Sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 larvae in the Adriatic sea estimated from otolith growth rings = Rastni parametri ličink Sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 v Jadranskem morju, na osnovi prirastkov v otolitih. Falco (Koper), februar-september 1998, let. 12, št. 13/14, str.53-56, ilustr.

Sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 was sampled in the period from 14 to 20 August 1989 at the station Stončica in the eastern middle Adriatic. Specimens were aged by means of growth increments in the sagittal otoliths. The Gompertz and Laird-Gompertz growth equations, commonly used in larval growth analysis, described the larval growth of this species in the length range sampled. The initial lenght of round sardinella larvae at time t=o was L0=4.661 mm. The obtained value of the predicted lenght at metamorphosis was a=25.45 mm. The average growth (0.72 mm d-1) was estimated by the slope of a line fitted by least squares regression analysis to the relation between standard lenght and number of increments. [COBISS-ID 5447985]

14. DULČIĆ, Jakov. Prilog poznavanju Jadranske ihtiofavne - Chauliodus sloani Schneider, 1801 (Pisces: Chauliodontidae) iglozub strašni = A contribution to the knowledge of the Adriatic ichthyofauna - Chauliodus sloani Schneider, 1801 (Pisces: Chauliodontidae) - sloane's viperfish. Falco (Koper), februar-september 1998, let. 12, št. 13/14, str. 49-52, ilustr.

For the purpose of acquiring as good as possible the knowledge of rare fish species the author presented data from the biology of Chauliodus sloani Schn., one of the rarest fish species of the Adriatic Sea. Living in deep waters this fish has been so far caught in the Adriatic only on several occasions. This fish belongs to the family of Chauliodontidae. It is the largest of all the pelagic Adriatic fishes with fluorescent organs [photophores]; it grows up to 30 cm in length. Its head is characteristic for strong jaws provided with long needle and sward like canine teeth, after which it wad given its name. It is a typical predator, its main food being smaller mid- and bathypelagic organisms. [COBISS-ID 5447473]

1.02 Pregledni znanstveni članek


15. VOGRIN, Nuša. Pregled favne dvoživk in plazilcev Triglavskega narodnega parka = A survey of the Amphibian and Reptile fauna of the Triglav National Park. Falco (Koper), februar-september 1998, let. 12, št. 13/14, str. 61-66.

The author presents qualitative data on the herpetofauna of the Triglav National Park - TNP [north-western Slovenia], including the data on vertical distribution and frequency of the species. The data of four years study [from 1994 to 1997] are accomplished with the data from literature... [COBISS-ID 5448497]

16. BATTELLI, Claudio. Slikovni morfološki ključ za prepoznavanje nekaterih najbolj razširjenih makrobentoških zelenih alg v slovenskem obalnem morju = An illustrative identification key for some most common macrobenthic green algae in Slovenian coastal sea. Falco (Koper), september 1997, let. 11, št. 12, str. 21-30, ilustr. [COBISS-ID 4406065]

1.04 Strokovni članek


17. MAKOVEC, Tihomir. Pojavljanje sredozemskega viharnika Puffinus yelkouan na slovenski obali. Falco (Koper), februar 1995, št. 9, str. 17-20, ilustr. [COBISS-ID 73751296]

18. GJERKEŠ, Miran. Prispevek k poznavanju redkih in manj znanih ptic istrske Slovenije. Falco (Koper), februar 1995, št. 9, str. 5-12, ilustr. [COBISS-ID 73748992]


19. VOGRIN, Milan. Določevanje močvirske sinice Parus palustris in gorske sinice Parus montanus na terenu = Determination of the Marsh Tit Parus palustris and Willow Tit Parus montanus on the field. Falco (Koper), februar 1996, let., št. 10, str. 60-61, ilustr.

The article deals with two Tit species, i.e. Marsh Tit Parus palustris and Willow Tit Parus montanus which are fairly well distinguishable by their calling and singing but are difficult to identify on sight. Their most distinguishing features are: the black crown in Willow Tit reaches right down to its back and is not glossy as in Marsh Tit, the black chin is larger in Willow Tit, the whiteness on Willow Tit's cheek reaches down to its mantle, and there is a pale patch on Willow Tit's wing. [COBISS-ID 5414193]

20. ŠERE, Dare. Pojavljanje kratkoperutega vrtnika Hippolais polyglotta v osrednji Sloveniji = Occuring of the Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglotta in Central Slovenia. Falco (Koper), februar 1996, let., št. 10, str. 59.

The author presents, on the basis of the caught birds, some new data regarding the occurence of the Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglotta in Central Slovenia. The first known record about a juvenile caught outside this bird's known distribution range dates from 1988 (July 25th) when recovered at the Ornithological Station at Vrhnika (Gračner, 1991). [COBISS-ID 5412657]

21. ŠKORNIK, Iztok. Prezimovanje labodov na slovenski obali : Iztok Škornik. Falco (Koper), februar 1996, let.5, št. 10, str. 43-46, ilustr.

The Mute Swans Cygnus olor were observed on the Slovene coast for the first time in 1990. Since then a few individuals have wintered regularly at the Sečovlje Salina as well as in coastal waters near Koper and at Škocjan Bay. In December 1992 a Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus was observed for the very first time but perished later on. The author states a number of data about swans andtheir wintering in this coastal region of Slovenia and states the reasons fer their occurrence there. [COBISS-ID 3175729]

22. GJERKEŠ, Miran. Prispevek k poznavanju gnezdilcev kamnolomov črnokalskega Kraškega roba in Bržanije. Falco (Koper), februar 1996, let.5, št. 10, str. 47-50, ilustr.

The author deals with the birds of quarries researched in 1994 and 1995. Six breeders were established there: Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius, Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis, Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros, Coal Tit Parus ater, Pied Wagtail Motacilla alba, and Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris. The only Blue Rock Thrush's nest site outside Kraški rob in Istra was discovered. Quarries are the only nesting ground of the Black Redstart in the Slovene part of Istra. The rare ornithological mappings have shown that the area of Kraški rob (Karst edge) is ornithologically exceptionally diverse. [COBISS-ID 3176497]

23. GJERKEŠ, Miran. Prispevek k poznavanju redkih in manj znanih ptic istrske Slovenije - II. del. Falco (Koper), februar 1996, let.5, št. 10, str. 51-58, ilustr.

The present article is a continuation of the research carried out on the rare and not so well known birds of Istra (Slovenia). The author deals with 4 species - the Subalpine Warbler Sylvia cantillans, Sardinian Warbler Sylvia melanocephala, Wood Nuthatch Sitta europaea, and the Common Crossbill Loxia curvirostra - and presents some new data on the breeding distribution by the Subalpine and Sardinian Warblers in the Slovene part of Istra. [COBISS-ID 3176753]


24. DULČIĆ, Jakov. Novi nalaz psine goleme, Cetorhinus maximus (Günnerus, 1765) u istočnom Jadranu. Falco (Koper), september 1997, let. 11, št. 12, str. 43-44.

On November 8th 1995 a 7 m long Basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus Gunnerus, 1765) was caught by two fisherman near the island of Ugljan (eastern Adriatic). The paper describes the capture and gives some data about historical evidence of the occurence of this species in the Adritaic. [COBISS-ID 5335345]

25. VREZEC, Al. Opazovanja sov na Krimu pri Ljubljani. Falco (Koper), september 1997, let. 11, št. 12, str. 45-47.

The author registered three typical forest owl species, Tawny Owl Strix aluco, Ural Owl Strix uralensis and Tengmalm's Owl Aegolius funereus in Krim near Ljubljana by using the method of provoking with recorded male mating singing. Ural Owl and Tengmalm's Owl were observed for the first time in this area and that means a great contribution to the knowledge of these two owl species in Slovenia. The author registered Tengmalm's Owl and Ural Owl on the highest sea levels (800-900m). Tawny Owlon the lowest sea levels (500 m and less). As expected species are known from the surroundings of Krim. [COBISS-ID 5335601]

26. VOGRIN, Milan. Pojavljanje in prelet ujed na Dravskem polju (SV Slovenija). Falco (Koper), september 1997, let. 11, št. 12, str. 31-34.

Among 23 raptors noticed on the Dravsko polje, six of them nest there, and two species are potential nesting birds. The rest of 17 species occur during the migration and wintering season. Among the species that do not nest in this area, the most outstanding are Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus, Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus and Osprey Pandion halaietus according to the number ofobservations and number of individuals. All three species are regular migratory birds on the studied area. Apart from the mentioned species, Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus and Buzzard Buteo buteo belong to the most numerous migratory birds of this area. Buzzard is also the most numerous wintering bird, because about 100 individuals winter in this area... [COBISS-ID 5334577]

27. ŽIŽA, Valter. Prima segnalazione di Sphyraena sphyraena (Linnaeus, 1758) e di Cancer pagurus (Linnaeus, 1758) per il mare sloveno = Prva najdba morske ščuke Sphyraena sphyraena (Linnaeus, 1758) in rakovice vrste Cancer pagurus (Linnaeus, 1758) v slovenskem morju. Falco (Koper), september 1997, let. 11, št. 12, str. 41-42, ilustr.

Prispevek govori o pojavljanju morske ščuke Sphyraena sphyraena in rakovice vrste Cancer pagurus v slovenskem obalnem morju. 20.11.1997, so ribiči v morju med Izolo in Piranom ulovili primerek morske ščuke Sphyraena sphyraena, ki ga hrani piranski akvarij. 11. maja 1997, je bila v piranskem zalivu ujeta rakovica Cancer pagurus. Po tistem, ko so jo ribiči prinesli v akvarij Piran, je tam živela še mesec in pol. Glede na razpoložljive in objavljene podatke zati dve vrsti, gre za prvo pojavljanje v tem delu Tržaškega zaliva. [COBISS-ID 4406833]

28. KALIGARIČ, Mitja. Rastlinstvo Škocjanskega zatoka - deset let kasneje. Falco (Koper), Februar 1997, št. 11, str. 11-12. [COBISS-ID 6982920]

29. VREZEC, Al. Ujede in sove Dravinjske doline. Falco (Koper), september 1997, let. 11, št. 12, str. 17-20.

The author presents the raptors Falconiformes and the owls Strigiformes which he was observing in the territory of the Dravinja Valley. He traced 9 species of raptors and 4 species of owls, of which 6 species of raptors and 3 species of owls were nesting birds. As the most important and probable nesting bird, the author mentions Scops Owl Otus scops, what is also the first record about nesting of this owl species in the Dravinja valley. As the dominant nesting birds, the author mentions Buzzard Buteo among the raptors and Tawny Owl Strix aluco among the owls. [COBISS-ID 5334065]

30. PLAZAR-MLAKAR, Manca. Ureditev Škocjanskega zatoka pri Kopru = The creation of an ornithological reserve and nature conservation centre in the Škocjan Bay. Falco (Koper), Februar 1997, št. 11, str. 51-58.

The project comprises the creation of an ornithological reserve and a study of a nature conservation centre in the Škocjan bay, which is today a devaluated area in the narrow coast line. In the reserve, four tipes of alternative biotopes are created giving a shelter to different groups of birds. These are: a brackish swamp (marsh), connected with the river mouths, shallows, mudflats, reeds and a freshwater swamp. Part of the reserve is embraced by an observation path. The nature conservation centre consist of an ornitological centre, a clinic -asylum for wild birds and a horse stable. The creation of a reserve in a highly urbanised coastal area is congruent with the principles of the sustainable development, since it contributes to the general raise in the quality of the environment, giving greater variety and equilibrium. [COBISS-ID 19411]


31. VOGRIN, Milan. Gnezditev kavke Corvus monedula na Dravskem polju = Breeding of the Jackdaw on the Dravsko polje. Falco (Koper), februar-september 1998, let. 12, št. 13/14, str. 57-60.

During breeding season in 1998 the survey of Jackdaw Corvus monedula was undertaken on the Dravsko polje in northeastern Slovenia to obtain reliable population size and the knowledge of current distribution and nest choice. During the study three colonies were found with 54 pairs. The average breeding density on the Dravsko polje was 0.26 pairs/km2. In 1998 no nests were found in natural holes, however in the past Jackdaws bred in holes in traditionals orchards... [COBISS-ID 5448241]

32. VOGRIN, Milan. Kompleks rumena pastirica Motacilla flava v Sloveniji = Complex of the Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava (sub)species in Slovenia. Falco (Koper), februar-september 1998, let. 12, št. 13/14, str. 67-70.

The article presents the occurrence and breeding data of Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava [sub]species in Slovenia. During migration three [sub]species [i.e. M. (f.) flava, M. (f.) cinereocapilla and M. (f.) feldegg] are known to occur in Slovenia, however only two [sub]species, i.e. M. (f.) cinereocapilla and M. (f.) feldegg, have been breeding so far. The author presents data also for M. (f.) thunbergi for passage and for M. (f.) flava which was found breeding on the Dravsko polje in 1997... [COBISS-ID 5448753]

1.19 Objavljena recenzija, prikaz knjige, kritika


33. KALIGARIČ, Mitja. Gramoznice, narava in mi : problematika divjih odlagališč v gramoznicah in njihova vloga v naravi. Falco (Koper), Februar 1995, št. 9, str. 41, ilustr. [COBISS-ID 18387]

34. LIPEJ, Lovrenc. Orka : glasilo Društva prijateljev delfinov, Maribor (DPD). Falco (Koper), Februar 1995, št. 9, str. 40. [COBISS-ID 17875]

35. LIPEJ, Lovrenc. Zagovori narave. Falco (Koper), Februar 1995, št. 9, str. 43, ilustr. [COBISS-ID 18643]

36. LIPEJ, Lovrenc. Zelena rega, člansko glasilo Slovenskega sklada za naravo, Slovenski sklad za naravo, Ljubljana Novi trg 2. Falco (Koper), Februar 1995, št. 9, str. 41. [COBISS-ID 18131]


37. ŠVAGELJ, Barbara. Annales, series historia naturalis št. 7. Falco (Koper), februar 1996, let. 5, št. 10, str. 70-71, ilustr. [COBISS-ID 3177777]

38. ŠKORNIK, Iztok. Opazovanje ptic na Cerkniškem jezeru. Falco (Koper), februar 1996, let. 5, št. 10, str. 71, ilustr. [COBISS-ID 5436721]


39. ŠVAGELJ, Barbara. Annales, Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije 9/96 : series Historia naturalis 3. Falco (Koper), 1997, let. , št. 11, str. 77, ilustr. [COBISS-ID 5348401]

1.20 Predgovor, spremna beseda


40. MAKOVEC, Tihomir. Uvodnik. Falco (Koper), februar 1996, let. , št. 10, str. 1. [COBISS-ID 5348913]


41. GEISTER, Iztok. Uvod v osušitev. Falco (Koper), februar 1997, let. 11, št. 11, str. 1. [COBISS-ID 5337393]

1.21 Polemika, diskusijski prispevek


42. MAKOVEC, Tihomir. Bilo je v letu evropskega varovanja narave. Falco (Koper), 1996, let. , št. 10, str. 74-75. [COBISS-ID 5436977]


43. ŽIŽA, Valter. C'era una volta la pesca.... Falco (Koper), 1997, let. , št. 11, str. 79. [COBISS-ID 5348657]

44. HESSELINK, Jose P. The Škocjan Bay - Conflicts About a Unique Nature Area. Falco (Koper), februar 1997, let. 11, št. 11, str. 9-11. [COBISS-ID 5337905]

45. MAKOVEC, Tihomir. Škocjanski zatok na papirju. Falco (Koper), februar 1997, let. 11, št. 11, str. 13-22, ilustr.

With the following article, the author tries to present what is happening to the area (the water surface of the Škocjan Bay - public property) when it is determined for the development of a city or a country and how long it takes for such an area to be present on the desk of community men or statesmen as a list of an important natural heritage... [COBISS-ID 5338161]

1.22 Objavljeni intervju


46. VUKOVIČ, Aleksander. Vitezi okrogle mize : pogovor z biologom dr. Aleksandrom Vukovičem. Falco (Koper), februar 1996, let.5, št. 10, str. 66-67, ilustr. [COBISS-ID 3177009]


47. GEISTER, Iztok. Vitezi okrogle mize : pogovor z Iztokom Geisterjem. Falco (Koper), februar 1997, št. 11, str. 70-73, portret. [COBISS-ID 23763]

48. HUMAR, Iztok. Vitezi okrogle mize : pogovor z Iztokom Humarjem. Falco (Koper), september 1997, let. 11, št. 12, str. 50-52, portret. [COBISS-ID 79827]


49. RICHTER, Marjan. Vitezi okrogle mize : pogovor z Marjanom Richterjem. Falco (Koper), februar - september 1998, št. 13/14, str. 76-78, portret. [COBISS-ID 154067]

1.25 Drugi članki ali sestavki


50. RUBINIČ, Borut. Beloglavi jastreb Gyps fulvus. Falco (Koper), 1996, št. 10, str. 62-63.

Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus (2 specimens, 15.august 1994) observed Petrinje near Kozina. [COBISS-ID 5416753]

51. RUBINIČ, Borut. Črna raca Melanitta nigra, Beloliska Melanitta fusca = Common Scoter Melanitta nigra, Velvet Scoter Melanitta fusca. Falco (Koper), 1996, let. , št. 10, str. 64-65.

Observation from slovenian coast of the Common Scoter Melanitta nigra and Velvet Scoter Melanitta fusca. [COBISS-ID 5435185]

52. ŠVAGELJ, Boris. Letni občni zbor ornitološkega društva Ixobrychus na Krogu. Falco (Koper), februar 1996, let.5, št. 10, str. 69, ilustr. [COBISS-ID 3177521]

53. ŠKORNIK, Iztok. Navadni žerjav (Grus grus) = Crane Grus grus. Falco (Koper), 1996, let. , št. 10, str. 63.

Crane Grus grus. 48 specimens in Sermin near Koper on 5th March 1993, and 54 specimens in Sermin near Koper on 13th March 1996. [COBISS-ID 5433393]

54. ŠKORNIK, Iztok. Pritlikavi kormoran (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus) = Pigmy cormorant. Falco (Koper), 1996, let. , št. 10, str. 63.

Pigmy cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmaeus. Different observations from Sečovlje Salina in 1995. [COBISS-ID 5433649]

55. RUBINIČ, Borut. Rjava komatna tekica (Glareola pratincola) = Collared Pratincole. Falco (Koper), 1996, let. , št. 10, str. 63.

Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola. 1 specimen in Sečovlje Salina on 14thMay 1994. [COBISS-ID 5432881]

56. JANŽEKOVIČ, Franc. Rjavi jastreb Aegypius monachus na Rabu. Falco (Koper), 1996, 10, str. 62. [COBISS-ID 5206536]

57. BIBIČ, Andrej. Seminar "Naravovarstvo". Falco (Koper), 1996, let. , št. 10, str. 68. [COBISS-ID 5435953]

58. RUBINIČ, Borut. Skalna lastovka (Ptynoprogne rupestris) = Crag Martin. Falco (Koper), 1996, let. , št. 10, str. 64, ilustr.

Crag Martin Ptynoprogne rupestris observed in Sveta gora on 5th November 1995 and on 2nd January 1996 in Sežana. [COBISS-ID 5434161]

59. RUBINIČ, Borut. Srebrni galeb Larus argentatus = Herring Gull. Falco (Koper), 1996, let. , št. 10, str. 65, ilustr.

2 Observations of the Herring Gull Larus argentatus on the Slovenian coast on 2nd January 1995. 1 specimen in Izola and 1 specimen in refuse tip in Korte. [COBISS-ID 5435697]

60. VOGRIN, Milan. Sredozemski sokol Falco eleonorae v Strunjanskih solinah. Falco (Koper), 1996, št. 10, str. 62. [COBISS-ID 5416241]

61. MAKOVEC, Tihomir. Zimska raca (Clangula hyemalis) = Long-tailed Duck. Falco (Koper), 1996, let. , št. 10, str. 64.

Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis. Observation from Piran in December 1990, 1 male in Sečovlje Salina on 9th January 1993, 1 female in Škocjan inlet on 11th December 1994, and on 17th February 1995 in Izola. [COBISS-ID 5434929]


62. KATALINIČ, Dane. 1. Ornitološki tabor na temo "Proučevanje male uharice" : Cezanjevci 1997. Falco (Koper), september 1997, let. 11, št. 12, str. 53, ilustr. [COBISS-ID 5336625]

63. ŠVAGELJ, Barbara. 13. redni letni občni zbor Ornitološkega društva Ixobrychus Koper. Falco (Koper), februar 1997, let. 11, št. 11, str. 74-75. [COBISS-ID 5347889]

64. MAKOVEC, Tihomir. Mali deževnik Charadrius dubius v Škocjanskem zatoku = Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius in the Škocjan Bay. Falco (Koper), 1997, feb. 11, str. 69.

The Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius was a rare breeding species on the Slovene coastal wetlands years ago. Since 1992 the ornothologists have registered every year a breeding in the Škocjan bay, in Ankaran and in the Sečovlje salina. The first breeding area was found in the Škocjan Bay (4 pairs). [COBISS-ID 5347377]

65. ŠVAGELJ, Boris. Opozorilne table v Sečoveljskih solinah. Falco (Koper), september 1997, let. 11, št. 12, str. 55, ilustr. [COBISS-ID 5337137]

66. ŠVAGELJ, Boris. Ornitološki izlet k izlivu reke Soče in v Maransko laguno. Falco (Koper), februar 1997, let. 11, št. 11, str. 75-76. [COBISS-ID 5348145]

67. KALIGARIČ, Mitja. Planinski močerad v Trnovskem gozdu. Falco (Koper), september 1997, let. 11, št. 12, str. 49. [COBISS-ID 5336369]

68. VOGRIN, Milan. Priba Vanellus vanellus in mali deževnik Charadrius dubius gnezdita v izpraznjenih ribnikih. Falco (Koper), september 1997, let. 11, št. 12, str. 48-49.

The author reprts about successful nesting of the Lapwing Vanellus vanellus and the Little-ringed Plover Charadrius dubius on the bottom of the empty pond called Vrbje (13.5 ha) in the vicinity of the city Žalec in the lower part of the Savinja valley. There were three pairs of Lapwings and two pairs of the Little-ringed Plover nesting in the pond. Nesting density of Lapwings was 2,2 pairs/10 ha, the density of the Little-ringed Plover was 1,5 pairs/10ha. The Little-ringed Plover nest also on shingles of the river Savinja, but the Lapwing does not nest in the vicinity. [COBISS-ID 5336113]

69. ŠVAGELJ, Boris. V kraljestvu beloglavega jastreba. Falco (Koper), september 1997, let. 11, št. 12, str. 54. [COBISS-ID 5336881]


70. ŠKORNIK, Iztok. 5. simpozij organizacije Medmaravis "Monitoring and conservation of birds, mammals and sea turtels of the Mediterranean and Black Seas". Falco (Koper), februar - september 1998, let. 12, št. 13-14, str. 79. [COBISS-ID 154323]



71. ŠKORNIK, Iztok. Kako obdelujemo podatke?. Falco (Koper), 1989, 3, št. 7/8, str. 35-37. [COBISS-ID 99422720]


72. POBOLJŠAJ, Katja. Ogroženost dvoživk v Slovenskem primorju. Falco (Koper), februar 1995, št. 9, str. 25-27. [COBISS-ID 73752320]


73. RUBINIČ, Borut. Ptice doline reke Mirne v Istri na Hrvaškem : 1. del Gaviiformes-Charadriiformes = Birds from river Mirna valley in Istria - Croatia : part 1. Graviiformes - Charadriiformes. Falco (Koper), februar 1996, let. , št. 10, str. 5-42, ilustr.

The author deals with the birds of the lower reaches of the Mirna river. The records made between 1990 and 1995 are presented in distribution charts and as a thorough mapping of the birds (Gaviiformes - Charadriiformes Part 1) which either breed there or appear as winter guests, migrants or merely as rare and scarce visitors. 255 different bird species were registered; 97 of them are breeders, while 8 of them bred in the valley less than a decade ago but have since disappeared due to land dainage and other agricultural activities, including burning. [COBISS-ID 5349425]


74. BASIACO, Gregor, CERKVENIK, Tina, GAMBOZ, Martina, GRIL, Gaja, JURATOVEC, Mojca, PUGLIESE, Daiana, RIHTER, Daša, ŠVILIGOJ, Maja, TRANI, Martina, VINCOLETTO, Roberta. Quell che rimane di un antico mare, Baia di San canziano: ritrovamenti fossili tra l'imodizia!. Falco (Koper), februar 1997, let. , št. 11, str. 61-64.

Naloga predstavlja seznam nekaterih zanimivih in redkih vrst ptic, sesalcev, plazilcev, dvoživk in rib, ki smo jih zabeležili ob naših ogledih umirajočega Škocjanskega zatoka. Kljub degradaciji smo ugotovili 58 vrst ptic, 2 vrsti dvoživk, 2 vrsti plazilcev, 2 vrsti rib in 1 vrsto sesalcev. Na osnovi rezultatov in opazovanj, zključujemo, da je območje Škocjanskega zatoka v veliki meri uničeno, vendar še vedno biotsko raznovrstno, zato predlagamo njegovo popolno zaščito. [COBISS-ID 5399601]

75. DIABATÉ, Oumar, OKRETIČ, Marjan, VOLČANŠEK, Mitja. Tracce di animali nella baia di San Canziano. Falco (Koper), februar 1997, let. , št. 11, str. 65-68.

V raziskovalni nalogi smo poskušali z metodo iskanja sledov in ostankov plenjenja ugotoviti število vrst živali na območju Škocjanskega zatoka. V sedmih obhodih (transekti), smo našli 37 sledov ter ostankov plenjenja 20 vrst živali. 24 sledov je pripadalo 15 vrstam ptic ter 13 sledov 5 vrstam sesalcev. Na transektu med izlivom Badaševice in luko Koper (T I) na zahodni strani Škocjanskega zatoka, je bilo najdenih 20 sledov, na transektu na severnovzhodni strani zatoka (T II) 14 in na transektu ob sladkovodnem močvirju (T III) 3 sledovi in ostanki plenjenja. Potrdili smo širitev nutrije Myocastor coypu tudi v Škocjanski zatok. [COBISS-ID 5408305]


76. Analisi della fauna del sedimento fangoso della baia di San Canziano. Falco (Koper), februar - september 1998, št. 13/14, str. 71-75.

V raziskovalni nalogi smo poskušali z metodo vzorčevanja s korerji ugotoviti število vrst živali na blatnem dnu Škocjanskega zatoka. Po tri korerje smo pobrali na treh postajah, ob zahodni obali zatoka. V vzorcih smo našli 16 vrstorganizmov, in sicer: 2 vrsti polžev, 4 vrste školjk, 5 vrst mnogoščetincev, 1 vrsto maloščetinca, 3 vrste rakov in 2 vrsti ličink žuželk. Najštevilnejši so bili predstavniki školjk in polžev. Na postaji št. I in št III smo našli 10 različnih vrst organizmov, na postaji št. II pa 9. Gostota osebkov na dm3 odvzetega blata je bila sledeča: na postaji št. I 35, na postaji št. II 16 in na postaji št. III 45 osebkov/dm3 odvzetega blata. [COBISS-ID 153811]

Falco (ISSN 1318-5411)


Rekapitulacija po tipologiji

Tipologija št. čl.
1.01 - Izvirni znanstveni članek 14
1.02 - Pregledni znanstveni članek 2
1.04 - Strokovni članek 16
1.19 - Objavljena recenzija, prikaz knjige, kritika 7
1.20 - Predgovor, spremna beseda 2
1.21 - Polemika, diskusijski prispevek 4
1.22 - Objavljeni intervju 4
1.25 - Drugi članki ali sestavki 21
9.00 - Nerazporejeno 6
Skupaj 76