Prime Numbers

An integer p > 1 is called a prime number, or a prime, in case there is no divisor d of p satisfying 1 < d < p. If an integer a > 1 is not a prime, it is called a composite number.

Some characteristics of primes

The RSA cryptographic algorithm uses a lot of prime numbers in generating its keys. These keys in turn will hold the strength of the encryption.

Public-key algorithms need prime numbers. Any reasonably sized network needs lots of them. Before discussing the mathematics of prime number generation, we will answer a few obvious questions.

But if factoring numbers is so hard, how can generating prime numbers be easy? The trick is that the yes/no question, "Is n prime?" is a much easier question to answer than the more complicated question, "What are the factors of n?"

The wrong way to find primes is to generate random numbers and then try to factor them. The right way is to generate random numbers and test if they are prime. There are several probabilistic primality tests; tests that determine whether a number is prime with a given degree of confidence. Assuming this "degree of confidence" is large enough, these sorts of tests are good enough.

Various primality-testing algorithms include:

The algorithm everyone uses was developed by Michael Rabin, based in part on Gary Miller’s ideas. Actually, this is a simplified version of the algorithm recommended in the DSS proposal.

Rabin-Miller Test

Choose a random number, p, to test. Calculate b, where b is the number of times 2 divides p-1. Then calculate m, such that p = 1 + 2b*m.

  • 1. Choose a random number, a, such that a is less than p.
  • 2. Set j = 0, and set z = am mod p.
  • 3. If z = 1, or if z = p - 1, then p passes the test and may be prime.
  • 4. If j > 0 and z = 1, then p is not prime.
  • 5. Set j = j +1. If j < b and z <> z2 mod p go back to step 4. If z = p - 1, then p passes the test and may be prime.
  • 6. If j = b and z <> p -1, then p is not prime.

The odds of a composite passing decreases faster with this test than with previous ones. Three-quarters of the possible values of a are guaranteed to be witnesses. This means that a composite number will slip through t tests no more than ¼t of the time, where t is the number of iterations. Actually, these numbers are very pessimistic. For most random numbers, something like 99.9 percent of the possible a values are witnesses.

Fermat’s Test

If p is a prime, then Fermat’s test says 2p mod p = 2

This can be used as an additional level of testing, during the prime number generation phase.

Practical Considerations

In real-world implementations, prime generation goes quickly.

Another option is not to generate a random p each time, but to incrementally search through numbers starting at a random point until you find a prime.

Step (3) is optional, but it is a good idea. Testing a random odd p to make sure it is not divisible by 3, 5, and 7 eliminates 54 percent of the odd numbers before you get to step (4). Testing against all primes less than 100 eliminates 76 percent of the odd numbers; testing against all primes less than 256 eliminates 80 percent. In general, the fraction of odd candidates that is not a multiple of any prime less than n is 1.12/ln n. The larger the n you test up to, the more precomputation is required before you get to the Rabin-Miller test.

Strong Primes

If n is the product of two primes, p and q, it may be desirable to use strong primes for p and q. These are prime numbers with certain properties that make the product n difficult to factor by specific factoring method. Among the properties suggested have been:

Whether strong primes are necessary is a subject of debate. These properties were designed to thwart some older factoring algorithms. However, the fastest factoring algorithms have as good a chance of factoring numbers that meet these criteria.