

I provide the following software to you "as is" without any express or implied warranties of any kind including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. I make no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to any support services I may render to you. I do not warrant that the software will meet your requirements or that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error-free or that the software contains no defects or errors. You assume full responsibility for the selection, possession, performance, and proper installation and use of the software and for verifying the results obtained therefrom. You, the user, are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of this software for your use and accept full responsibility for all risks associated with its use.

Interactive Computer Ephemeris 0.51 (ICE) by U.S. Naval Observatory

This powerful DOS program calculates Greenwich hour angle and declination for sun, moon, planets, and the navigational stars with a precision equal to that given in the Nautical Almanac. ICE is very similar to the former Floppy Almanac but covers a time span of almost 250 (!) years. Rising, setting, and twilight times are also provided. It further performs sight reduction (including altitude corrections) for any assumed position. Beside its navigational functions, ICE provides highly accurate ephemeral data for astronomers. Results can be stored in an output file. ICE, predecessor of MICA (Multiyear Interactive Computer Almanac), is in the public domain now and no longer controlled or supported by USNO. This program is a must!

Download (1 mb)

The Navigator's Almanac 2.0 by J. K. Simmonds

Another compact and user-friendly computer almanac. Creates and prints daily pages (interpolation tables required).

Download (63 kb)

The following utilities are interactive HTML documents containing JavaScript code. They run on Netscape Navigator 3-6 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4-6. They have a user-friendly interface (like Windows programs) and require much less space than stand-alone software.

In the past, I observed strange results when using other browsers, e.g., Opera. Therefore, I recommend using the browsers from Netscape or Microsoft only.

Sun and Moon Almanac 1.51 for the Years 1975-2015 by H. Umland

An accurate computer almanac for sun and moon. Calculates GHA and Dec for sun and moon, GHAAries, equation of time, and the phase of the moon. To test the program click here.

Download (11 kb)

Long Term Almanac for Sun and Moon 1.04 by H. Umland

A perpetual almanac for sun and moon. Calculates GHA and Dec for sun and moon, GHAAries, equation of time, phase of the moon, Greenwich apparent siderial time, Greenwich mean siderial time, and the equation of the equinoxes. Requires current value for Delta T. To test the program click here.

Download (12 kb)

Sight Reduction for the Sun 1.35 by H. Umland

A user-friendly sight reduction program for observations of the sun. Includes 40-year almanac and altitude corrections. To test the program click here.

Download (8 kb)

Sight Reduction for the Moon 1.01 by H. Umland

A user-friendly sight reduction program for observations of the moon. Includes 10-year almanac and altitude corrections. To test the program click here.

Download (9 kb)

Sight Reduction Calculator 1.49 by H. Umland

A compact sight reduction program. Includes altitude corrections. Requires GHA and declination from the Nautical Almanac or ICE. To test the program click here.

Download (4 kb)

Fix Calculator 1.07 by H. Umland

A program calculating the point where two lines of position intersect. Replaces a graphic plot. To test the program click here.

Download (3 kb)

RA to GHA Converter 1.02 by H. Umland

A utility calculating the GHA of a celestial body from right ascension and Greenwich siderial time as provided by MICA (Multiyear Interactive Computer Almanac). To test the program click here.

Download (2 kb)

Sight Reduction Tables by H. Umland

An extended version of Ageton's Tables in PDF format (90 pages). Includes instructions for use and a workform template.

Download (650 kb)

A compact version of these tables (15 pages only) is also available.

Download (334 kb)

Attention! If you downloaded an older version of the file (dated before Jan 17, 2002), update it now. The old version contains a systematic error in one column of each page.

Other Stuff


Molecular Weight Calculator 1.06 by H. Umland

A JavaScript program for chemists and lab technicians. Calculates the molecular weight of a chemical substance. To test the program click here.

Download (3 kb)

