CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.CompPhys._01AnnealingCatenary | |
CIG.Script._01LPSimple | Solves a simple LP program using the simplex algorithm. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._01NondrivenPrintSolution | Testiram delovanje solverja RK4. Izvede se samo izračun brez risanja grafov. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._02DrivenPlotSolution | Testiram risanje grafov. |
CIG.Script._02LPAttenuation | Solves a simple LP program using the simplex algorithm. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.CompPhys._02SimulatedAnnealing | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.CompPhys._03AnnealingIsingModel | |
CIG.Script._03NLPSimple | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._03PlotAtan | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.CompPhys._04IsingAvgEnergy | |
CIG.Script._04NLPSmoothRide | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._04PlotAtanModified | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._05AnalytAndNumSolutionPlot | Naenkrat narišem grafa analitične in numerične rešitve za iste parametre. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.CompPhys._05IsingAvgMagnetization | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.CompPhys._06MCarloCenterMass | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._06NumericalVsAnalyticalErrorDiff | Primerjam numerično rešitev z analitično. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.CompPhys._07MCNumberOfEscapedRays | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._07RichardsonExtrapolation | Testiram risanje grafov. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.CompPhys._08MCNeutronReflectorExp | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._08SteadyStateAmplitude | Primerjam numerično rešitev z analitično. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._09SingleResonanceCurvePlot | Primerjam numerično rešitev z analitično. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._10MultipleResCurvesPlotObsolete | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._11MultipleResCurvesPlot3D | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._12MultipleResCurvesPlot | Narišem nekaj resonančnih krivulj linearnega oscilatorja pri različnih parametrih w0 in b. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._13SolutionAndDrivingFunctionPlot | Naenkrat narišem grafa analitične in numerične rešitve za iste parametre. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.LinearOscillator._14PhaseShiftPlot | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.NonlinearOscillator._15SolutionPlot | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.NonlinearOscNondim._16SolutionPlot | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.NonlinearOscNondim._17SteadyStateAmplitude | |
CIG.Script._18ChaoticPlot | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.NonlinearOscillator._19SingleResonancePlot | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.NonlinearOscNondim._20MultipleResCurvesPlot | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.NonlinearOscillator._21MultipleResCurvesPlot | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.NonlinearOscillator._22SingleResCurveManyPhases | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.MagOscHardSpring._23SingleResCurveManyPhases | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts.MagOscHardSpring._24MultiResCurvesPlotPhaseScan | |
CIG.Script._25KickedRotator | Plots a state space portrait of the kicked rotator. |
CIG.Script._26Plot3D | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Application.Scripts._27Billiard | |
C_Test | |
Calglib.ablas | |
Calglib.ablasf | |
Calglib.ablasmkl | |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotter.Accessor | Class that is used to access the VtkPlotter's window in classes that are not derived from that class. Access can be granted by either inheriting from this class or by uding this class as proxy class |
CIG.Lib.ParsableXmlObject.AccummulatedReport | Class used for accummulated error and warning reports for task composed of several steps. This is used when we want to perform the whole task even if some errors occur, and treat all errors and messages after the task is completed. |
CMeta.Numerics.Functions.AdvancedComplexMath | Contains methods that compute advanced functions of complex arguments. |
CTest.AdvancedComplexMathTest | |
CMeta.Numerics.Functions.AdvancedIntegerMath | Contains methods that compute advanced functions of integer arguments. |
CTest.AdvancedIntegerMathTest | |
CMeta.Numerics.Functions.AdvancedMath | Contains methods that compute advanced functions with real arguments. |
CTest.AdvancedMathTest | |
Calglib.smp.ae_lock | |
CIG.Num.AffineTransformation | Implementation of a general affine transformation where dimensions of the original and transformed space can be different. |
CIG.Num.AffineTransformationDiagonal0_TO_DELETE | Implementation of a general affine transformation. |
Calglib.airyf | |
Calglib | |
Calglib.alglibbasics | |
►Calglib.alglibobject | |
Calglib.ahcreport | |
Calglib.autogkreport | |
Calglib.autogkstate | |
Calglib.barycentricfitreport | |
Calglib.barycentricinterpolant | |
Calglib.clusterizerstate | |
Calglib.decisionforest | |
Calglib.densesolverlsreport | |
Calglib.densesolverreport | |
Calglib.dfreport | |
Calglib.hqrndstate | |
Calglib.idwinterpolant | |
Calglib.kdtree | |
Calglib.kmeansreport | |
Calglib.lincgreport | |
Calglib.lincgstate | |
Calglib.linearmodel | |
Calglib.linlsqrreport | |
Calglib.linlsqrstate | |
Calglib.logitmodel | |
Calglib.lrreport | |
Calglib.lsfitreport | |
Calglib.lsfitstate | |
Calglib.matinvreport | |
Calglib.mcpdreport | |
Calglib.mcpdstate | |
Calglib.minasareport | |
Calglib.minasastate | |
Calglib.minbleicreport | |
Calglib.minbleicstate | |
Calglib.mincgreport | |
Calglib.mincgstate | |
Calglib.minlbfgsreport | |
Calglib.minlbfgsstate | |
Calglib.minlmreport | |
Calglib.minlmstate | |
Calglib.minqpreport | |
Calglib.minqpstate | |
Calglib.mlpcvreport | |
Calglib.mlpensemble | |
Calglib.mlpreport | |
Calglib.mlptrainer | |
Calglib.mnlreport | |
Calglib.modelerrors | |
Calglib.multilayerperceptron | |
Calglib.nleqreport | |
Calglib.nleqstate | |
Calglib.normestimatorstate | |
Calglib.odesolverreport | |
Calglib.odesolverstate | |
Calglib.polynomialfitreport | |
Calglib.pspline2interpolant | |
Calglib.pspline3interpolant | |
Calglib.rbfmodel | |
Calglib.rbfreport | |
Calglib.sparsematrix | |
Calglib.spline1dfitreport | |
Calglib.spline1dinterpolant | |
Calglib.spline2dinterpolant | |
Calglib.spline3dinterpolant | |
CIG.Lib.Alignment | Defines alignment (vertical and horizontal) of some object. |
CIG.Num.AnalysisResultsExtensions | Extension methods for analysis results classes. |
CIG.Num.AnalysisTable | Generation of tables of analysis pooints. |
CIG.NumExperimental.AnalysisTable | Generation of tables of analysis pooints. |
►CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.AnovaRow | A row in an ANOVA table. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.AnovaTestRow | A row in an ANOVA table for which an F-test is available. |
►CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.AnyMatrix< T > | Describes the form of all matrices. |
►CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.AnyRectangularMatrix | Describes the form of all real matrices. |
►CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.AnySquareMatrix | Describes the form of all real, square matrices. |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.SparseSquareMatrix | Represents a sparse, square matrix. |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.SquareMatrix | Represents a square matrix. |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.SymmetricMatrix | Represents a symmetric matrix. |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.TridiagonalMatrix | Represents a tridiagonal matrix. |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.RectangularMatrix | A rectangular matrix of real numbers. |
►CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.VectorBase | Implements functionality shared between row and column vectors. |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.ColumnVector | A column vector of real numbers. |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.RowVector | A row vector of real numbers. |
Calglib.ap | |
►Calglib.apobject | |
Calglib.apserv.apbuffers | |
Calglib.apserv.sboolean | |
Calglib.apserv.sbooleanarray | |
Calglib.apserv.scomplex | |
Calglib.apserv.scomplexarray | |
Calglib.apserv.sinteger | |
Calglib.apserv.sintegerarray | |
Calglib.apserv.sreal | |
Calglib.apserv.srealarray | |
Calglib.autogk.autogkinternalstate | |
Calglib.autogk.autogkreport | |
Calglib.autogk.autogkstate | |
Calglib.bdss.cvreport | |
Calglib.clustering.ahcreport | |
Calglib.clustering.clusterizerstate | |
Calglib.clustering.kmeansreport | |
Calglib.cqmodels.convexquadraticmodel | |
Calglib.densesolver.densesolverlsreport | |
Calglib.densesolver.densesolverreport | |
Calglib.dforest.decisionforest | |
Calglib.dforest.dfinternalbuffers | |
Calglib.dforest.dfreport | |
Calglib.fbls.fblslincgstate | |
Calglib.ftbase.fasttransformplan | |
Calglib.hpccores.mlpbuffers | |
Calglib.hqrnd.hqrndstate | |
Calglib.idwint.idwinterpolant | |
Calglib.lincg.lincgreport | |
Calglib.lincg.lincgstate | |
Calglib.linlsqr.linlsqrreport | |
Calglib.linlsqr.linlsqrstate | |
Calglib.linmin.armijostate | |
Calglib.linmin.linminstate | |
Calglib.linreg.linearmodel | |
Calglib.linreg.lrreport | |
Calglib.logit.logitmcstate | |
Calglib.logit.logitmodel | |
Calglib.logit.mnlreport | |
Calglib.lsfit.barycentricfitreport | |
Calglib.lsfit.lsfitreport | |
Calglib.lsfit.lsfitstate | |
Calglib.lsfit.polynomialfitreport | |
Calglib.lsfit.spline1dfitreport | |
Calglib.matinv.matinvreport | |
Calglib.mcpd.mcpdreport | |
Calglib.mcpd.mcpdstate | |
Calglib.minbleic.minbleicreport | |
Calglib.minbleic.minbleicstate | |
Calglib.mincg.mincgreport | |
Calglib.mincg.mincgstate | |
Calglib.mincomp.minasareport | |
Calglib.mincomp.minasastate | |
Calglib.minlbfgs.minlbfgsreport | |
Calglib.minlbfgs.minlbfgsstate | |
Calglib.minlm.minlmreport | |
Calglib.minlm.minlmstate | |
Calglib.minqp.minqpreport | |
Calglib.minqp.minqpstate | |
Calglib.mlpbase.modelerrors | |
Calglib.mlpbase.multilayerperceptron | |
Calglib.mlpbase.smlpgrad | |
Calglib.mlpe.mlpensemble | |
Calglib.mlptrain.mlpcvreport | |
Calglib.mlptrain.mlpetrnsession | |
Calglib.mlptrain.mlpparallelizationcv | |
Calglib.mlptrain.mlpreport | |
Calglib.mlptrain.mlptrainer | |
Calglib.mlptrain.smlptrnsession | |
Calglib.nearestneighbor.kdtree | |
Calglib.nleq.nleqreport | |
Calglib.nleq.nleqstate | |
Calglib.normestimator.normestimatorstate | |
Calglib.odesolver.odesolverreport | |
Calglib.odesolver.odesolverstate | |
Calglib.pspline.pspline2interpolant | |
Calglib.pspline.pspline3interpolant | |
Calglib.ratint.barycentricinterpolant | |
Calglib.rbf.rbfmodel | |
Calglib.rbf.rbfreport | |
Calglib.rcommstate | |
Calglib.sactivesets.sactiveset | |
Calglib.smp.shared_pool | |
Calglib.snnls.snnlssolver | |
Calglib.sparse.sparsematrix | |
Calglib.spline1d.spline1dinterpolant | |
Calglib.spline2d.spline2dinterpolant | |
Calglib.spline3d.spline3dinterpolant | |
Calglib.testalglibbasicsunit.poolrec1 | |
Calglib.testalglibbasicsunit.poolrec2 | |
Calglib.testalglibbasicsunit.poolsummand | |
Calglib.testalglibbasicsunit.rec1 | |
Calglib.testalglibbasicsunit.rec4serialization | |
►CIG.Lib.ApplicationCommandlineBase | Base class for main application classes that have the main method of the application based on command line interpreter. |
CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptBase.StoredScriptSettings | In methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script. |
CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptShellBase.StoredScriptSettings | In methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script. |
CIG.Lib.ShellApplication< InterpreterType > | Class encapsulating a command-line shell. Used as embedded shell application that can be installed on command-line interpreters and runnable scripts. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeural.StoredScriptSettings | In methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralBase.StoredScriptSettings | In methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralITOriginal.StoredScriptSettings | In methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralITOriginalBase.StoredScriptSettings | In methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script. |
CIG.Script.S_11_10_Clanek_Neural_Base.StoredScriptSettings | In methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script. |
CIG.Script.S_12_01_Paper_NeuralOptCasting_00.StoredScriptSettings | In methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script. |
CIG.Script.S_12_02_paper_neural_process_chain_model.StoredScriptSettings | In methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script. |
CIG.Script.S_12_03_paper_gk.StoredScriptSettings | In methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script. |
CIG.Script.S_12_09_jmatpro.StoredScriptSettings | In methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script. |
CIG.Script.Script_11_10_clanek_neural_01.StoredScriptSettings | In methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script. |
CIG.Test.ProgramTestIgorIT | Class containing main method for Igor Grešovnik's optimization shell. |
CTestOpt.IGLibShellExtMainProgram | Class containing the main method of application. |
CTestOpt.IGLibShellMainProgram | Class containing the main method of application. |
CLabexUtilities.ApplicationData | Provides information about the current application such as application variant. |
►CIG.Neural.ApproximationFileServerNeural | Class for approximation file server. |
►CIG.Neural.AnalysisFileServerNeural | Class containing direct analysis (in optimization) based on neural network optimization. |
CIG.Neural.AnalysisFileServerNeuralExtBase | Analysis server based on neural approximations for IJS, for Robert's data. |
CIG.Neural.MappingApproximationFileServerNeural | Class for mapping file server. |
CIG.Num.ApproximationMls | Moving least squares approximation. |
CIG.Num.ApproximationWls | Weighted least squares approximation. |
CIG.Num.ApproximatorWlsLinearBase | Calculates weighted least squares approximations. |
Calglib.apserv | |
CIG.Crypt.Asym | |
►CAsyncCompletedEventArgs | |
CCalcWebService.localhost.AddCompletedEventArgs | |
CCalcWebService.localhost.AddCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WsBaseRef.GetServiceNameCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WsBaseRef.TestCountCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WsBaseRef.TestServiceArgsCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WsBaseRef.TestServiceCmdCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WsBaseRef.TestServiceCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelop1Ref.GetClientDataCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelop1Ref.GetServiceNameCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelop1Ref.ReturnClientTableCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelop1Ref.TestCountCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelop1Ref.TestMethodWS2CompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelop1Ref.TestServiceArgsCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelop1Ref.TestServiceCmdCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelop1Ref.TestServiceCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelopRef.GetClientDataCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelopRef.GetServiceNameCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelopRef.ReturnClientTableCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelopRef.TestCountCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelopRef.TestServiceArgsCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelopRef.TestServiceCmdCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelopRef.TestServiceCompletedEventArgs | |
CIGTest.TestWebReference.CelsiusToFahrenheitCompletedEventArgs | |
CIGTest.TestWebReference.FahrenheitToCelsiusCompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.CalypsoWs.ServiceReference.getUniqueIDCompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.CalypsoWs.ServiceReference.getVersionListCompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.CalypsoWs.ServiceReference.receiveMessage1CompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.CalypsoWs.ServiceReference.receiveMessageCompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.getUniqueIDCompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.getUniqueIDCompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.getUniqueIDCompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.getVersionListCompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.getVersionListCompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.getVersionListCompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.receiveMessage1CompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.receiveMessage1CompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.receiveMessage1CompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.receiveMessageCompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.receiveMessageCompletedEventArgs | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.receiveMessageCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestGui.localhost.PaketShemaCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestGui.localhost.PaketStatusCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestGui.localhost.PaketStatusShemaCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestGui.localhost.PaketStatusZalogaVrednostiCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestGui.localhost.PaketTipZalogaVrednostiCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestGui.localhost.PosljiPaketCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_GUI.EFA_WS.PaketShemaCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_GUI.EFA_WS.PaketStatusCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_GUI.EFA_WS.PaketStatusShemaCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_GUI.EFA_WS.PaketStatusZalogaVrednostiCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_GUI.EFA_WS.PaketTipZalogaVrednostiCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_GUI.EFA_WS.PodrocjaZalogaVrednostiCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_GUI.EFA_WS.PosljiPaketCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_GUI.EFA_WS.PosljiPaketZipCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_GUI.EFA_WS.StevilkaSejeCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_Lib.EFA_WS.PaketShemaCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_Lib.EFA_WS.PaketStatusCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_Lib.EFA_WS.PaketStatusShemaCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_Lib.EFA_WS.PaketStatusZalogaVrednostiCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_Lib.EFA_WS.PaketTipZalogaVrednostiCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_Lib.EFA_WS.PodrocjaZalogaVrednostiCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_Lib.EFA_WS.PosljiPaketCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_Lib.EFA_WS.PosljiPaketZipCompletedEventArgs | |
CTestWS_Lib.EFA_WS.StevilkaSejeCompletedEventArgs | |
CWcfService_WebDev_FromTemplate.WSBaseRef.TestCountCompletedEventArgs | |
CWcfService_WebDev_FromTemplate.WSBaseRef.TestServiceArgCompletedEventArgs | |
CWcfService_WebDev_FromTemplate.WSBaseRef.TestServiceArgsCompletedEventArgs | |
CWcfService_WebDev_FromTemplate.WSBaseRef.TestServiceCompletedEventArgs | |
CIG.Lib.Author | Holds author's data. |
Calglib.autogk | |
►CIG.Lib.AutopsyBase | Base class for Text fields of autopsy declaration |
CIG.Lib.AutopsyAssociatedDisease | |
CIG.Lib.AutopsyBasicDisease | |
CIG.Lib.AutopsyDeathReason | |
CIG.Lib.AutopsyOtherInformation | |
►CBackpropagationNetwork | |
CIG.Neural.NeuralApproximatorNeuron.MyNeuronBackPropagation | Replacement for BackpropagationNetwork from NeuronDotNet, adapts some functionality to the needs of enclosing class. |
Calglib.basestat | |
Calglib.basicstatops | |
Calglib.bdss | |
Calglib.bdsvd | |
Calglib.bessel | |
Calglib.betaf | |
CTest.BinaryContingencyTableTest | |
Calglib.binomialdistr | |
CTest.BivariateSampleTest | |
Calglib.blas | |
CIG.Lib.BoundingBoxDtoBase | DTO (data transfer object) for vector interface (IVector). |
CTest.BugTests | |
CLabexBis.CalypsoWs.ServiceReference.CalypsoException | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.CalypsoException | |
►CCellVirtual | |
CIPLab.GridArray.CellArrayTemplate | |
Calglib.chebyshev | |
CIG.Physics.ChemicalCompound | Chemical compoind |
►CIG.Physics.ChemicalElement | Represents a sigle chemical element with its main data. |
CIG.Physics.ChemicalElementQuantity | Chemical element with stoichiometric quantity. |
CIG.Physics.ChemicalElementProperties | Properties of chemical element. |
Calglib.chisquaredistr | |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.CholeskyDecomposition | Represents the Cholesky Decomposition of a symmetric, positive definite matrix. |
CIG.Neural.FormsOld.Class1 | |
CPipeClient.Client | |
CPipeServer.Server.Client | |
CIG.Forms.client_program | |
►CClientBase | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.WSBaseSoapClient | |
CMyService.ClientData | |
CIG.Web.ClientDataBase | Class used for transferring client data between services. |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelop1Ref.ClientDataBase | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelopRef.ClientDataBase | |
CIG.Forms.ClientMessages | |
Calglib.clustering | |
CIG.Lib.color | Extended color representation. Stores RGB components and opacity as double numbers ranging fom 0 to 1. Implicit conversions to and from System.Drawing.Color and form System.Drawing.KnownColor are provided. |
►CColumnHeader | |
CIPLab.GridArray.CellColumnHeaderTemplate | |
CCSharpScripter.Command | Zusammenfassung fr Command. |
►CCommon | |
CIPLab.GridArrayInt.CellBehavior | |
►CComparer | |
CIG.Num.SampledDataSet.ComparerInputDistance | Comparer that compares two data elements of type SampledDataElement according to the distance of their input parameter vectors to a specified reference point (vector) in the input parameter space |
CIG.Num.SampledDataSet.ComparerOutputDistance | Comparer that compares two data elements of type SampledDataElement according to the distance of their output values vectors to a specified reference point (vector) in the output values space |
CAP.Complex | |
CAP1.Complex | |
Calglib.complex | |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.ComplexEigensystem | Represents a collection of complex eigenvalues and eigenvectors. |
CIGTestMathNet.ComplexExt | |
CMeta.Numerics.ComplexMath | Provides simple functions of complex arguments. |
CTest.ComplexMathTest | |
CIG.Num.ComplexMatrixExtensions | Extension methods for IMatrix interface. |
CTest.ComplexTest | This is a test class for ComplexTest and is intended to contain all ComplexTest Unit Tests /summary> |
CWcfService_WebDev_FromTemplate.CompositeType | |
CIG.Configer.Configer | |
CIG.Configer.ConfigerConsole | Configer console application main class. Currently contains a lot of tests for basic library functionality. Configer is a tool for modification of (XML) configuration file according to an XML script. |
CIG.Configer.configerwin | |
CIPLab.Configuration | Application configuration |
CUsingConfigurationClass.ConfigurationMain | |
►CConfigurationSection | |
CCustomSection | |
CIG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.ConstCrypto | Contains constants for cryptographic operations from shell functions. |
CIG.Sim.ConstFields | Constants related to simulated fields. |
CIG.Num.ConstMath | Mathematical and physical constants. |
CIG.Num.ConstMisc | Miscellaneous constants. |
CIG.Num.ConstPhysical | Physical constants including units and standard uncertainty. |
CIG.Sim.ConstSim | Constants related to simulations. |
►CContent | |
CIPLab.FourierDoc | Summary description for FourierDoc. |
CIPLab.HistogramWindow | Summary description for HistogramWindow. |
CIPLab.ImageDoc | Summary description for ImageDoc. |
CIPLab.ImageStatisticsWindow | Summary description for ImageStatisticsWindow. |
►CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.ContingencyTable | Represents a contingency table. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.BinaryContingencyTable | Represents a 2 X 2 contingency table. |
CTest.ContingencyTableTest | |
►CControl | |
CIPLab.FilterPreview | FilterPreview window |
Calglib.conv | |
CCOPYDATASTRUCT | The COPYDATASTRUCT structure contains data to be passed to another application by the WM_COPYDATA message. |
Calglib.corr | |
Calglib.correlationtests | |
Calglib.cqmodels | |
Calglib.creflections | |
►CCriticalFinalizerObject | |
CMemoryLeaksTest | |
CMemoryLeaksTest | |
CJavaScience.CRYPT_DATA_BLOB | |
CIG.Num.SampledDataCsv.DataColumnDefinition | Used to define which columns in a data table correspond to which input or output elements. |
Calglib.datacomp | |
CTest.DataSetTest | This is a test class for DataSetTest and is intended to contain all DataSetTest Unit Tests /summary> |
CIG.Lib.DataStore | XML-based data class. Doc container is accessed through the Doc property, which is of class XmlData, an extension of XmlDocument. |
Calglib.dawson | |
CTest.DbTest | |
CIG.Script.DemoResonanceCurvePlot | Try-it-yourself script class. |
CIG.Script.DemoResonanceCurvePlotExt | Try-it-yourself script class. |
Calglib.densesolver | |
Calglib.dforest | |
CIG.Lib.DiagnosisCodeClass | Represents the diagnosis code with description. |
CIG.Lib.DiagnosisText | Tepresents the free Text diagnosis. |
►CIG.Num.DifferentialFirstOrderSolverBase | Base class for definition of a system of first order ordinary differential equations (initial problem). |
CIG.Num.DifferentialFirstOrderSolverEuler | Base class for definition of a system of first order ordinary differential equations (initial problem). |
►CIG.Num.DifferentialFirstOrderSystemBase | Base class for definition of a system of first order ordinary differential equations (initial problem). |
CIG.Num.DifferentialHarmonicOscillation | Defines a system of first order ordinary diferential equations with initial conditions for dumped harmonic oscillation of a mass on a spring. |
CIG.Num.DiffLorenzOscillator | System of first order differential equations fro Lorentz Oscillator. |
CTest.DiscreteDistributionTest | |
CTest.DistributionTest | |
Calglib.elliptic | |
CIG.Crypt.encryption_test | |
►CMeta.Numerics.Analysis.EvaluationResult | Represents the result of a function analysis. |
CMeta.Numerics.Analysis.IntegrationResult | Represents the result of a numerical integration. |
CMeta.Numerics.Analysis.MultiExtremum | Represents a minimum or maximum of a multidimensional function. |
CMeta.Numerics.Analysis.EvaluationSettings | Contains settings controling the evaluation of a function. |
CADOGuy.Evaluator | Summary description for Class1. |
CIG.Num.EvaluatorConst | Constants used in evaluator classes. $A Igor Mar09 Aug11; |
CIG.NumExperimental.EvaluatorConst | Constants used in evaluator classes. $A Igor Mar09 Aug11; |
CADOGuy.EvaluatorItem | |
Calglib.evd | |
►CEventArgs | |
CEFA_WS.ExceptionEventArgs | |
CIPLab.GridEventArgs | |
CIPLab.SelectionEventArgs | |
CNumLib.ExampleAlgLib2008 | |
►CIG.Lib.WaitFileEventLatenceBase.ExampleLatence | Class containing examples for |
CIG.Lib.WaitFileEventBase.Example | Class containing examples for waiting creation or removal of files and directories. |
►CException | |
CEFA_WS.BulkCopyException | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.Solvers.InitialProblemODE_RK4.InitialProblemSolverException | |
►CException | |
Calglib.alglibexception | |
Calglib.alglibexception | |
CEFA_WS.InsertIntoEfaPaketException | |
CEFA_WS.PaketStatusPovratnicaException | |
CEFA_WS.SaveXmlToDiskException | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.PlottableModels.Oscillators.CalcResonanceException | |
CMeta.Numerics.NonconvergenceException | The exception that is thrown when an algorithm fails to converge. |
Calglib.expintegrals | |
CTest.ExtremaTest | |
CMeta.Numerics.Analysis.Extremum | Represents a maximum or minimum of a function of one variable. |
Calglib.fbls | |
Calglib.fdistr | |
Calglib.fft | |
Calglib.fht | |
►CIG.Num.Field< TElement > | A generic field of values of any type. Values must be allocated at once. |
CIG.Num.Field1< TElement > | A generic field of values of any type. Values must be allocated at once. |
CIG.Num.Field< TElement >.ExampleClassScalarField | Example of a field class. |
►CIG.Num.StructuredField2d< TElement > | Field where field elements are arranged in a 2 dimensional array. Usually represents a field over a structured 2D mesh |
►CIG.Num.StructuredMeshGeometry2d< TCoord > | Structured mesh geometry in 2 dimensions. |
►CIG.Num.StructuredMesh2d< TCoord, TIndexField, TIndex, TScalarField, TScalar, TVectorField, TVector, TTensorField, TTensor > | Generic 2D structured mesh with collections of named scalar, vector, tensor and index fields |
CIG.Num.StructuredMesh2d3d | 2D structured mesh in 3D |
CIG.Num.UnStructuredMesh2d | 2D structured mesh |
►CIG.Num.StructuredField3d< TElement > | Field where field elements are arranged in a 3 dimensional array. Usually represents a field over a structured 3D mesh |
►CIG.Num.StructuredMeshGeometry3d< TCoord > | Structured mesh geometry in 3 dimensions. |
CIG.Num.StructuredMesh3d< TCoord, TIndexField, TIndex, TScalarField, TScalar, TVectorField, TVector, TTensorField, TTensor > | Generic 3D structured mesh with collections of named scalar, vector, tensor and index fields |
►CIG.Num.UnstructuredMeshGeometry1d< TCoord > | Geometry and topology of an unstructured 1D mesh. Presents both connected meshes and unconnected sets of points. |
►CIG.Num.UnstructuredMesh1d< TCoord, TIndexField, TIndex, TScalarField, TScalar, TVectorField, TVector, TTensorField, TTensor > | Generic 1D unstructured mesh with collections of named scalar, vector, tensor and index fields |
CIG.Num.UnstructuredMesh1d2d | Unstructured mesh in 1D embedded in 2D space |
CIG.Num.UnstructuredMesh1d3d | Unstructured mesh in 1D embedded in 3D space |
►CIG.Num.UnstructuredMeshGeometry2d< TCoord > | Geometry and topology of an unstructured 2D mesh. Presents both connected meshes and unconnected sets of points. |
CIG.Num.UnstructuredMesh2d< TCoord, TIndexField, TIndex, TScalarField, TScalar, TVectorField, TVector, TTensorField, TTensor > | Generic 2D unstructured mesh with collections of named scalar, vector, tensor and index fields |
►CIG.Num.UnstructuredMeshGeometry3d< TCoord > | Geometry and topology of an unstructured 2D mesh. Presents both connected meshes and unconnected sets of points. |
CIG.Num.UnstructuredMesh3d< TCoord, TIndexField, TIndex, TScalarField, TScalar, TVectorField, TVector, TTensorField, TTensor > | Generic 3D unstructured mesh with collections of named scalar, vector, tensor and index fields |
►CIG.Num.FieldCollection< TField, TElement > | Collection of fields of the same type. Fields are identified by their names |
CIG.Num.FieldCollection2d< TField, TElement > | Collection of structured 2D fields of the same type. Fields are identified by their names |
CIG.Num.FieldCollection3d< TField, TElement > | Collection of structured 3D fields of the same type. Fields are identified by their names |
CFileMappingNative | |
Calglib.filters | |
►CIG.Lib.FindingsConsttBase | Contains various names and other constants used in findings. |
►CIG.Lib.FindingsConst | |
CIG.Lib.FindingConstGolnik | Here one can handle specifics with respect to different variants of the program for different customers. This class should not contain any additional definitions! |
CIG.Lib.FindingsPatient | Patient data for inclusion in findings. |
CIG.Lib.FindingsPhysician | Patient data for inclusion in findings. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.FitResult | Represents the result of a fit procedure. |
►CForm | |
CCSReceiveWM_COPYDATA.ServerForm | |
CCSSendWM_COPYDATA.ClientForm | |
CHelloVTKForm.Form1 | |
CIG.Forms.AlignmentTestForm | Test form, used only to test if control can be inclded in the form.. |
CIG.Forms.BrowserSimpleWindow | |
CIG.Forms.CompilerForm | |
CIG.Forms.CompilerFormOld | |
CIG.Forms.CompilerFormOld | |
CIG.Forms.GraphWindowTemplate_Old | Form used for plots. |
CIG.Forms.HashGeneratorForm | |
CIG.Forms.MathematicaCalculatorApp | |
CIG.Forms.MessageBoxLauncher | An exemple form that launches various message boxes |
CIG.Forms.ScalarFunctionEvaluatorWindow | Control for test evaluation of scalar functions |
CIG.Forms.ScalarFunctionScriptWindow | Window for definition of scalar functions by user defined expressions (through script loader). |
CIG.Forms.ScriptLoaderForm | |
CIG.Forms.sendigence_test_form | |
CIG.Forms.sendigence_test_form | |
CIG.Forms.TestForm | Test form. |
CIG.Forms.TestFormSandbox | |
CIG.Forms.WindowPositionerForm | Windows form for testing window positioning./summary> $A Igor xx Oct09; |
CIG.Gr3d.Graph3dManipulatorWindow | A form for manipulation of 3D graphics. |
CIG.Gr3d.Graph3dManipulatorWindowExtended | A form for manipulating 3D graphics. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkForm | Windows form for presenting VTK graphics |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkFormPlain | Windows form for presenting VTK graphics |
CIG.Neural.Applications.DemoNeuralOld | |
CIG.Neural.Applications.formLoadCSV | GUI Form for loading the training set. |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralDemo | |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralParametricDemoAboutWindow | Window that displays information about Demo application for performing parametric studies on ANN models. |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralParametricDemoAboutWindow | Window that displays information about Demo application for performing parametric studies on ANN models. |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralParametricDemoAboutWindowOld | Window that displays information about Demo application for performing parametric studies on ANN models. |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralPredictionWindow | Window for making predictions of output values based on ANN model. |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralPredictionWindow | Window for making predictions of output values based on ANN model. |
CIG.Neural.Applications.TadejFormOld | GUI Form for training neural networks. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralInputWindow | Test window for editing input parameters of an approximative model. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralInputWindow | Test window for editing input parameters of an approximative model. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.Old.FormNeural2DOld | |
CIG.Neural.Forms.Old.NeuralParametricDemoOld | Class for testing Layout designs. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.Old.NeuralParametricDemoOldCopy | Class for testing Layout designs. |
CIG.Neural.NeuralParametricDemoOldAboutWindow | |
►CIG.Plot2d.GraphWindowTemplate | Template for stand-alone graph windows. |
CIG.Plot2d.GraphWindowNPlot | Stand-alone graph window using NPlot as plotting engine. For layout, GraphWindowTemplate class is inherited. |
CIG.Sendigence.SendigenceMain | |
CIG.Sendigence.SendigenceMain | |
CIG.Web.Forms.WSClientFormsAboutWindow | Window that displays information about Demo application for performing parametric studies on ANN models. |
CIGTest.FindingsRtfTest | |
CIGTest.FindingsRtfTest | |
CIPLab.AdditiveNoiseForm | |
CIPLab.BayerFilterForm | |
CIPLab.BilateralForm | |
CIPLab.BlobsFilteringForm | |
CIPLab.HolesFillingForm | |
CIPLab.MoravecCornersDetectorForm | |
CIPLab.MoveTowardsFilterForm | |
CIPLab.PolarFilterForm | |
CIPLab.RunLengthSmoothingForm | |
CIPLab.SaltNoiseForm | |
CIPLab.SimplePosterizationForm | |
CIPLab.SusanCornersDetectorForm | |
CIPLab.WaterWaveForm | |
CItaia.ZedGraphWindow | |
CPipeClient.Form1 | |
CPipeServer.Form1 | |
CTestGui.BrowseWS | |
CTestGui.Form1 | |
CTestGui.Form2 | |
CTestWS_GUI.Form1 | |
CXMLEncryption.Form1 | |
CXMLEncryption.Form1 | |
►CForm | |
CCSharpScripter.FormMain | Zusammenfassung fr Form1. |
CIG.Configer.configerwinmain | |
CIG.Configer.configerwinmain | |
CIG.Crypt.EncryptionForm | |
CIG.Forms.BrowserFormOld | |
CIG.Forms.ClientForm | |
CIG.Forms.ConsoleForm | Summary description for ConsoleForm. |
CIG.Forms.ConsoleForm | Summary description for ConsoleForm. |
CIG.Forms.FadeMessage | Summary description for FadeMessage. |
CIG.Forms.FadingMessage | Manages a fading message window. Windows containing a message are launched in separate threads, closing after a specified time. |
CIG.Forms.FaidMessage1 | Summary description for FaidMessage1. |
CIG.Forms.GraphWindow | |
CIG.Forms.IGForm | Summary description for FaidMessage1. |
►CIG.Forms.ReporterConf | Reporter configuration. |
CIG.Lib.ReporterConfSpeech | This class is extension of ReporterConf that enables reporting via speech. |
CIG.Forms.ReporterConf | Reporter configuration. |
CIG.Forms.ServerForm | |
CIG.Forms.ServerForm | |
CIG.Forms.Test.ColorConverterForm | |
CIG.Forms.Test.ColorConverterForm | |
CIG.Forms.Test.MessageBoxBuilder | |
CIG.Forms.Test.MessageBoxBuilder | |
CIG.Forms.XMLTestPath | |
CIG.Forms.XMLTreeView | Summary description for XMLTreeView. |
CIG.Forms.XMLTreeView | Summary description for XMLTreeView. |
CIG.Gr.ZedGraphWindow | Window form containing a Zedgraph control for plotting graphs. |
CIG.Lib.FormMathematicaCalculatorOld | Summary description for Form1. |
►CIG.Neural.Applications.AnnAppDemo | Form for parametric tests and other viewing operations performed on ANN models. |
CIG.Neural.Applications.AnnAppDemoExperimental | Experimental class for neural parametric demos. |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralApp1D | |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralApp2D | |
CIG.Neural.Forms.Old.FormNeural1DOld | |
CIG.Neural.Forms.Old.NeuralParametricDemoTestOld | Class for testing Layout designs. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.Old.NeuralParametricDemoTestOld | Class for testing Layout designs. |
CIG.Plot2d.NPlot_Demo | The main demo window. This is developed in such a way that IGLib's derived classes are gradually used in place of original ones. |
CIG.Sendigence.ConsoleForm | Summary description for ConsoleForm. |
CIG.Sendigence.ConsoleForm | Summary description for ConsoleForm. |
CIG.Web.Forms.WSClientsForm | Form for parametric tests and other viewing operations performed on ANN models. |
CIPLab.AboutForm | Summary description for AboutForm. |
CIPLab.AboutFormExtensions | Summary description for AboutForm. |
CIPLab.AdaptiveSmoothForm | Summary description for AdaptiveSmoothForm. |
CIPLab.BrightnessForm | Summary description for BrightnessForm. |
CIPLab.CannyDetectorForm | Summary description for CannyDetectorForm. |
CIPLab.ChannelFilteringForm | Summary description for ChannelFilteringForm. |
CIPLab.ColorFilteringForm | Summary description for ColorFilteringForm. |
CIPLab.ContrastForm | Summary description for ContrastForm. |
CIPLab.ConvolutionForm | Summary description for ConvolutionForm. |
CIPLab.EuclideanColorFilteringForm | Summary description for EuclideanColorFilteringForm. |
CIPLab.FrequencyFilterForm | Summary description for FrequencyFilter. |
CIPLab.GammaForm | Summary description for GammaForm. |
CIPLab.GaussianForm | Summary description for GaussianForm. |
CIPLab.HSLFilteringForm | Summary description for HSLFilteringForm. |
CIPLab.HSLLinearForm | Summary description for HSLLinearForm. |
CIPLab.HueModifierForm | Summary description for HueModifierForm. |
CIPLab.LevelsLinearForm | Summary description for LevelsLinearForm. |
CIPLab.MainForm | Summary description for Form1. |
CIPLab.MathMorphologyForm | Summary description for MathMorphologyForm. |
CIPLab.MorphForm | Summary description for MorphPhorm. |
CIPLab.OilPaintingForm | Summary description for OilPaintingForm. |
CIPLab.PerlinNoiseForm | Summary description for PerlinNoiseForm. |
CIPLab.PixelateForm | Summary description for PixelateForm. |
CIPLab.ResizeForm | Summary description for ResizeForm. |
CIPLab.RotateForm | Summary description for RotateForm. |
CIPLab.SaturationForm | Summary description for SaturationForm. |
CIPLab.SelectImageForm | Summary description for SelectImageForm. |
CIPLab.SharpenExForm | Summary description for SharpenExForm. |
CIPLab.ShrinkForm | Summary description for ShrinkForm. |
CIPLab.ThresholdForm | Summary description for ThresholdForm. |
CIPLab.YCbCrFilteringForm | Summary description for YCbCrFilteringForm. |
CIPLab.YCbCrLinearForm | Summary description for YCbCrLinearForm. |
CJavaScience.PswdDialog | |
CMathKernelApp.Form1 | Summary description for Form1. |
CXMLTree.Form1 | Summary description for Form1. |
CXMLTree.Form1 | Summary description for Form1. |
CIG.Sendigence.FormWriterBase | |
CTest.FourierTest | |
CMeta.Numerics.SignalProcessing.FourierTransformer | An engine for performing Fourier transforms on complex series. |
Calglib.fresnel | |
Calglib.ftbase | |
Calglib.ftbase.ftplan | |
CIG.Num.Func | Creation of a number of standard real mathematical functions in one dimension. Conttains subclasses for specific functions ans corresponding static creator methods. Creator methods come in 3 different version: for reference form of the function (e.g. just Exp[x]), for form shifted and stretched in x direction, and general form shifted and stretched in both directions. |
CIG.Num.Func2dExamples | Example classes of type Func2d. |
CIG.Num.Func3dExamples | Example classes of type Func3d. |
CMeta.Numerics.Analysis.FunctionMath | Contains methods for the analysis of functions. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.Plotting.FunctionSampler | |
►CNumLib.FunctionWithGradient | Base class for implementation of various functions with gradients. |
CNumLib.QuadraticFunctionShifted | Shifted and stretched square function in arbitrary dimensions. |
CNumLib.RosenbrockFunction | The Rosenbrock Function. |
CFutureTest.FutureTest | |
Calglib.gammafunc | |
CIG.Num.geom3 | Provides static methods used in 3D |
CIG.Num.Geometry | Analytical Geometry in 3D. |
CIG.Num.Geometry3D | Provides static methods of 3D analytic geometry. |
Calglib.gkq | | | |
►CIG.Forms.GraphBase1 | An implementation of the things necessary for most ZedGraphDemos. |
CZedGraph.Demo.MultiYDemo | Summary description for MultiYDemo. |
CIG.Gr.GraphicObject | Graphic object, a tree - like collection of graphic primitives. |
►CIG.Gr.GraphicPrimitive | Abstract base class for all graphic primitives such as lines, facets, etc. |
►CIG.Gr.GraphicPrimitiveSimple | GraphicPrimitive that has a protected Coordinates[] array. |
CIG.Gr.LinePrimitive | |
CIG.Gr.PointPrimitive | |
CIG.Gr.QuadriLateralFacePrimitive | |
CIG.Gr.TextPrimitive | |
CIG.Gr.TrilateralFacePrimitive | |
►CIG.Gr.SurfaceGridPrimitive | |
CIG.Gr.StructuredSurfaceGridPrimitive | |
CIG.Gr.GraphicSetBase | Base class for graphic sets that contain groups of graphic primitives. |
►CIG.Plot2d.GraphItem | Base lass for all items that can be put on a graph (including axes, labels, etc.). |
►CIG.Plot2d.GraphPlotItem | Representation of a plottable item contained in a graph. This excludes markup markups such as axes, legends, etc. |
CIG.Plot2d.GraphLineItem | Plottable item that consists of multiple line segments. |
►CIG.Forms.GraphItem | |
CIG.Forms.GraphAxisItem | Contains data and methods for manipulating a single axis item of a graph. Axis items manipulate axis labels and axis ticks. |
►CIG.Forms.GraphPlotItem | Representation of a plottable item contained in a graph. |
CIG.Forms.GraphLineItem | |
CItaia.GraphTest | |
CIG.Gr.GrFillSettings | Fill Settings. |
►CGrid | |
CIPLab.GridArrayInt | GridArrayInt |
►CGridVirtual | |
CIPLab.GridArray | Summary description for GridIntArray. |
CIG.Gr.GrLinesettings | Line Settings. |
CIG.Gr.GrPlottingBase | Base class for plotting graphic objects. |
CIG.Gr.GrPointSettings | Point Settings. |
CIG.Gr.GrPrimitiveSettings | Settings for graphic primitive. |
CIG.Gr.GrTextSettings | Text Settings. |
CIG.test.GZipTest | |
CIG.Crypt.HashUtilities | |
Calglib.hblas | |
►CHeader | |
CIPLab.GridArray.CellHeaderTemplate | |
Calglib.hermite | |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Histogram | A histogram. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.HistogramBin | One bin of a histogram. |
CTest.HistogramTest | |
Calglib.hpccores | |
Calglib.hqrnd | |
Calglib.hsschur | |
CIG.Lib.HtmlConst | Contains a number of important constants used in Html. |
►CHttpApplication | |
CMyService.Global | Summary description for Global. |
CMyService.Global | Summary description for Global. |
►CIG.Gr3d.I3dGraphicsControl | Interface for 3D graphics controls that can be manipulated via a standard set of commands for rotation etc. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkControlBase | Basic control encapsulating the VTK's render control of type Kitware.VTK.RenderWindowControl. |
►CIG.Num.IAffineTransformation | Affine Transformation. |
CIG.Num.AffineTransformationDiagonal | Affine transformation with diagonal tansformation matrix. |
►CIG.Num.AffineTransformationSquare | Invertible Affine transformation with square transformation matrix. |
CIG.Num.AffineTransformationDiagonal | Affine transformation with diagonal tansformation matrix. |
►CIG.Num.IAnalysis | Interface for direct analysis classes used in optimization problems. |
CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptOptBase.AnalysisScript | |
CIG.Neural.AnalysisFileServerNeural | Class containing direct analysis (in optimization) based on neural network optimization. |
►CIG.Num.AnalysisBase | Base class for direct analysis classes that define optimization problems. Represent the complete definition of the optimization problem (without initial parameters). Concrete analysis classes (e.g. representing optimization examples or complex direct problems solved through numerical simulation) should be derived from this class. |
CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptOptBase.AnalysisScript | |
CIG.Num.OptConstrained.Example2dTest | A simple test optimization problem (nonlinear constrained, 2 parameters, 2 constraints) |
CIG.Num.OptConstrained.Example2dTest1 | A simple test optimization problem (nonlinear constrained, 2 parameters, 2 constraints) |
CIG.Num.OptConstrained.Example2dTestSimple | A simple test optimization problem (quadratic constrained, 2 parameters, 2 linear constraints) |
CIG.Num.OptFileAnalysisClient | File analysis client. Passes direct analysis request to the server and gets analysis results from it. |
CIG.Num.OptUnconstrained.ExampleRosenbrock | The Rosenbrock's unconstrained optimization problem (2D) |
►CIG.Num.OptUnconstrained.ExampleRosenbrockGeneralizedAdjacent | The generalized Rosenbrock's unconstrained optimization problem in arbitrary dimensions Dim >= 2 |
CIG.Num.OptUnconstrained.ExampleRosenbrockGeneralizedExhaustive | The generalized Rosenbrock's unconstrained optimization problem in arbitrary dimensions Dim >= 2 |
CIG.Num.OptConstrained.Example2dTest | A simple test optimization problem (nonlinear constrained, 2 parameters, 2 constraints) |
CIG.Num.OptConstrained.Example2dTest1 | A simple test optimization problem (nonlinear constrained, 2 parameters, 2 constraints) |
CIG.Num.OptConstrained.Example2dTestSimple | A simple test optimization problem (quadratic constrained, 2 parameters, 2 linear constraints) |
CIG.Num.OptFileAnalysisClient | File analysis client. Passes direct analysis request to the server and gets analysis results from it. |
CIG.Num.OptUnconstrained.ExampleRosenbrock | The Rosenbrock's unconstrained optimization problem (2D) |
CIG.Num.OptUnconstrained.ExampleRosenbrockGeneralizedAdjacent | The generalized Rosenbrock's unconstrained optimization problem in arbitrary dimensions Dim >= 2 |
CIG.Num.OptUnconstrained.ExampleRosenbrockGeneralizedExhaustive | The generalized Rosenbrock's unconstrained optimization problem in arbitrary dimensions Dim >= 2 |
►CIG.Num.IAnalysisResults | Single objective optimization analysis results. Used to transfer parameters input (e.g. vector of parameters, request flags) to the analysis function and to store analysis output results (e.g. objective and constraint functions, their gradients, error codes, and flags indicating what has actually been calculated). REMARKS: Property CopyReferences specifies whether only references are copied when individial object fields are assigned and set (when the property is true), or values are actually copied (when false - deep copy). Each setter method also has the variant that always copies only the reference (function name appended by "Reference"). This makes possible to avoid duplication of allocated data and also to avoid having different data with the same references. In the beginning of analysis functions, call ResetResults(). |
CIG.Num.AnalysisResults | Single objective optimization analysis results. Used to transfer parameters input (e.g. vector of parameters, request flags) to the analysis function and to store analysis output results (e.g. objective and constraint functions, their gradients, error codes, and flags indicating what has actually been calculated). REMARKS: Property CopyReferences specifies whether only references are copied when individial object fields are assigned and set (when the property is true), or values are actually copied (when false - deep copy). Each setter method also has the variant that always copies only the reference (function name appended by "Reference"). This makes possible to avoid duplication of allocated data and also to avoid having different data with the same references. AGREEMENTS: Optimization problem is defined as minimize f(x), subject to: c_i(x)<=0, i=0...NI-1 c_j(x)=0, j=NI...NI+NE-1. Here x is vector of parameters, f(x) is the objective function, and c_i(x) and c_j(c) are constraint functions. NI is number of inequality constraints and NE is number of equality constraints. If there are equality constraints then they are listed after inequality constraints. |
Calglib.ibetaf | |
►CIG.Num.IBoundingBox | Bounding box, defines minimum and maximum co-ordinates of domains, geometric objects and their groups. |
CIG.Num.BoundingBox | Bounding box, defines lower and upper bounds on vector quantities such as coordinates of geometrix objects, bounds of domains, etc. |
CIG.Num.BoundingBox1d | An 1D bounding box. |
CIG.Num.BoundingBox2d | A 2D bounding box. |
CIG.Num.BoundingBox3d | A 3D bounding box. |
►CIG.Num.BoundingBoxBase | Base class for bounding boxes that define minimal and maximal co-ordinates of objects, groups of objects, and regions in space. |
CIG.Num.BoundingBox | Bounding box, defines lower and upper bounds on vector quantities such as coordinates of geometrix objects, bounds of domains, etc. |
CIG.Num.BoundingBox1d | An 1D bounding box. |
CIG.Num.BoundingBox2d | A 2D bounding box. |
CIG.Num.BoundingBox3d | A 3D bounding box. |
►CIG.Lib.ICharacterBufferReadOnly | Interface for all implementations of read-only character buffer. Classes that implement this interface are used e.g. in string parsing and output data formatters. |
CIG.Lib.CharacterBuffer | CharacterBufferInterface wrapper for StringBilder. |
►CIG.Lib.ICharacterBuffer | Interface for all implementations of read-write character buffer. Classes that implement this interface are used e.g. in string parsing and output data formatters. |
CIG.Lib.CharacterBuffer | CharacterBufferInterface wrapper for StringBilder. |
►CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.JsonPrettyPrinterInternals.ICharacterStrategy | |
CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.JsonPrettyPrinterInternals.JsonPPStrategies.CloseBracketStrategy | |
CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.JsonPrettyPrinterInternals.JsonPPStrategies.CloseSquareBracketStrategy | |
CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.JsonPrettyPrinterInternals.JsonPPStrategies.ColonCharacterStrategy | |
CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.JsonPrettyPrinterInternals.JsonPPStrategies.CommaStrategy | |
CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.JsonPrettyPrinterInternals.JsonPPStrategies.DefaultCharacterStrategy | |
CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.JsonPrettyPrinterInternals.JsonPPStrategies.DoubleQuoteStrategy | |
CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.JsonPrettyPrinterInternals.JsonPPStrategies.OpenBracketStrategy | |
CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.JsonPrettyPrinterInternals.JsonPPStrategies.OpenSquareBracketStrategy | |
CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.JsonPrettyPrinterInternals.JsonPPStrategies.SingleQuoteStrategy | |
CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.JsonPrettyPrinterInternals.JsonPPStrategies.SkipWhileNotInStringStrategy | |
►CIClientChannel | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.WSBaseSoapChannel | |
►CICloneable | |
CDotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix | .NET GeneralMatrix class |
CDotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix | .NET GeneralMatrix class |
►CIG.Num.Vector | Real vector class. |
CIG.Old.VectorWithMathNet | |
►CICloneable | |
CIG.Num.ComplexVector | Complex vector. |
CIG.Num.Matrix2d | Matrix in a 2 dimensional space. |
►CIG.Num.RealFunction | Represents a real function of a real variabe. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleFunctionTorusKnot | Functions for all 3 co-ordinates of parametric curve definition of a p-q torus knot . Used in the ExampleCurvePlotTorusKnot. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleSineFunctionForLissajous | Sine function with the specified frequency factor and phase. Used in the ExampleLissajous. |
CIG.Gr.PlotterZedGraph.ExampleSineFunctionForLissajous | Sine function with the specified frequency factor and phase. Used in the ExampleLissajous. |
►CIG.Lib.LoadableRealFunctionBase | A RealFunction class used as base class for dynamically loaded functions. Bunctions loaded from scripts will inherit from this class, which enables script writers to assemble just the minimum necessary amount of code. |
CIG.Script.ScritpRealFunctionExample.Container.Function | |
CIG.Num.ComposedFunction | Composition of real functions. |
CIG.Num.Func.Constant | A RealFunction class representing a constant function. |
CIG.Num.Func.Cubic | Cubic function, f(x) = a3*x*x*x + a2*x*x + a1*x + a0. Specific properties: Zero - returns a zero. Zero1 - returns the fierst zero. Zero2 - returns the second zero. Zero3 - returns the third zero. NumZeros - returns number of zeros (0, 1 or 3). HasZero - either the function has a zero or not. Min - returns function's strict minimum. Max - returns function's strict maximum. |
CIG.Num.Func.Exp | A RealFunction class representing exponential function. |
CIG.Num.Func.Identity | A RealFunction class representing identity (or linear) function. |
CIG.Num.Func.Linear | Linear function, f(x) = a1*x + a0. Specific properties: Zero - returns a zero. HasZero - either the function has a zero or not. |
CIG.Num.Func.PenaltyPower | Penalty function consisting of sticked together constant zero-valued function and a power function with positive integer exponent. Formula: hh*((x - xx0)/dd)^pp where: dd: Characteristic barrier length. Length of the interval on which function grows from 0 to characteristic height. hh: Characteristic barrier height. Value of the function at transition point plus characteristic length. xx0: Transition point where function starts to be non-zero. pp: Power. Must be greater than 0; for 2 first derivative is continuous in transition points, for 3 second derivative is also continuous, etc. |
CIG.Num.Func.Quadratic | Quadratic function, f(x) = a2*x*x + a1*x + a0. Specific properties: Zero - returns a zero. Zero1 - returns the fierst zero. Zero2 - returns the second zero. NumZeros - 0, 1 or 2, returns number of zeros. HasZero - either the function has a zero or not. |
CIG.Num.Func.ReciprocalPower | A RealFunction class representing a reciprocal power function. |
CIG.Num.Func.WeightGauss | A RealFunction class representing bell like polynomial weighting function with finite support, based on Gaussian function (exp(-x^2)). Reference function: bell like function with infinite support, 0 < |f(x)| <=1 f(0) = 1 |
CIG.Num.Func.WeightPol3 | A RealFunction class representing bell like polynomial weighting function with finite support. Reference function: bell like function with final support, 0 <= |f(x)| <=1 f(x<-1) = f(x>1) = 0 f(0) = 1 |
CIG.Num.Func.WeightPol4 | A RealFunction class representing bell like polynomial weighting function with finite support, based on 4th order polynomial. Reference function: bell like function with final support, 0 <= |f(x)| <=1 f(x<-1) = f(x>1) = 0 f(0) = 1 |
CIG.Num.Func.WeightPol5 | A RealFunction class representing bell like polynomial weighting function with finite support, based on 5th order polynomial. Reference function: bell like function with final support, 0 <= |f(x)| <=1 f(x<-1) = f(x>1) = 0 f(0) = 1 |
CIG.Num.Func.WeightPol7 | A RealFunction class representing bell like polynomial weighting function with finite support, based on 7th order polynomial. Reference function: bell like function with final support, 0 <= |f(x)| <=1 f(x<-1) = f(x>1) = 0 f(0) = 1 |
CIG.Num.Func.WeightReciprocalPower | A RealFunction class representing bell like polynomial weighting function with finite support, based on reciprocal power function (1/(1+|x|^p) where p>0 is an integer power). Reference function: bell like function with infinite support, 0 < |f(x)| <=1 f(0) = 1 |
CIG.Num.FunctionPolynomial | Polynomial real functions of one variable. |
CIG.Num.LineSearchTestFunc.Quadratic | A RealFunction class representing quadratic function for testing line search algorithms. |
CIG.Num.LineSearchTestFunc.Quadratic | A RealFunction class representing quadratic function for testing line search algorithms. |
CIG.Num.Vector2d | Vector or point in a 2 dimensional space. |
CIG.Num.Vector3d | Vector or point in a 3 dimensional space. |
CIG.Sendigence.TextStyle | Specifies a text tyle used for draving text in various contexts. |
CIG.Sendigence.TextStyle | Specifies a text tyle used for draving text in various contexts. |
►CIG.Forms.IClosableFromContainedForm | Marker interface indicating that a form can be closed from the contained control. |
CIG.Forms.AlignmentTestForm | Test form, used only to test if control can be inclded in the form.. |
CIG.Forms.TestForm | Test form. |
CIG.Forms.WindowPositionerForm | Windows form for testing window positioning./summary> $A Igor xx Oct09; |
CIG.Gr3d.Graph3dManipulatorWindow | A form for manipulation of 3D graphics. |
CIG.Gr3d.Graph3dManipulatorWindowExtended | A form for manipulating 3D graphics. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkForm | Windows form for presenting VTK graphics |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkFormPlain | Windows form for presenting VTK graphics |
►CICollection | |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.VectorBase | Implements functionality shared between row and column vectors. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.BivariateSample | Represents a set of data points, where each data point is described by a pair of real numbers. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.MultivariateSample | Represents a multivariate sample. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Sample | Represents a set of data points, where each data point consists of a single real number. |
►CICollection< UncertainMeasurement< T >> | |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.UncertainMeasurementSample< T > | Represents a set of measurements. |
►CIG.Lib.IColorScale | |
CIG.Lib.ColorScale | |
►CIG.Lib.ColorScaleBase | |
CIG.Lib.ColorScale | |
►CIG.Lib.ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter | Interface for simple command-line applicatino interpreters. |
►CIG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter | Simple command-line application interpreters, holds a set of commands that can be executed by name. Each of these command can take an arbitrary number of string arguments. Interpreter has its internal variables, which are strings. Each variable has a name and a value. If any arguments (and even command) start with the '$' character then then it is treated as reference to a variable and is substituted with the value of that variable (whose name follows the '$' character) before it is used. |
CIG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationScriptInterpreter | Command-line interpreters adapted for executing script commands. |
►CIG.Lib.NeuralApplicationInterpreter | Command line application interpreter that contains some neural networks - related commands. |
CIG.Lib.AppExtendedShell | |
CIG.Lib.AppTestOpt | |
CIG.Lib.NeuralApplicationInterpreterNeuronDotNet | |
CIG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationScriptInterpreter | Command-line interpreters adapted for executing script commands. |
►CIComparable | |
CIG.Lib.CommandUseReference | A reference of command usage, contains ID of the interpreter where a command is registered, and command name under which command is registered on that interpreter. Objects of this class are immutable. |
CIG.Num.Counter | Represents a real number. |
CIG.Num.Scalar | Represents a real number. |
►CIComparer | |
CIG.Num.AnalysisComparer | Compares two sets of analysis results in various different ways. |
CIG.Num.Counter | Represents a real number. |
►CIG.Num.DistanceComparer< PointContainerType, PointType > | Class that is used to calculate and compare distances between point containers. |
CIG.Num.DistanceComparer< PointContainerType, PointType >.StoredDistanceComparerClass | Compares two point containers according to their StoredDistance property. |
CIG.Num.DistanceComparerSampledDataElement | Distance comparer for point clouds where point type is SampledDataElement. |
CIG.Num.DistanceComparerVector | |
CIG.Num.DistanceComparerSampledDataElement | Distance comparer for point clouds where point type is SampledDataElement. |
CIG.Num.DistanceComparerVector | |
►CIG.Num.IDistanceComparer< PointContainerType, PointType > | Interface used for distance comparers in point clouds |
CIG.Num.DistanceComparer< PointContainerType, PointType > | Class that is used to calculate and compare distances between point containers. |
CIG.Num.DistanceComparerSampledDataElement | Distance comparer for point clouds where point type is SampledDataElement. |
CIG.Num.DistanceComparerVector | |
CIG.Num.NeuralTrainingParameters.ComparerBase | Base comparer class (implementation of the IComparer<NeuralTrainingParameters> interface) for conmparing objects of type NeuralTrainingParameters |
CIG.Num.NeuralTrainingParameters.ComparerErrorTrainingVector | |
CIG.Num.NeuralTrainingParameters.ComparerTrainingTime | |
CIG.Num.SampledDataSet.ComparerInputDistance | Comparer that compares two data elements of type SampledDataElement according to the distance of their input parameter vectors to a specified reference point (vector) in the input parameter space |
CIG.Num.SampledDataSet.ComparerOutputDistance | Comparer that compares two data elements of type SampledDataElement according to the distance of their output values vectors to a specified reference point (vector) in the output values space |
CIG.Num.Scalar | Represents a real number. |
►CIG.Num.IComplex | Interface that must be implemented by all complex numbers. $A Igor Oct09; |
CIG.Num.complex | Complex number. |
►CIG.Num.ComplexClass | Class representing general complex numbers. |
CIG.Num.ComplexRealClass | Complex class that can only represent real numbers (imaginary part is always 0). Attempt to set an imaginary part different than 0 always throws an exception. |
CIG.Num.ComplexRealClass | Complex class that can only represent real numbers (imaginary part is always 0). Attempt to set an imaginary part different than 0 always throws an exception. |
►CIG.Old.IComplex_OldNumerics | Interface that must be implemented by all complex numbers. |
►CIG.Old.Complex_OldNumerics | Class representing general complex numbers. |
CIG.Old.Real_OldNumerics | |
►CIG.Neural.IDataMapper | |
►CIG.Neural.DataMapperIdentity | |
CIG.Neural.DataMapperSimple | |
CIG.Neural.DataMapperSimple | |
CIG.Petek.Numerics.IDESolver | Vmesnik, ki zastopa družino specifičnih solverjev. Namen: Uporabljal ga bo razred SpecificDEPlotter, ki bo risal grafe |
►CTest.IDeviateGenerator | |
CTest.AhrensDieterLowAlphaGammaGenerator | |
CTest.BoxMullerNormalGenerator | |
CTest.CauchyGenerator | |
CTest.LevaNormalGenerator | |
CTest.MarsagliaTsangGammaGenerator | |
CTest.PolarRejectionNormalDeviateGenerator | |
CTest.RatioOfUniformsNormalGenerator | |
►CIDisposable | |
►CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase | Base class for plotting classes that plot on VTK windows (class VtkPlotter) |
►CIG.Gr3d.VtkSurfacePlotBase | Contains basic settings for various surface and contour plots. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkCurvePlot | Handles 3D curve plots in VTK render window accessed through the VtkPlotter class |
►CIG.Gr3d.VtkSurfacePlot | Handles surface plots in VTK render window accessed through the VtkPlotter class |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkContourPlot | Plots contours on surfaces in 3D. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotter | Plotter class that uses a vtkRenderWindow object for plotting 3D graphics. |
CIG.Gr.PlotterZedGraph | Plotter class that uses a ZedGraphControl object for plotting ordinary 2D graphs. |
►CIG.Gr.PlotZedGraphBase | Base class for plots that are shown in a ZedGraphControl object. |
CIG.Gr.PlotZedgraphCurve | Curve plots that is shown on a ZedGraphControl object. |
CIG.Lib.HtmlWriter | Generates and composes a HTML document. |
CIG.Num.EvaluatorBase< TypeResponseEvaluator, ResultType, FunctionType > | Base class for higher level classes that perform a single or several response evaluations and output their results. This class contains a response evaluator obect that inherits form ResponseEvaluatorBase , for evaluation and storage of responses. In such a way, derived classes can deal with response evaluation and storage in an unified way. A variety of derived classe include classes for evaluation of single response, for generating 1 dimensional or 2 dimensional tables of responses, etc., for different kinds of responses and corresponding response evaluation objects, such as vector fucntions or dierect analysis (in optimization) response evaluation functions. Some common functionality is included such as properties that define log files, result files, and corresponding streams. |
CIG.NumExperimental.EvaluatorBase< TypeResponseEvaluator, ResultType, FunctionType > | Base class for higher level classes that perform a single or several response evaluations and output their results. This class contains a response evaluator obect that inherits form ResponseEvaluatorBase , for evaluation and storage of responses. In such a way, derived classes can deal with response evaluation and storage in an unified way. A variety of derived classe include classes for evaluation of single response, for generating 1 dimensional or 2 dimensional tables of responses, etc., for different kinds of responses and corresponding response evaluation objects, such as vector fucntions or dierect analysis (in optimization) response evaluation functions. Some common functionality is included such as properties that define log files, result files, and corresponding streams. |
CIG.Sendigence.TextStyle | Specifies a text tyle used for draving text in various contexts. |
CIG.Sendigence.TextStyle | Specifies a text tyle used for draving text in various contexts. |
►CIDisposable | |
CDotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix | .NET GeneralMatrix class |
CDotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix | .NET GeneralMatrix class |
CIG.Gr.PlotZedgraphCurve | Curve plots that is shown on a ZedGraphControl object. |
CIG.Lib.CommandLine | Represents a single command-line that can be executed. $A Igor Feb09; |
CIG.Lib.CommandLineInterpreter | Base class for all command line interpreters. |
►CIG.Lib.IReporter | Interface from which majority of reporters inherit. Includes generic reporting functionality plus tracinf plus reportinf to files. |
CIG.Forms.IReporterConsoleForm | |
CIG.Forms.IReporterFadeMessage | |
►CIG.Forms.IReporterMessageBox | |
CIG.Forms.ReporterConsoleMsgbox | |
CIG.Forms.ReporterMsgbox | |
CIG.Lib.ReporterConsoleMsgboxSpeech | |
►CIG.Forms.IReporterSpeech | |
CIG.Lib.ReporterConsoleMsgboxSpeech | |
►CIG.Lib.ReporterConsoleMsgboxSpeech_Base | Base class for reporter classes that contain either reporting via system console, via message box, via speech, or any combination thereof. |
CIG.Lib.ReporterConsoleMsgboxSpeech | |
►CIG.Lib.IReporterConsole | |
CIG.Forms.ReporterConsoleMsgbox | |
CIG.Lib.ReporterConsole | |
►CIG.Lib.ReporterConsole_Base | Base class for reporter classes that contain either reporting via system console, reporting via message box, or both. |
►CIG.Forms.ReporterConsoleMsgbox_Base | Base class for reporter classes that contain either reporting via system console, reporting via message box, or both. |
CIG.Forms.ReporterConsoleMsgbox | |
CIG.Forms.ReporterMsgbox | |
CIG.Lib.ReporterConsoleMsgboxSpeech_Base | Base class for reporter classes that contain either reporting via system console, via message box, via speech, or any combination thereof. |
CIG.Lib.ReporterConsole | |
CIG.Lib.ReporterConsoleMsgboxSpeech | |
►CIG.Lib.ReporterBase | Base IGlib class for reporting, tracing and logging; provides a global reporter and a basis for creation of local reporters. This class is identical to the IGLib class (copied directly). IN EFA, refer to the derived class Reporter! |
CIG.Forms.ReporterForms | Reporting system that in particular utilizes forms. Beside the main delegates for assembling location and message strings, this class has three additional delegates for each kind of reporting (i.e. reporting with console consform, message box, fading message or console) |
CIG.Lib.ReporterConsole_Base | Base class for reporter classes that contain either reporting via system console, reporting via message box, or both. |
CLabexBis.Calypso | Utilities for communication with the web service Calypso. |
►CIPLab.IDocumentsHost | IDocumentsHost interface Provides connectione between documents and the main widnow |
CIPLab.MainForm | Summary description for Form1. |
Calglib.idwint | |
►CIEnumerable | |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.VectorBase | Implements functionality shared between row and column vectors. |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.VectorBase | Implements functionality shared between row and column vectors. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.MultivariateSample | Represents a multivariate sample. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.MultivariateSample | Represents a multivariate sample. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Sample | Represents a set of data points, where each data point consists of a single real number. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Sample | Represents a set of data points, where each data point consists of a single real number. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.UncertainMeasurementSample< T > | Represents a set of measurements. |
►CIEnumerable< UncertainMeasurement< T >> | |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.UncertainMeasurementSample< T > | Represents a set of measurements. |
►CIEquatable | |
CMeta.Numerics.Complex | Represents a complex number. |
CMeta.Numerics.Functions.Permutation | Represents a permutation. |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.AnyRectangularMatrix | Describes the form of all real matrices. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.DiscreteInterval | Represents an interval on the integers. |
►CIG.Old.IField_OldNumerics< T > | A generic interface. |
CIG.Old.IFieldComplex_OldNumerics< T > | |
►CIFormattable | |
CIG.Num.Counter | Represents a real number. |
CIG.Num.Scalar | Represents a real number. |
CMeta.Numerics.Functions.Permutation | Represents a permutation. |
►CIG.Num.IFunc2d | Represents scalar functions of 2 variables. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleFunc2dShifted | Function defined as some other function shifted for the specified value. |
CIG.Neural.Func2dFromApproximator | Approximator function of 2 variables that is based on a general approximator function of vector argument. |
►CIG.Num.Func2dBase | Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (base for implementation of IFunc2d interface) |
CIG.Neural.Func2dFromApproximator | Approximator function of 2 variables that is based on a general approximator function of vector argument. |
►CIG.Num.Func2dBaseNoGradient | Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc2d interface). that do not implement calculation of function Hessian (second derivatives) or gradient |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleFunc2dShifted | Function defined as some other function shifted for the specified value. |
►CIG.Num.Func2dBaseNoHessian | Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc2d interface). that do not implement calculation of the Hessian (second derivatives) |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleFunc2dLinear | Function f(x,y)=x+y. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleFunc2dSquare | Function f(x,y)=x*x+y*y. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleFunc2dXY | Function f(x,y)=x*y. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleFuncDiff | Difference between the two auxiliary functions. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.Func2dX | 2D function that returns the first parameter. Used as the first componnet of parametric definition of surfce that is defined by a single function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.Func2dY | 2D function that returns the second parameter. Used as the second componnet of parametric definition of surfce that is defined by a single function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.Func2dZero | Auxiliary 2D function that returns 0. |
CIG.Num.Func2dExamples.Func2dXY | Function f(x, y) = x * y |
►CIG.Num.Func2dFromScalarFunction | Scalar function of 2 variables that is based on a general scalar function of vector argument. |
CIG.Num.Func2dFromScalarScript | Scalar function of 2 variables that is generated from expressions for evaluation of function value, gradient components, etc. |
►CIG.Num.Func2dVectorFormBase | Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (base for implementation of IFunc2d interface) |
CIG.Num.Func2dLinear | Linear (Affine) function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func2dQuadratic | Quadratic function of 2 variables |
►CIG.Num.Func3d2dBase.ComponentFunctionBase | Base function for component functions, provides internal variable for vector function. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dBase.ComponentFunction1 | Class that represents a scalar function of 2 variables that is the first component of the specified 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dBase.ComponentFunction2 | Class that represents a scalar function of 2 variables that is the first component of the specified 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dBase.ComponentFunction3 | Class that represents a scalar function of 2 variables that is the third component of the specified 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func2dBaseNoGradient | Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc2d interface). that do not implement calculation of function Hessian (second derivatives) or gradient |
CIG.Num.Func2dBaseNoHessian | Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc2d interface). that do not implement calculation of the Hessian (second derivatives) |
CIG.Num.Func2dBasePlain_ToConsider | Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func2dExamples.Func2dXY | Function f(x, y) = x * y |
CIG.Num.Func2dFromScalarFunction | Scalar function of 2 variables that is based on a general scalar function of vector argument. |
CIG.Num.Func2dFromScalarScript | Scalar function of 2 variables that is generated from expressions for evaluation of function value, gradient components, etc. |
CIG.Num.Func2dLinear | Linear (Affine) function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func2dQuadratic | Quadratic function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func2dVectorFormBase | Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (base for implementation of IFunc2d interface) |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dBase.ComponentFunction1 | Class that represents a scalar function of 2 variables that is the first component of the specified 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dBase.ComponentFunction2 | Class that represents a scalar function of 2 variables that is the first component of the specified 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dBase.ComponentFunction3 | Class that represents a scalar function of 2 variables that is the third component of the specified 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
►CIG.Num.IFunc3d | Represents scalar functions of 2 variables. |
►CIG.Num.Func3dBase | Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (base for implementation of IFunc3d interface) |
►CIG.Num.Func3dBaseNoGradient | Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d interface). that do not implement calculation of function Hessian (second derivatives) or gradient |
CIG.Gr3d.ExampleValueFunctionDiff3D | |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleValueFunctionDiff21 | 3D function of coordinates that returns difference between func2 and func1 at the first two coordinates |
►CIG.Num.Func3dBaseNoHessian | Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d interface). that do not implement calculation of the Hessian (second derivatives) |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.Func3dZ | 3D function that returns the third component of its 3D vector argument. Used e.g. for coloring graphs by heights. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.Func3dZero | 3D function that returns 0. Used e.g. for coloring graphs by heights. |
CIG.Num.Func3dExamples.Func3dXYZ | Function f(x, y, z) = x * y * z |
►CIG.Num.Func3dFromScalarFunction | Scalar function of 3 variables that is based on a general scalar function of vector argument. |
CIG.Num.Func3dFromScript | Scalar function of 3 variables that is generated from expressions for evaluation of function value, gradient components, etc. |
►CIG.Num.Func3dVectorFormBase | Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (base for implementation of IFunc3d interface) |
CIG.Num.Func3dLinear | Linear (Affine) function of 3 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3dQuadratic | Quadratic function of 3 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3dBaseNoGradient | Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d interface). that do not implement calculation of function Hessian (second derivatives) or gradient |
CIG.Num.Func3dBaseNoHessian | Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d interface). that do not implement calculation of the Hessian (second derivatives) |
CIG.Num.Func3dExamples.Func3dXYZ | Function f(x, y, z) = x * y * z |
CIG.Num.Func3dFromScalarFunction | Scalar function of 3 variables that is based on a general scalar function of vector argument. |
CIG.Num.Func3dFromScript | Scalar function of 3 variables that is generated from expressions for evaluation of function value, gradient components, etc. |
CIG.Num.Func3dLinear | Linear (Affine) function of 3 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3dQuadratic | Quadratic function of 3 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3dVectorFormBase | Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (base for implementation of IFunc3d interface) |
►CIG.Num.IFunc3d2d | Represents 3D vector functions of 2 variables. |
►CIG.Num.Func3d2dBase | Base class for 3D vector functions of 2 variables (base for implementation of IFunc3d2d interface). |
►CIG.Num.Func3d2dBaseNoGradient | Base class for 3D vector functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d2d interface) that do not implement calculation of function Hessian (second derivatives) or gradient. |
►CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.ParametricSurface | Base class for easy definition of parametric surfaces intended for plotting. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.CylinderParametric | Parametric equation of an origin-centered (ellipsoidal) cylindrical surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
►CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.EllipsoidParametric | Parametric equation of an origin-centered ellipsoid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.MobiusStrip | Defines the Möbius strip (a parametric surface), a surface with only one side and only one boundary component. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.SphereParametric | Parametric equation of an origin-centered sphere. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.EnneperSurface | Parametric equation of the Enneper surface, in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
►CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidParametric | Parametric definition of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidParametricMinus | Alternative parameterization of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidParametricPlus | Alternative parameterization of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidTwosheetedLowerParametric | Parametric definition of an origin-centered upper two-sheeted hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2-1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidTwosheetedUpperParametric | Parametric definition of an origin-centered upper two-sheeted hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2-1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidParametric2 | Alternative parametric definition of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.KleinBottle | Defines the Klein's bottle (a parametric surface), a closed surface with no interior and exterior. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.KleinBottle1 | Defines the Klein's bottle (a parametric surface), a closed surface with no interior and exterior. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.KleinBottle2 | Defines the Klein's bottle (a parametric surface), a closed surface with no interior and exterior. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.SnailConicSpiral_ToCheck | Defines a parametric definition of a snail shell - like surface (a parametric surface) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.SnailShell1 | Definition of parametric surface that ressembles a snail's shell in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.SnailShell1Streched | Definition of parametric surface that ressembles a snail's shell (a bit stretched along the axis) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
►CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.Surface | Base class for easy definition of surfaces defined through a function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperbolicParaboloid | Surface that is a graph of the function z/c=x^2/a^2-y^2/b^2. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.Paraboloid | Surface that is a graph of the function z/c=x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.SaddleXY | Parametric surface that is a graph of the function f(x,y)=x*y. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.Torus | Parametric equation of a toroid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables |
►CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.TorusHorizontal | Parametric equation of a horizontal toroid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.TorusVertical | Parametric equation of a horizontal toroid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.UmbilicTorus | Parametric equation of the umbilic torus surface, a closed single-edged surface in 3D, in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dBaseNoHessian | Base class for 3D vector functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d2d interface) that do not implement calculation of the Hessian (second derivatives). |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dBaseNoGradient | Base class for 3D vector functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d2d interface) that do not implement calculation of function Hessian (second derivatives) or gradient. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dBaseNoHessian | Base class for 3D vector functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d2d interface) that do not implement calculation of the Hessian (second derivatives). |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.CylinderParametric | Parametric equation of an origin-centered (ellipsoidal) cylindrical surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.EllipsoidParametric | Parametric equation of an origin-centered ellipsoid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.EnneperSurface | Parametric equation of the Enneper surface, in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperbolicParaboloid | Surface that is a graph of the function z/c=x^2/a^2-y^2/b^2. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidParametric | Parametric definition of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidParametric2 | Alternative parametric definition of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidParametricMinus | Alternative parameterization of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidParametricPlus | Alternative parameterization of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidTwosheetedLowerParametric | Parametric definition of an origin-centered upper two-sheeted hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2-1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidTwosheetedUpperParametric | Parametric definition of an origin-centered upper two-sheeted hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2-1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.KleinBottle | Defines the Klein's bottle (a parametric surface), a closed surface with no interior and exterior. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.KleinBottle1 | Defines the Klein's bottle (a parametric surface), a closed surface with no interior and exterior. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.KleinBottle2 | Defines the Klein's bottle (a parametric surface), a closed surface with no interior and exterior. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.MobiusStrip | Defines the Möbius strip (a parametric surface), a surface with only one side and only one boundary component. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.Paraboloid | Surface that is a graph of the function z/c=x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.ParametricSurface | Base class for easy definition of parametric surfaces intended for plotting. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.SaddleXY | Parametric surface that is a graph of the function f(x,y)=x*y. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.SnailConicSpiral_ToCheck | Defines a parametric definition of a snail shell - like surface (a parametric surface) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.SnailShell1 | Definition of parametric surface that ressembles a snail's shell in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.SnailShell1Streched | Definition of parametric surface that ressembles a snail's shell (a bit stretched along the axis) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.SphereParametric | Parametric equation of an origin-centered sphere. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.Surface | Base class for easy definition of surfaces defined through a function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.Torus | Parametric equation of a toroid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.TorusHorizontal | Parametric equation of a horizontal toroid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.TorusVertical | Parametric equation of a horizontal toroid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.UmbilicTorus | Parametric equation of the umbilic torus surface, a closed single-edged surface in 3D, in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
Calglib.igammaf | |
CIG.test.igform_test_program | |
CIG.Forms.Test.IgFormsQickTests | |
►CIG.Gr.IGraphicPrimitive | |
►CIG.Gr.GraphicPrimitiveBase | Base class for graphic primitives. |
CIG.Gr.GraphicLineBase | Base class for graphic line primitive. |
CIG.Gr.GraphicPointBase | Base class for graphic line primitive. |
CIG.Gr.GraphicQuadriLateralBase | Base class for graphic line primitive. |
CIG.Gr.GraphicTriangleBase | Base class for graphic line primitive. |
CIG.Gr.IGraphicSet | Graphic set that contain graphic primitives and other graphic sets. |
CIG.Plot2d.IGraphItem | Interface for all items that can be put on a graph (including axes, labels, etc.). |
CIG.Plot2d.IGraphPlotItem | Represents a plottable item contained in a graph. This excludes markup markups such as axes, legends, etc. |
CIG.Gr.IGrsettings | |
►CIG.Lib.IIdentifiable | Classes whose instances have unique integer IDs. |
CIG.Lib.CommandLineJobContainer | Carries command execution data, results, and other data such as identification number, etc |
►CIG.Lib.ExpressionEvaluatorCompiled | Base class for expression evaluators that utilize the functionality of CodeDomProvider class. |
CIG.Lib.ExpressionEvaluatorJs | JavaScript Evaluator with command-line interpreter. |
CIG.Lib.ExpressionEvaluatorJs | JavaScript Evaluator with command-line interpreter. |
CIG.Lib.IdProxy | Proxy class that stores the object's unique ID (generated by a static instance of the IdGenerator class) and provides functionality of IIdentifiable. |
►CIG.Lib.IRegisterable< T > | Objects of this type have a unique ID (unique for all objects of a given type) and can be registered in the register of existent objects of the specified type. Implementation notes: Use an object of RegisterableGenerator .ProxyRegisterable as proxy object to implement functionality. Registerable.Example contains an example of how to do that, or can even be inherited to provide all functionality automatically (but this may not be feasible because multiple inheritance is not supported, and our class already inherits form another one). |
CIG.Lib.CommandLine | Represents a single command-line that can be executed. $A Igor Feb09; |
CIG.Lib.CommandLineInterpreter | Base class for all command line interpreters. |
CIG.Lib.ExpressionEvaluatorJs | JavaScript Evaluator with command-line interpreter. |
CIG.Lib.RegisterableExamples.ExampleIRegistrable | Example implementation of IIdentifiable interface. |
CIG.Lib.RegisterableExamples.ExampleIIdentifiable | Example implementation of IIdentifiable interface. |
CIG.Lib.StopWatch | Timer for measuring execution times and other intervals of time elapsed between successive events. $A Igor xx Apr10; |
►CIG.Num.ParallelJobContainerBase | Contains input data and results of a parallel job to be executed, oropertied indicating the state of the job, and methods for interaction with job performer and dispatcher. |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobContainerGen< InputType, ResultType > | General purpose parallel job container that contains methods for running the job in on the same machine thread. Contains many auxiliary methods for testing and for adaptation of parallel jobs concepts to different tasks |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobContainerGen< InputType, ResultType > | General purpose parallel job container that contains methods for running the job in on the same machine thread. Contains many auxiliary methods for testing and for adaptation of parallel jobs concepts to different tasks |
►CIG.Num.ParallelJobDispatcherBase | Base class for parallel job dispatchers. Accepts job requests and dispatches jobs to parallel job servers when available and redy to run a job. |
►CIG.Num.ParallelJobDispatcherBase< JobContainerType > | Parallel job dispatcher. Accepts job requests and dispatches jobs to parallel job servers when available and redy to run a job. |
►CIG.Num.ParallelJobDispatcherGen< InputType, ResultType, JobContainerType > | Parallel job dispatcher for job containers that inherit from ParallelJobContainerGen. |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobDispatcherGen< InputType, ResultType > | Parallel job jerver for job containers that inherit from ParallelJobContainerGen. |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobDispatcherGen< InputType, ResultType > | Parallel job jerver for job containers that inherit from ParallelJobContainerGen. |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobDispatcherGen< InputType, ResultType, JobContainerType > | Parallel job dispatcher for job containers that inherit from ParallelJobContainerGen. |
►CIG.Num.ParallelJobServerBase< JobContainerType > | Parallel job server. Waits for job requests and executes them in a parallel thread. |
►CIG.Num.ParallelJobServerGen< InputType, ResultType, JobContainerType > | Parallel job server for job containers that inherit from ParallelJobContainerGen. |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobServerGen< InputType, ResultType > | Parallel job server for job containers that inherit from ParallelJobContainerGen. |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobServerGen< InputType, ResultType > | Parallel job server for job containers that inherit from ParallelJobContainerGen. |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobServerGen< InputType, ResultType, JobContainerType > | Parallel job server for job containers that inherit from ParallelJobContainerGen. |
►CIG.Web.IWSBase | Interface for basic web service. |
►CIG.Web.IWsDevelop | Interface for development web services. |
►CIG.Web.IWsDevelop1 | Interface for higher level development web services. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelop1 | Web service class. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelop1 | Web service class. |
►CIG.Web.WSDevelop1Class | Web service class. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelop1 | Web service class. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelop1Ref | Class for referencing a web service based on the WSDevelopClass |
CIG.Web.IWsDevelop1 | Interface for higher level development web services. |
►CIG.Web.WSDevelop | Web service class. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelop1 | Web service class. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelop | Web service class. |
►CIG.Web.WSDevelopClass | Web service class. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelop | Web service class. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelop1Class | Web service class. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelopRef | Class for referencing a web service based on the WSDevelopClass |
CIG.Web.IWsDevelop | Interface for development web services. |
CIG.Web.IWsDevelop1 | Interface for higher level development web services. |
CIG.Web.IWsDevelop1 | Interface for higher level development web services. |
►CIG.Web.WSBase | Base class for IGLib webservices. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelop | Web service class. |
►CIG.Web.WSBaseClass | Base class for IGLib webservices. |
CIG.Web.WSBase | Base class for IGLib webservices. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelopClass | Web service class. |
CIG.Web.WSBaseRef | Class for referencing a web service based on the WSBaseClass. |
►CIG.Web.WSBaseRefBase | Intermediate proxy class to a web service based on the WSBaseClass. |
CIG.Web.WSBaseRef | Class for referencing a web service based on the WSBaseClass. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelop | Web service class. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelop | Web service class. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelop1 | Web service class. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelop1 | Web service class. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelop1Class | Web service class. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelopClass | Web service class. |
CIG.Web.IWsDevelop | Interface for development web services. |
CIG.Web.WSBase | Base class for IGLib webservices. |
CIG.Web.WSBase | Base class for IGLib webservices. |
CIG.Web.WSBase | Base class for IGLib webservices. |
CIG.Web.WSBaseClass | Base class for IGLib webservices. |
►CIIdentifiable | |
CIG.Forms.AlignmentTestForm | Test form, used only to test if control can be inclded in the form.. |
CIG.Forms.TestControl | Test control. |
CIG.Forms.TestForm | Test form. |
►CIG.Lib.IInterpreter< TCommand, TCommandData > | |
CIG.Lib.CommandLineInterpreter | Base class for all command line interpreters. |
►CIG.Lib.InterpreterBase< TCommand, TCommandData > | |
CIG.Lib.CommandLineInterpreter | Base class for all command line interpreters. |
►CIG.Lib.IInterpreterCommand | |
CIG.Lib.CommandLine | Represents a single command-line that can be executed. $A Igor Feb09; |
CIG.Lib.InterpreterCommandDataBase | |
►CIG.Lib.IInterpreterCommandData | |
CIG.Lib.CommandLineData | Holds execution data (command arguments ns result) for interpreter commands of the CommandLine type. |
►CIG.Lib.InterpreterCommandBase | |
CIG.Lib.CommandLine | Represents a single command-line that can be executed. $A Igor Feb09; |
►CIList | |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.VectorBase | Implements functionality shared between row and column vectors. |
►CIG.Lib.ILoadableScript | Interface for classes that can be dynamically loadeded from scripts and run, which provides functionality of dynamic scripting. It is recommendable to derive all such classes from the LoadableScriptBase base class. |
CIG.App.AppHashShell | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
►CIG.Lib.ILoadableScriptC | Controllable loadable script, provides more control over loading and execution. |
►CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptOptShellBaseControllable | Controllable version of LoadableScriptOptBase, implements ILoadableScriptC |
►CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptShellBase | Loadable script base class for the shell application that includes tols for definition of optiimization problems, definition of vector response functions, a couple of interfaces with simulation programs, etc. AGREEMENTS: The first argument to initialization and executable method is working directory where data between different applications is exchanged. If overrigding the InitializeThis(...) method, call the base class' method first, and keep the agreement that the first argument must be the working directory. When implementing the executable (RunThis(...)) method, its first argument should also be the working directory (the same as for initialization). This is to enable use of the class in scenarios where initialization and execution arguments must be the same. |
►CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralBase | Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. |
►CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeural | Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. |
CIG.Script.NeuralTestScript | |
►CIG.Script.S_11_10_Clanek_Neural_Base | |
CIG.Script.S_11_10_clanek_neural_00 | |
CIG.Script.Script_11_10_clanek_neural_01 | |
►CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralITOriginalBase | Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. |
►CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralITOriginal | Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. |
►CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralIT | Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. |
CIG.Script.NeuralModelBaseScriptIT | Base class for classes that implement ANN models in forms and other high level constructs that use neural network - based models. |
CIG.Script.S_12_01_Paper_NeuralOptCasting_00 | |
CIG.Script.S_12_01_Paper_NeuralOptCasting_IJS_00 | |
CIG.Script.S_12_02_paper_neural_process_chain_model | |
CIG.Script.S_12_03_paper_gk | |
CIG.Script.S_12_09_jmatpro | Script class for running JMatPro calculations and manipulating results. |
►CIG.Script.S_13_5_Convection | |
CIG.Script.S_13_7_ConvectionRev1 | |
CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptShellBase | Loadable script base class for the shell application that includes tols for definition of optiimization problems, definition of vector response functions, a couple of interfaces with simulation programs, etc. AGREEMENTS: The first argument to initialization and executable method is working directory where data between different applications is exchanged. If overrigding the InitializeThis(...) method, call the base class' method first, and keep the agreement that the first argument must be the working directory. When implementing the executable (RunThis(...)) method, its first argument should also be the working directory (the same as for initialization). This is to enable use of the class in scenarios where initialization and execution arguments must be the same. |
►CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptBase | Base class for classes that can be dynamically loadeded from scripts and run, which provides functionality of dynamic scripting. It is recommendable to derive all such classes that implement the ILoadableScript interface from this base class. |
►CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptOptBase | Base class for loadable scripts for optimization problems. AGREEMENTS: The first argument to initialization and executable method is working directory where data between different applications is exchanged. If overrigding the InitializeThis(...) method, call the base class' method first, and keep the agreement that the first argument must be the working directory. When implementing the executable (RunThis(...)) method, its first argument should also be the working directory (the same as for initialization). This is to enable use of the class in scenarios where initialization and execution arguments must be the same. |
CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptOptShellBaseControllable | Controllable version of LoadableScriptOptBase, implements ILoadableScriptC |
CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptOptTest.LoadableScriptOptDerived | |
►CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptRealFunctionBase | Base class for loadable scripts that define real functions of one variable. |
CIG.Script.ScritpRealFunctionExample | Example script for definition of a new real function class. |
►CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptScalarFunctionBase | Base class for loadable scripts that define scalar functions of several variables. |
CIG.Script.ScritpScalarFunctionExample | Example script for definition of a new real function class. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptExample | Example cls. for testing function of loadable scripts. |
►CIG.Script.LoadableScriptSpecialFunctionBase | Base cls. for various special function loadable scripts. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptScalarFunctionCreator | |
►CIG.Script.ScriptAppBase | Partial class definition containing tests of CSV utilities |
►CIG.Script.AppBase | Base cls. for application scripts that can also be used on its own. |
CIG.App.AppHashShell | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppEmbeddedCryptoIGShell | Embedded script class for cryptographic utilities such as calculation and verification of file hashes. Commands of this embedded script can be run from the main application |
►CIG.Script.AppExtBase | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
►CIG.Script.AppIgorGresovnik | Internal script for running embedded applications |
CIG.Script.AppMarkoEmbeddedTest | Test embedded script class, used to demonstrate how nested embedded scripts can be run by the main script class' interpreter. |
►CIG.Script.AppMarkoPetek | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppMarkoPetekDerivedScript | Tells to the interpreter, which custom classes are available. |
►CIG.Script.AppMarkoPetekExt | Internal script for running EXTENDED embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppMarkoPetekDerivedScriptExt | Tells to the interpreter, which custom classes are available. |
CIG.Script.AppMarkoPetek | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppMarkoPetek | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppShellExt | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
►CIG.Script.AppTestShell | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppTestShellExt | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
►CIG.Script.AppIgorForFerdo | Internal script for running embedded applications |
CIG.Script.AppFerdo | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppIGShell | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.S_TestExt1 | |
CIG.Script.S_TestExt2 | |
CIG.Script.S_TestExt3 | |
CIG.Script.S_TestOpt1 | |
CIG.Script.S_TestOpt2 | |
CIG.Script.S_TestOpt3 | |
CIG.Script.Scrip_OdeChem | Script for testing systems of ordinary differential equations and chemical reactions. |
CIG.Script.Script_Examples | |
CIG.Script.Script_Misc | |
CIG.Script.Script_Numeric | |
CIG.Script.Script_Optimization | |
CIG.Script.ScriptExtExamples | |
CIG.Script.ScriptExtFormats | |
CIG.Script.ScriptExtNumeric | |
CIG.Script.ScriptExtTemplate | A template script for running tests |
CIG.Script.ScriptGraphics2dBase | Base class for script classes with 2D graphics examples. |
►CIG.Script.ScriptGraphics3DBase | Base class for script classes with graphics examples. |
CIG.Script.ScriptExtGraphics3d | Script class with graphics examples. |
►CIG.Script.ScriptOptTemplate | A template script for running tests |
CIG.Script.ScriptOptTemplateExt | A template script for running tests |
CIG.Script.TestClass1 | |
CIG.Script.TestIglibExt_ToDelete | Base class for script classes with graphics examples. |
CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptOptBase | Base class for loadable scripts for optimization problems. AGREEMENTS: The first argument to initialization and executable method is working directory where data between different applications is exchanged. If overrigding the InitializeThis(...) method, call the base class' method first, and keep the agreement that the first argument must be the working directory. When implementing the executable (RunThis(...)) method, its first argument should also be the working directory (the same as for initialization). This is to enable use of the class in scenarios where initialization and execution arguments must be the same. |
CIG.Script.AppBase | Base cls. for application scripts that can also be used on its own. |
CIG.Script.AppEmbeddedCryptoIGShell | Embedded script class for cryptographic utilities such as calculation and verification of file hashes. Commands of this embedded script can be run from the main application |
CIG.Script.AppExtBase | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppFerdo | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppIgorForFerdo | Internal script for running embedded applications |
CIG.Script.AppIgorGresovnik | Internal script for running embedded applications |
CIG.Script.AppIGShell | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppMarkoEmbeddedTest | Test embedded script class, used to demonstrate how nested embedded scripts can be run by the main script class' interpreter. |
CIG.Script.AppMarkoPetek | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppMarkoPetek | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppMarkoPetek | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppMarkoPetekDerivedScript | Tells to the interpreter, which custom classes are available. |
CIG.Script.AppMarkoPetekDerivedScriptExt | Tells to the interpreter, which custom classes are available. |
CIG.Script.AppMarkoPetekExt | Internal script for running EXTENDED embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppShellExt | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppTestShell | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppTestShellExt | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptExample | Example cls. for testing function of loadable scripts. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptScalarFunctionCreator | |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeural | Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralBase | Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralIT | Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralITOriginal | Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralITOriginalBase | Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptSpecialFunctionBase | Base cls. for various special function loadable scripts. |
CIG.Script.NeuralTestScript | |
CIG.Script.S_11_10_clanek_neural_00 | |
CIG.Script.S_11_10_Clanek_Neural_Base | |
CIG.Script.S_12_01_Paper_NeuralOptCasting_00 | |
CIG.Script.S_12_01_Paper_NeuralOptCasting_IJS_00 | |
CIG.Script.S_12_02_paper_neural_process_chain_model | |
CIG.Script.S_12_03_paper_gk | |
CIG.Script.S_12_09_jmatpro | Script class for running JMatPro calculations and manipulating results. |
CIG.Script.S_13_5_Convection | |
CIG.Script.S_TestExt1 | |
CIG.Script.S_TestExt2 | |
CIG.Script.S_TestExt3 | |
CIG.Script.S_TestOpt1 | |
CIG.Script.S_TestOpt2 | |
CIG.Script.S_TestOpt3 | |
CIG.Script.Scrip_OdeChem | Script for testing systems of ordinary differential equations and chemical reactions. |
CIG.Script.Script_11_10_clanek_neural_01 | |
CIG.Script.Script_Examples | |
CIG.Script.Script_Misc | |
CIG.Script.Script_Numeric | |
CIG.Script.Script_Optimization | |
CIG.Script.ScriptAppBase | Partial class definition containing tests of CSV utilities |
CIG.Script.ScriptExtExamples | |
CIG.Script.ScriptExtFormats | |
CIG.Script.ScriptExtGraphics3d | Script class with graphics examples. |
CIG.Script.ScriptExtNumeric | |
CIG.Script.ScriptExtTemplate | A template script for running tests |
CIG.Script.ScriptGraphics2dBase | Base class for script classes with 2D graphics examples. |
CIG.Script.ScriptGraphics3DBase | Base class for script classes with graphics examples. |
CIG.Script.ScriptOptTemplate | A template script for running tests |
CIG.Script.ScriptOptTemplateExt | A template script for running tests |
CIG.Script.ScritpRealFunctionExample | Example script for definition of a new real function class. |
CIG.Script.ScritpScalarFunctionExample | Example script for definition of a new real function class. |
CIG.Script.TestClass1 | |
CIG.Script.TestIglibExt_ToDelete | Base class for script classes with graphics examples. |
►CILockable | |
CIG.Forms.BrowserSimpleControl | |
►CIG.Lib.ILockable | Lockable object, has a Lock property that returns object on which lock must be performed in order to lock the object. |
CIG.Forms.GraphBase | Graph data & control class. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkDecorationHandler | Manipulates axes, labels, grids, and other decorations of graphhics plotted in VTK windows. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase | Base class for plotting classes that plot on VTK windows (class VtkPlotter) |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotter | Plotter class that uses a vtkRenderWindow object for plotting 3D graphics. |
CIG.Gr.PlotterZedGraph | Plotter class that uses a ZedGraphControl object for plotting ordinary 2D graphs. |
CIG.Gr.PlotZedGraphBase | Base class for plots that are shown in a ZedGraphControl object. |
CIG.Gr.PlotZedgraphCurve | Curve plots that is shown on a ZedGraphControl object. |
►CIG.Lib.App | Base class for all application classes. Provides some basic functionality such as keeping information about the application, managing application directories and basic files, etc. |
►CIG.Forms.AppTestForms | Test application for forms. Usage: AppTestForms.Init(). |
CItaia.AppItaia | Test application for forms. Usage: AppTestForms.Init(). |
CIG.Lib.AppTest | |
CIG.Neural.Applications.AnnApp | Application class for the current application. |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeurApp | Application class for the current application. |
CIG.Sendigence.Sendigence | Manages basic program informatin and resources for The Sendigence-W program. |
CIG.Test.ProgramTestIgorIT.ExtShellApp | Application class for the current application. |
CTestOpt.IGLibShellExtMainProgram.IGLibShellExtApp | Application class for the current application (IGLib Extended Shell Application, igsx). |
CTestOpt.IGLibShellMainProgram.IGLibShellApp | Application class for the current application (IGLib Shell Application, igs). |
CIG.Lib.CommandLine | Represents a single command-line that can be executed. $A Igor Feb09; |
CIG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter | Simple command-line application interpreters, holds a set of commands that can be executed by name. Each of these command can take an arbitrary number of string arguments. Interpreter has its internal variables, which are strings. Each variable has a name and a value. If any arguments (and even command) start with the '$' character then then it is treated as reference to a variable and is substituted with the value of that variable (whose name follows the '$' character) before it is used. |
CIG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationScriptInterpreter | Command-line interpreters adapted for executing script commands. |
CIG.Lib.CommandLineInterpreter | Base class for all command line interpreters. |
CIG.Lib.CommandLineJobContainer | Carries command execution data, results, and other data such as identification number, etc |
►CIG.Lib.Copy.ClienServerStreamBase | Base class for client and server classes with stream-based communication. |
►CIG.Lib.Copy.ClientServerStreamBase2 | Base class for named pipe servers and clients, contains common stuff for both. |
►CIG.Lib.Copy.ClientStreamBase | Client to the pipe server (classes derived from ClientServerStreamBase2). |
CIG.Lib.Copy.NamedPipeClientBase | Client to the pipe server (classes derived from ClientServerStreamBase2). |
►CIG.Lib.Copy.ServerStreamBase | Server that creates a named pipe, listens on its input stream, and sends responses to the client. |
CIG.Lib.Copy.NamedPipeServerBase | Server that creates a named pipe, listens on its input stream, and sends responses to the client. |
CIG.Lib.Copy.ClientServerStreamBase2 | Base class for named pipe servers and clients, contains common stuff for both. |
CIG.Lib.Copy.ClientStreamBase | Client to the pipe server (classes derived from ClientServerStreamBase2). |
CIG.Lib.Copy.NamedPipeClientBase | Client to the pipe server (classes derived from ClientServerStreamBase2). |
CIG.Lib.Copy.NamedPipeServerBase | Server that creates a named pipe, listens on its input stream, and sends responses to the client. |
CIG.Lib.Copy.ServerStreamBase | Server that creates a named pipe, listens on its input stream, and sends responses to the client. |
CIG.Lib.CsvData | Memory representation of CSV data. |
CIG.Lib.ExpressionEvaluatorCompiled | Base class for expression evaluators that utilize the functionality of CodeDomProvider class. |
CIG.Lib.ExpressionEvaluatorJs | JavaScript Evaluator with command-line interpreter. |
►CIG.Lib.IdGenerator | Utility class for generaton of unique IDs for objects of specific type. IDs generated by calls of GetNewId() from a specific object of this class are unique. Utilizes definition of IIdentifiable interface. Implementation notes: In every class whose instances should have unique IDs, instantiate a private static object of this type, and an instance member of the Proxy subtype of this class. Both objexts should be instantiated by appropriate initializers, and constructor of the proxy object should be called with static object as argument. Example implementation can be found in the ExampleInterfaceImplementation subclass of this class. |
CIG.Lib.ObjectRegister< T > | Provides implementation of register of objects of the specified type. Also generates unique IDs for objects of this type. This class utilizes implementation of IIdentifiable and IRegisterable interfaces. Implementation notes for IRegistable: For implementation, use a static instance of this class, and an a nonstatic instance of the IdProcy class (to generate and hold object's unique ID). subclass of this clas, initialized by that static instance. Example implementation can be found in the ExampleInterfaceImplementation subclass of this class. |
►CIG.Lib.ILoadable | |
►CIG.Lib.LoadableBase | |
CIG.Lib.TestLoadable | |
CIG.Lib.TestLoadable | |
►CIG.Lib.ILoadableScriptInterpreter | Interface for interpreters that can install commands from loadable scripts and run them. |
CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptInterpreterBase | Interpreter that can install commands from dynamically loaded (compiled) scripts and run them. Script loader object of a type ScriptLoaderBase is accessed through a property that can be overridden in derived classes, such that a different script loader is used. This is importand because different libraries will be required for compilation in different contexts. Script loader property creates a new script loader on first access. |
►CIG.Lib.InterfaceInterpreterBase | Base class for interfaces with interpreters. |
CIG.Lib.InterfaceInverse | Interface for Inverse Interpreter. |
CIG.Lib.TemporaryInterfaceInvAn_Temp_For_Testing | Interface for Inverse Interpreter. |
CIG.Lib.InterfaceInverse | Interface for Inverse Interpreter. |
►CIG.Lib.IpcStreamClientBase | Client to the pipe server (classes derived from IpcStreamClientServerBase2). |
►CIG.Lib.NamedPipeClientBase | Client to the pipe server (classes derived from IpcStreamClientServerBase2). |
CIG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.InterpreterPipeClient | Client to the interpreter pipe server (classes derived from InterpreterPipeServer). |
CIG.Lib.PipeClientBase | Client to the pipe server (classes derived from IpcStreamClientServerBase2). |
►CIG.Lib.IpcStreamClientServerBase | Base class for client and server classes with stream-based communication. |
►CIG.Lib.IpcStreamClientServerBase2 | Base class for named pipe servers and clients, contains common stuff for both. |
CIG.Lib.IpcStreamClientBase | Client to the pipe server (classes derived from IpcStreamClientServerBase2). |
►CIG.Lib.IpcStreamServerBase | Server that creates a named pipe, listens on its input stream, and sends responses to the client. |
►CIG.Lib.NamedPipeServerBase | Server that creates a named pipe, listens on its input stream, and sends responses to the client. |
CIG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.InterpreterPipeServer | Command-line interpreter's server that creates a named pipe, listens on its input stream for client requests, executes requests in the corresponding interpreter, and sends responses back to the client. |
CIG.Lib.PipeServerBase | Server that creates a named pipe, listens on its input stream, and sends responses to the client. |
CIG.Lib.IpcStreamClientServerBase2 | Base class for named pipe servers and clients, contains common stuff for both. |
CIG.Lib.IpcStreamServerBase | Server that creates a named pipe, listens on its input stream, and sends responses to the client. |
►CIG.Lib.IWaitCondition | Interface for classes that implement blocking until a specified condition is met. |
►CIG.Lib.IWaitFileEvent | Interface for classes that provide waiting for specific file events (such as ceration or deletion of a specific file or directory). |
►CIG.Lib.WaitFileEventBase | Base class for classes that provide blocking until a file or directory is created/removed. |
►CIG.Lib.WaitFileEvent | Concrete class derived from WaitFileEventBase. It does not have a meaningful unblocking condition (it alwys evaluates to true), therefore the class can use WaitEvents() function but not Wait(). |
CIG.Lib.WaitDirectoryCreation | Blocking execution of the current thread until the specified directory begins to exist. |
CIG.Lib.WaitDirectoryRemoval | Blocking execution of the current thread until the specified directory ceases to exist. |
CIG.Lib.WaitFileCreation | Blocking execution of the current thread until the specified file begins to exist. |
CIG.Lib.WaitFileRemoval | Blocking execution of the current thread until the specified file ceases to exist. |
►CIG.Lib.WaitFileEventBaseByProxy | Base class for classes that provide blocking until a file or directory is created/removed. This clas uses a proxy class for performing its basic operation. |
CIG.Lib.WaitDirectoryCreationByProxy | Implements blocking until the specified directory is created (becomes existent). Directory is specified in constructor or by setting the DirectoryPath property. Waiting is performed by calling the Wait() function. |
CIG.Lib.WaitDirectoryRemovalByProxy | Implements blocking until the specified directory is deleted (becomes nonexistent). Directory is specified in constructor or by setting the DirectoryPath property. Waiting is performed by calling the Wait() function. |
CIG.Lib.WaitFileCreationByProxy | Implements blocking until the specified file is created (becomes existent). File is specified in constructor or by setting the FilePath property. Waiting is performed by calling the Wait() function. |
CIG.Lib.WaitFileRemovalByProxy | Implements blocking until the specified file is deleted (becomes nonexistent). File is specified in constructor or by setting the FilePath property. Waiting is performed by calling the Wait() function. |
►CIG.Lib.WaitFileEventBaseByProxyLatence | Base class for classes that provide blocking until a file or directory is created/removed. This clas uses a proxy class for performing its basic operation. |
CIG.Lib.WaitFileEventBaseByProxy | Base class for classes that provide blocking until a file or directory is created/removed. This clas uses a proxy class for performing its basic operation. |
►CIG.Lib.WaitFileEventLatenceBase | Base class for classes that impelement methods that block until a file or directory is created or deleted. |
CIG.Lib.WaitDirectoryCreationLatence | Implements blocking until the specified directory is created (becomes existent). Directory is specified in constructor or by setting the DirectoryPath property. Waiting is performed by calling the Wait() function. It is implemented by successively checking whether unblocking condition is fulfilled and by sleeping between checks. Therefore it has some latency (i.e. unblocking is not always performed immediatley the condition is met) and spends some CPU time and system resources. |
CIG.Lib.WaitDirectoryRemovalLatence | Implements blocking until the specified directory is deleted (becomes nonexistent). Directory is specified in constructor or by setting the DirectoryPath property. Waiting is performed by calling the Wait() function. It is implemented by successively checking whether unblocking condition is fulfilled and by sleeping between checks. Therefore it has some latency (i.e. unblocking is not always performed immediatley the condition is met) and spends some CPU time and system resources. |
CIG.Lib.WaitFileCreationLatence | Implements blocking until the specified file is created (becomes existent). File is specified in constructor or by setting the FilePath property. Waiting is performed by calling the Wait() function. It is implemented by successively checking whether unblocking condition is fulfilled and by sleeping between checks. Therefore it has some latency (i.e. unblocking is not always performed immediatley the condition is met) and spends some CPU time and system resources. |
CIG.Lib.WaitFileRemovalLatence | Implements blocking until the specified file is deleted (becomes nonexistent). File is specified in constructor or by setting the FilePath property. Waiting is performed by calling the Wait() function. It is implemented by successively checking whether unblocking condition is fulfilled and by sleeping between checks. Therefore it has some latency (i.e. unblocking is not always performed immediatley the condition is met) and spends some CPU time and system resources. |
►CIG.Lib.WaitCondition | Provides a framework for blocking execution until the specified condition becomes satisfied. Function Wait() does that. The function continuously check the unblocking condition until it becomes satisfied, sleeping a certain amount of time between consecutive checks. Time plan of checks (i.e. the amount of sleepin time between them) can be adjusted by public properties SleepFirst, MinSleepMs, MaxSleepMs, and MaxRelativeLatency. These properties can be adjusted while waiting. Blocking condition is evaluated by the (public) function Condition() and can be adjusted in one of the following ways: |
CIG.Lib.WaitFileEventLatenceBase | Base class for classes that impelement methods that block until a file or directory is created or deleted. |
►CIG.Lib.WaitConditionBase | Base class for objects that perform waiting until a condition is fulfilled. |
CIG.Lib.WaitCondition | Provides a framework for blocking execution until the specified condition becomes satisfied. Function Wait() does that. The function continuously check the unblocking condition until it becomes satisfied, sleeping a certain amount of time between consecutive checks. Time plan of checks (i.e. the amount of sleepin time between them) can be adjusted by public properties SleepFirst, MinSleepMs, MaxSleepMs, and MaxRelativeLatency. These properties can be adjusted while waiting. Blocking condition is evaluated by the (public) function Condition() and can be adjusted in one of the following ways: |
CIG.Lib.WaitFileEventBase | Base class for classes that provide blocking until a file or directory is created/removed. |
CIG.Lib.WaitFileEventBaseByProxyLatence | Base class for classes that provide blocking until a file or directory is created/removed. This clas uses a proxy class for performing its basic operation. |
CIG.Lib.WaitFileEventLatenceBase | Base class for classes that impelement methods that block until a file or directory is created or deleted. |
CIG.Lib.IWaitFileEvent | Interface for classes that provide waiting for specific file events (such as ceration or deletion of a specific file or directory). |
CIG.Lib.LoadableBase | |
CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptBase | Base class for classes that can be dynamically loadeded from scripts and run, which provides functionality of dynamic scripting. It is recommendable to derive all such classes that implement the ILoadableScript interface from this base class. |
CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptOptBase | Base class for loadable scripts for optimization problems. AGREEMENTS: The first argument to initialization and executable method is working directory where data between different applications is exchanged. If overrigding the InitializeThis(...) method, call the base class' method first, and keep the agreement that the first argument must be the working directory. When implementing the executable (RunThis(...)) method, its first argument should also be the working directory (the same as for initialization). This is to enable use of the class in scenarios where initialization and execution arguments must be the same. |
CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptOptShellBaseControllable | Controllable version of LoadableScriptOptBase, implements ILoadableScriptC |
CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptShellBase | Loadable script base class for the shell application that includes tols for definition of optiimization problems, definition of vector response functions, a couple of interfaces with simulation programs, etc. AGREEMENTS: The first argument to initialization and executable method is working directory where data between different applications is exchanged. If overrigding the InitializeThis(...) method, call the base class' method first, and keep the agreement that the first argument must be the working directory. When implementing the executable (RunThis(...)) method, its first argument should also be the working directory (the same as for initialization). This is to enable use of the class in scenarios where initialization and execution arguments must be the same. |
CIG.Lib.MathematicaInterface | Interface with Mathematica. |
►CIG.Lib.Module | General module (or library) management class, a base class for specific module classes. Provides some basic functionality such as keeping information about the module, managing module directories and basic files, etc. Global module object is not implemented (in contrary to global program object), but it should be implemented in speciffic module classes derived from this one. |
CIG.Lib.ModuleTest | |
►CIG.Lib.ModuleBase | Manages basic program informatin and resources such as directories, expiration time, etc. |
CIG.Lib.App | Base class for all application classes. Provides some basic functionality such as keeping information about the application, managing application directories and basic files, etc. |
CIG.Lib.Module | General module (or library) management class, a base class for specific module classes. Provides some basic functionality such as keeping information about the module, managing module directories and basic files, etc. Global module object is not implemented (in contrary to global program object), but it should be implemented in speciffic module classes derived from this one. |
CIG.Lib.NamedPipeClientBase | Client to the pipe server (classes derived from IpcStreamClientServerBase2). |
CIG.Lib.NamedPipeServerBase | Server that creates a named pipe, listens on its input stream, and sends responses to the client. |
CIG.Lib.ObjectRegister< T > | Provides implementation of register of objects of the specified type. Also generates unique IDs for objects of this type. This class utilizes implementation of IIdentifiable and IRegisterable interfaces. Implementation notes for IRegistable: For implementation, use a static instance of this class, and an a nonstatic instance of the IdProcy class (to generate and hold object's unique ID). subclass of this clas, initialized by that static instance. Example implementation can be found in the ExampleInterfaceImplementation subclass of this class. |
►CIG.Lib.ObjectStore< T > | Object store. Objects of the specified type can be stored here for later reuse (efficiency improvement). IMPORTANT: Override IsEligible(), NotEligibleMessage() and TryGetNew() and possibly TryStore() methods in derived classes when applicable. |
CIG.Num.MatrixStore< T > | Matrix store |
CIG.Num.VectorStore< T > | Vector store |
CIG.Lib.opt.opttest.ParticlePotentialProblem | Base class for the charged particle potential problem. |
CIG.Lib.PipeClientBase | Client to the pipe server (classes derived from IpcStreamClientServerBase2). |
CIG.Lib.PipeServerBase | Server that creates a named pipe, listens on its input stream, and sends responses to the client. |
CIG.Lib.RealFunctionLoader | Dynamically generates IRealFunction classes from user definitions. User can define in string form how function, its derivative, second derivative, integral, or inverse function is calculated. Then this class can be used to compile these definitions in the wrapping script, which is then used to create the corresponding function objects. |
CIG.Lib.ScalarFunctionLoader | Dynamically generates IScalarFunction classes from user definitions. User can define in string form how function, its derivative, second derivative, integral, or inverse function is calculated. Then this class can be used to compile these definitions in the wrapping script, which is then used to create the corresponding function objects. |
►CIG.Lib.ScriptLoaderBase | Dynamically compiles and loads classes from files or from strings. |
►CIG.Lib.ScriptLoaderIGLib | Base script loader class for IGLib. |
CIG.Lib.ScriptLoaderIGLib.ScriptLoaderTest | ScriptLoader used for testing. |
CIG.Lib.ScriptLoaderIGLib | Base script loader class for IGLib. |
CIG.Lib.ScriptLoaderIGLib.ScriptLoaderTest | ScriptLoader used for testing. |
►CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< Type > | Generic base class for Data Transfer Objects (DTO). This class is used as template for producing concrete DTO classes. Such DTOs are used for serialization and deserialization of state of various kinds of objects that need to be transfered between applications, across platforms, or simply stored in files for future use. |
CIG.Lib.IndexListDto | Data Transfer Object (DTO) for index lists of type IndexList. Used to store, transfer, serialize and deserialize objects of type IndexList. |
►CIG.Lib.SerializationDtoBase< Type, BaseType > | Generic base class for Data Transfer Objects (DTO). This class is used as template for producing concrete DTO classes. Such DTOs are used for serialization and deserialization of state of various kinds of objects that need to be transfered between applications, across platforms, or simply stored in files for future use. WARNING: In most cases ISerializationDto<Type> will be used. Different BaseType and Type are used only in relatively rare cases where different derived types all have the same data that is copied to DTO. Otherwise the advantage of this can not be used because of single inheritance. |
►CIG.Lib.ArrayDto< ElementType, ElementBaseType, ElementDtoType > | Data transfer object for holding arrays of objects of the same type. |
CIG.Lib.ArrayDto< ElementType, ElementDtoType > | Data transfer object for holding arrays of objects of the same type. |
►CIG.Lib.BoundingBoxDtoBase< BoxType > | Base class for various DTO (Data Transfer Objects) for bounding boxes. Used to store a state of a bounding box. |
CIG.Lib.BoundingBoxDto | Data Transfer Object (DTO) for bounding boxes of type IG.Num.BoundingBox. Used to store, transfer, serialize and deserialize objects of type BoundingBox. |
►CIG.Lib.ListDto< ElementType, ElementBaseType, ElementDtoType > | Data transfer object for holding lists of objects of the same type. |
CIG.Lib.ListDto< ElementType, ElementDtoType > | Data transfer object for holding data from lists of objects of the same type. |
►CIG.Lib.MatrixDtoBase< MatrixType > | Base class for various matrix DTO (Data Transfer Objects) for matrixs. Used to store a state of a matrix. |
CIG.Lib.MatrixDto | Data Transfer Object (DTO) for matrixs of type IG.Num.Matrix. Used to store, transfer, serialize and deserialize objects of type IMatrix. |
CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< Type > | Generic base class for Data Transfer Objects (DTO). This class is used as template for producing concrete DTO classes. Such DTOs are used for serialization and deserialization of state of various kinds of objects that need to be transfered between applications, across platforms, or simply stored in files for future use. |
►CIG.Lib.SerializationDtoTypedBase< Type, BaseType > | |
CIG.Lib.SerializationDtoTypedBase< Type, BaseType >.SerializationDtoTyped< CommonType > | |
CIG.Lib.SerializationDtoTypedBase< Type, BaseType >.SerializationDtoTyped< CommonType > | |
CIG.Lib.SerializationDtoTypedBase< Type, BaseType >.SerializationDtoTyped< CommonType > | |
►CIG.Lib.SimJMatProSettingsDto< FmType > | Settings for classes that inherit from SimJMatProFileManagerBase class. |
CIG.Lib.SimJmatProSettingsDto | Settings for the SimJMatProFileManagerBase class. |
►CIG.Lib.StringVariableSystemDtoBase< VariableSystemType > | Base class for various DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) for systems of string-valued variables. Used to store a state of a variable system or to store a set of variables to be imported into a system. |
CIG.Lib.StringSettingsDto | Data Transfer Object (DTO) for vectors of type IG.Num.Vector. Used to store, transfer, serialize and deserialize objects of type Vector. |
CIG.Lib.StringVariableSystemDto | DTO (data transfer object) for String variable systems. |
CIG.Lib.StringVariableSystemDto< VariableSystemType > | Generic class for various DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) for systems of string-valued variables. Used to store a state of a variable system or to store a set of variables to be imported into a system. |
►CIG.Lib.VectorDtoBase< VectorType > | Base class for various vector DTO (Data Transfer Objects) for vectors. Used to store a state of a vector. |
CIG.Lib.VectorDto | Data Transfer Object (DTO) for vectors of type IG.Num.Vector. Used to store, transfer, serialize and deserialize objects of type Vector. |
►CIG.Sim.SimulationComponentDtoBase< Type, BaseType > | Interface for all components of simulation DTOs |
CIG.Sim.SimDomainDto | Base class for simulation domains. |
►CIG.Sim.SimFieldBaseDto< FieldType > | Base class for simulation field DTOs (data transfer objects) |
CIG.Sim.SimScalarFieldDto | Scalar field. |
CIG.Sim.SimTensorFieldDto | Tensor field. |
CIG.Sim.SimVectorFieldDto | Vector field. |
►CIG.Sim.SimFieldElemetDto< FieldType > | Base class for a DTO that holds node values of a single element (component) of a specific simulation field. |
CIG.Sim.SimScalarFieldElementDto< FieldType > | Base class for a DTO that holds node values of a single element (component) of a specific scalar field envolved in simulation. |
CIG.Sim.SimTensorFieldElementDto< FieldType > | Base class for a DTO that holds node values of a single element (component) of a specific tensor field envolved in simulation. |
CIG.Sim.SimVectorFieldElementDto< FieldType > | Base class for a DTO that holds node values of a single element (component) of a specific vector field envolved in simulation. |
►CIG.Lib.SettingsReaderBase | |
►CIG.Lib.SettingsReaderAppConfig | Provides functionality for retrieving settings from various sources such as application settings file. |
CLabexBis.BisCommunicationSettings | Holds settings used by the Labex - Bis communication module. |
CIG.Lib.SettingsReaderAppConfig | Provides functionality for retrieving settings from various sources such as application settings file. |
►CIG.Lib.SortedUniqueItemList< Type > | Sorted list of unique items. It is guaranteed that at all times the list of containing items is sorted. |
CIG.Lib.IndexList | Index list, a sorted list of unique integer indices. Used for tasks such as filtering specified element from a list of elements or a general data set. |
CIG.Lib.StopWatch | Timer for measuring execution times and other intervals of time elapsed between successive events. $A Igor xx Apr10; |
CIG.Lib.StringSettings | |
►CIG.Lib.StringTable | 2D tables of data represented by strings. Maps to CSV files. |
CIG.Lib.CsvData | Memory representation of CSV data. |
CIG.Num.SampledDataCsv | Base class for CSV (comma separated files) representation, importer and exporter of sampled data and data definitions. |
►CIG.Lib.StringVariableSystem | A lightweight system of string-valued variables, with some support to type conversion. |
CIG.Lib.StringSettings | |
CIG.Lib.TemporaryInterfaceInvAn_Temp_For_Testing | Interface for Inverse Interpreter. |
CIG.Lib.TestLoadable | |
CIG.Lib.WaitCondition | Provides a framework for blocking execution until the specified condition becomes satisfied. Function Wait() does that. The function continuously check the unblocking condition until it becomes satisfied, sleeping a certain amount of time between consecutive checks. Time plan of checks (i.e. the amount of sleepin time between them) can be adjusted by public properties SleepFirst, MinSleepMs, MaxSleepMs, and MaxRelativeLatency. These properties can be adjusted while waiting. Blocking condition is evaluated by the (public) function Condition() and can be adjusted in one of the following ways: |
CIG.Lib.WaitConditionBase | Base class for objects that perform waiting until a condition is fulfilled. |
CIG.Lib.WaitFileEventBase | Base class for classes that provide blocking until a file or directory is created/removed. |
CIG.Lib.WaitFileEventBaseByProxy | Base class for classes that provide blocking until a file or directory is created/removed. This clas uses a proxy class for performing its basic operation. |
CIG.Lib.WaitFileEventBaseByProxyLatence | Base class for classes that provide blocking until a file or directory is created/removed. This clas uses a proxy class for performing its basic operation. |
►CIG.Neural.NeuraApproximationFileManager | File manager for neural network approximation file client and server. |
CIG.Neural.MappingApproximationFileManager | File manager for mapping file client and server. |
CIG.Neural.NeuralApproximatorAforge | Approximator of response by using neural networks, based on the AforgeDotNet library. $A Igor Mar11; |
CIG.Neural.NeuralApproximatorBaseExt | Base class for neural network approximators. |
CIG.Neural.NeuralApproximatorNeuron | Approximator of response by using neural networks, based on the NeuronDotNet library. $A Igor Mar11 Jul11; Tako78 Jul11; |
►CIG.Neural.NeuralTrainingResultsPlotter | Plotter class for neural training results. |
CIG.Neural.NeuralTrainingTablePlotter | Plotter class for neural training results. |
CIG.Neural.NeuralTrainingResultsPlotter1 | |
CIG.Neural.NeuralTrainingTablePlotter | Plotter class for neural training results. |
CIG.Num.AffineTransformationDiagonal | Affine transformation with diagonal tansformation matrix. |
CIG.Num.AffineTransformationSquare | Invertible Affine transformation with square transformation matrix. |
CIG.Num.AnalysisBase | Base class for direct analysis classes that define optimization problems. Represent the complete definition of the optimization problem (without initial parameters). Concrete analysis classes (e.g. representing optimization examples or complex direct problems solved through numerical simulation) should be derived from this class. |
CIG.Num.ApproximationLeastSquaresBase | Base class for least squares approximation and various derived methods |
CIG.Num.CholeskyDecomposition | Cholesky decomposition of a matrix. Available for symmetric positive definite matrices |
►CIG.Num.ConvectionRobertFileManager | File manager for interfacing simulation casting simulator of Robert Vertnik. |
CIG.Num.ConvectionRev1RobertFileManager | |
CIG.Num.NafemsTestRoberrFileManager | File manager for interfacing simulation casting simulator of Robert Vertnik. |
CIG.Num.DistanceComparer< PointContainerType, PointType > | Class that is used to calculate and compare distances between point containers. |
CIG.Num.DistanceComparerSampledDataElement | Distance comparer for point clouds where point type is SampledDataElement. |
CIG.Num.DistanceComparerVector | |
CIG.Num.EigenValueDecomposition | Eigenvalue decomposition of a matrix |
CIG.Num.EvaluatorBase< TypeResponseEvaluator, ResultType, FunctionType > | Base class for higher level classes that perform a single or several response evaluations and output their results. This class contains a response evaluator obect that inherits form ResponseEvaluatorBase , for evaluation and storage of responses. In such a way, derived classes can deal with response evaluation and storage in an unified way. A variety of derived classe include classes for evaluation of single response, for generating 1 dimensional or 2 dimensional tables of responses, etc., for different kinds of responses and corresponding response evaluation objects, such as vector fucntions or dierect analysis (in optimization) response evaluation functions. Some common functionality is included such as properties that define log files, result files, and corresponding streams. |
CIG.Num.Func.Cubic | Cubic function, f(x) = a3*x*x*x + a2*x*x + a1*x + a0. Specific properties: Zero - returns a zero. Zero1 - returns the fierst zero. Zero2 - returns the second zero. Zero3 - returns the third zero. NumZeros - returns number of zeros (0, 1 or 3). HasZero - either the function has a zero or not. Min - returns function's strict minimum. Max - returns function's strict maximum. |
CIG.Num.GridGenerator1d | Generates 1D grids with equidistant or geometrically grown intervals. |
►CIG.Num.GridGenerator1dBase | Base class for 1D grid generators. |
CIG.Num.GridGenerator1d | Generates 1D grids with equidistant or geometrically grown intervals. |
CIG.Num.GridGenerator1dFunc | Generates 1D grids with equidistant or geometrically grown intervals. |
CIG.Num.GridGenerator1dFunc | Generates 1D grids with equidistant or geometrically grown intervals. |
►CIG.Num.IGridGenerator1d | Interface for 1d grid generators. |
CIG.Num.GridGenerator1d | Generates 1D grids with equidistant or geometrically grown intervals. |
CIG.Num.GridGenerator1dBase | Base class for 1D grid generators. |
CIG.Num.GridGenerator1dFunc | Generates 1D grids with equidistant or geometrically grown intervals. |
►CIG.Num.ILinearSolver | Classes that can be used for solution of linear systems of equations |
CIG.Num.CholeskyDecomposition | Cholesky decomposition of a matrix. Available for symmetric positive definite matrices |
CIG.Num.EigenValueDecomposition | Eigenvalue decomposition of a matrix |
CIG.Num.LUDecomposition | LU decomposition of a matrix |
CIG.Num.QRDecomposition | QR decomposition of a matrix |
CIG.Num.SingularValueDecomposition | Singular value decomposition of a matrix |
►CIG.Num.INeuralApproximator | Approximator of response by using neural networks. $A Igor Mar11; |
CIG.Neural.NeuralApproximatorAforge | Approximator of response by using neural networks, based on the AforgeDotNet library. $A Igor Mar11; |
CIG.Neural.NeuralApproximatorBaseExt | Base class for neural network approximators. |
CIG.Neural.NeuralApproximatorNeuron | Approximator of response by using neural networks, based on the NeuronDotNet library. $A Igor Mar11 Jul11; Tako78 Jul11; |
CIG.Num.NeuralApproximatorAforgeIT | Approximator of response by using neural networks, based on the AforgeDotNet library. $A Igor Mar11; |
►CIG.Num.NeuralApproximatorBase | Base class for neural network approximators. |
CIG.Neural.NeuralApproximatorAforge | Approximator of response by using neural networks, based on the AforgeDotNet library. $A Igor Mar11; |
CIG.Neural.NeuralApproximatorBaseExt | Base class for neural network approximators. |
CIG.Neural.NeuralApproximatorNeuron | Approximator of response by using neural networks, based on the NeuronDotNet library. $A Igor Mar11 Jul11; Tako78 Jul11; |
CIG.Num.NeuralApproximatorAforgeFake | |
CIG.Num.NeuralApproximatorAforgeIT | Approximator of response by using neural networks, based on the AforgeDotNet library. $A Igor Mar11; |
►CIG.Num.IOptimizer | Interface for optimization algorithms. $A Igor Feb10; |
CIG.Num.OptimizerBase | |
►CIG.Num.IVectorFunction | Vector function of a vector argument. |
►CIG.Num.LinearBasis | Vector function containing lineer basis in a n-dimensional vector space. Composed of n+1 functions: 1, x1, ..., xn. |
CIG.Num.LinearBasisSafer | The same as LinearBasis, just that it has more meaningful error reporting (but is therefore slower). |
►CIG.Num.QuadraticBasis | Vector function containing quadratic basis in a n-dimensional vector space. Composed of (n+1)*(n+2)/2 functions: 1, x_1, ..., x_n, 0.5*x_1^2, 0.5*x_2^2, ..., 0.5*x_n^2, x_1*x_2, x_1*x_3, ..., x_1*x_n, ..., x_2*x_3, ..., x_2*x_n, ..., ..., x_n-1*x_n. |
CIG.Num.QuadraticBasisSafer | The same as QuadraticBasis, just that it has more meaningful exceptions. |
►CIG.Num.VectorFunctionBase | Base class for defining Vector functions whose evaluation is defined in bulk, and evaluation of individual components can not be performed directly. For these functioons, individual values and individual gradient or vector components are evaluated in such a way thet the function is first evaluated as whole, storing its results to an object implementing IVectorFunctionResults. |
CIG.Num.VectorFunctionExamples.RosenBrockAndCircle | Example 2 component vector function of 2 variables. The first component is the Rosenbrock function and the secont component is a radially symmetric paraboloid with radius 2 of the zero contour, centered at coordinate origin. |
►CIG.Num.VectorFunctionBaseComponentWise | Base class for defining Vector functions whose component-wise evaluation is defined directly. |
CIG.Num.LinearBasis | Vector function containing lineer basis in a n-dimensional vector space. Composed of n+1 functions: 1, x1, ..., xn. |
CIG.Num.QuadraticBasis | Vector function containing quadratic basis in a n-dimensional vector space. Composed of (n+1)*(n+2)/2 functions: 1, x_1, ..., x_n, 0.5*x_1^2, 0.5*x_2^2, ..., 0.5*x_n^2, x_1*x_2, x_1*x_3, ..., x_1*x_n, ..., x_2*x_3, ..., x_2*x_n, ..., ..., x_n-1*x_n. |
►CIG.Num.VectorFunctionBaseGeneral | Base class for VectorFunctionBase and VectorFunctionBaseComponentwise. In general, use VectorFunctionBase and VectorFunctionBase in order to derive from. |
CIG.Num.VectorFunctionBase | Base class for defining Vector functions whose evaluation is defined in bulk, and evaluation of individual components can not be performed directly. For these functioons, individual values and individual gradient or vector components are evaluated in such a way thet the function is first evaluated as whole, storing its results to an object implementing IVectorFunctionResults. |
CIG.Num.VectorFunctionBaseComponentWise | Base class for defining Vector functions whose component-wise evaluation is defined directly. |
CIG.Num.VectorFunctionExamples.RosenBrockAndCircle | Example 2 component vector function of 2 variables. The first component is the Rosenbrock function and the secont component is a radially symmetric paraboloid with radius 2 of the zero contour, centered at coordinate origin. |
CIG.Num.LinearBasis | Vector function containing lineer basis in a n-dimensional vector space. Composed of n+1 functions: 1, x1, ..., xn. |
CIG.Num.LUDecomposition | LU decomposition of a matrix |
CIG.Num.MatrixStore | Matrix store |
CIG.Num.MatrixStore< T > | Matrix store |
CIG.Num.NafemsTestRoberrFileManager | File manager for interfacing simulation casting simulator of Robert Vertnik. |
CIG.Num.NeuralApproximatorAforgeIT | Approximator of response by using neural networks, based on the AforgeDotNet library. $A Igor Mar11; |
CIG.Num.NeuralApproximatorBase | Base class for neural network approximators. |
CIG.Num.NeuralTrainingTable | Contains Parameters that define neural network architecture and trainig limits, together with achieved results after training such as various error norms |
CIG.Num.OptFileAnalysisClient | File analysis client. Passes direct analysis request to the server and gets analysis results from it. |
CIG.Num.OptFileAnalysisServer | File analysis server. Performs direct analyses by request. |
CIG.Num.OptFileManager | Performs elementary operations for optimization and analysis servers and clients that exchange data and messages through files. Each such server can serve a single request at a time (single thread of execution). Client-server pair (or pairs, when both analysis and optimization are performed in this way) has (or have) a single directory for exchanging data and messages. If there is a need for analyses running in parallel, each thread must have its own directory and its own client-server pair. |
CIG.Num.OptUnconstrained.ExampleRosenbrock | The Rosenbrock's unconstrained optimization problem (2D) |
CIG.Num.OptUnconstrained.ExampleRosenbrockGeneralizedAdjacent | The generalized Rosenbrock's unconstrained optimization problem in arbitrary dimensions Dim >= 2 |
CIG.Num.OptUnconstrained.ExampleRosenbrockGeneralizedExhaustive | The generalized Rosenbrock's unconstrained optimization problem in arbitrary dimensions Dim >= 2 |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobContainerBase | Contains input data and results of a parallel job to be executed, oropertied indicating the state of the job, and methods for interaction with job performer and dispatcher. |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobContainerGen< InputType, ResultType > | General purpose parallel job container that contains methods for running the job in on the same machine thread. Contains many auxiliary methods for testing and for adaptation of parallel jobs concepts to different tasks |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobDispatcherBase | Base class for parallel job dispatchers. Accepts job requests and dispatches jobs to parallel job servers when available and redy to run a job. |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobDispatcherGen< InputType, ResultType > | Parallel job jerver for job containers that inherit from ParallelJobContainerGen. |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobDispatcherGen< InputType, ResultType, JobContainerType > | Parallel job dispatcher for job containers that inherit from ParallelJobContainerGen. |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobServerBase< JobContainerType > | Parallel job server. Waits for job requests and executes them in a parallel thread. |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobServerGen< InputType, ResultType > | Parallel job server for job containers that inherit from ParallelJobContainerGen. |
CIG.Num.ParallelJobServerGen< InputType, ResultType, JobContainerType > | Parallel job server for job containers that inherit from ParallelJobContainerGen. |
CIG.Num.PenaltyEvaluator | Evaluation of penalty functions. |
►CIG.Num.PointCloud< PointContainerType, PointType > | Cloud of points, contains a list of containers of objects that include point coordinates. |
CIG.Num.PointCloudSampledDataElement | Cloud of points where each point is represented by the IVector object, contains a list of containers of vector objects that include point coordinates. |
CIG.Num.PointCloudVector | Cloud of points where each poinr is represented by the IVector object, contains a list of containers of vector objects that include point coordinates. |
►CIG.Num.PointCloud< PointLinkType, PointContainerType, PointType > | Cloud of points, contains a list of containers of objects that include point coordinates. |
CIG.Num.PointCloud< PointContainerType, PointType > | Cloud of points, contains a list of containers of objects that include point coordinates. |
CIG.Num.PointCloudSampledDataElement | Cloud of points where each point is represented by the IVector object, contains a list of containers of vector objects that include point coordinates. |
CIG.Num.PointCloudVector | Cloud of points where each poinr is represented by the IVector object, contains a list of containers of vector objects that include point coordinates. |
►CIG.Num.PointContainer< PointContainerType, PointType > | Container class that contains a single point plus all the data that are necessary for searching and re-connecting operations on points. |
CIG.Num.PointContainerSampledDataElement | Container class that contains a single vector point plus all the data that are necessary for searching and re-connecting operations on points. |
CIG.Num.PointContainerVector | Container class that contains a single vector point plus all the data that are necessary for searching and re-connecting operations on points. |
►CIG.Num.PointContainer< PointLinkType, PointContainerType, PointType > | Container class that contains a single point plus all the data that are necessary for searching and re-connecting operations on points. |
CIG.Num.PointContainer< PointContainerType, PointType > | Container class that contains a single point plus all the data that are necessary for searching and re-connecting operations on points. |
CIG.Num.PointContainerSampledDataElement | Container class that contains a single vector point plus all the data that are necessary for searching and re-connecting operations on points. |
CIG.Num.PointContainerVector | Container class that contains a single vector point plus all the data that are necessary for searching and re-connecting operations on points. |
CIG.Num.PointLink< PointContainerType, PointType > | Contains a pointer (link) to another point container. |
►CIG.Num.PointLink< PointLinkType, PointContainerType, PointType > | Contains a pointer (link) to another point container. |
CIG.Num.PointLink< PointContainerType, PointType > | Contains a pointer (link) to another point container. |
CIG.Num.QRDecomposition | QR decomposition of a matrix |
CIG.Num.QuadraticBasis | Vector function containing quadratic basis in a n-dimensional vector space. Composed of (n+1)*(n+2)/2 functions: 1, x_1, ..., x_n, 0.5*x_1^2, 0.5*x_2^2, ..., 0.5*x_n^2, x_1*x_2, x_1*x_3, ..., x_1*x_n, ..., x_2*x_3, ..., x_2*x_n, ..., ..., x_n-1*x_n. |
CIG.Num.RandGeneratorThreadSafe | Generator of uniformly distributed random numbers. Based on the default random generator. Instance members are thread safe! |
CIG.Num.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageAnalysis | Base class for response evaluators where response is evaluated by objects of type IAnalysis . |
►CIG.Num.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageBase< TypeData, TypeEvaluator > | Base class for a variety of response evaluators. Calculates response at specific parameters, stores calculated responses in a list, etc. The current generic class can be used for differnt types of respnses (results) and different types of object for evaluation of responses, such as vector funcitons or optimization analyses. |
CIG.Num.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageAnalysis | Base class for response evaluators where response is evaluated by objects of type IAnalysis . |
CIG.Num.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageVector | Base class for response evaluators where response is evaluated by objects of type IAnalysis . |
CIG.Num.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageVector | Base class for response evaluators where response is evaluated by objects of type IAnalysis . |
►CIG.Num.ResponseTab1dGeneric< TypeData, TypeEvaluator > | |
CIG.Num.ResponseTab1dVectorFunction | |
►CIG.Num.SamplerBase | Base class for sampling classes that produce a desired number of sampling points with a particular arrangement in space. |
►CIG.Num.SamplerBaseRandom | Base class for sampling classes that produce a desired number of sampling points with a particular arrangement in space, and which use a random generator for creation of sampling points. |
CIG.Num.SamplerBoxRandomUniform | Uniformly distributed random sampling within the coordinate origin-centered cube |
CIG.Num.SamplerCubeRandomUniform | Uniformly distributed random sampling within the coordinate origin-centered cube |
CIG.Num.SamplerUnitBallRandomFromCube | Random sampling within the coordinate origin-centered hyper ball with radius one; derived from uniform random sampling of unit cube by radially stretching (or shrinking) the cube surface in order to fit the ball surface |
►CIG.Num.SimCastingRobertFileManager | File manager for interfacing simulation casting simulator of Robert Vertnik. |
CIG.Num.ConvectionRobertFileManager | File manager for interfacing simulation casting simulator of Robert Vertnik. |
CIG.Num.SimJMatProFileManager4_0 | File manager for interfacing the JMatPro software version 4.0. |
►CIG.Num.SimJMatProFileManagerBase | File manager for interfacing the JMatPro software. |
CIG.Num.SimJMatProFileManager4_0 | File manager for interfacing the JMatPro software version 4.0. |
►CIG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase | File manager for interfacing (for optimization purposes) the simulation code of Gregor Kosec. |
►CIG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConvBase | Base class for interface with simulator of G. Kosec for convection problems in a cave with obstacles. |
CIG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConv2 | Interface with simulator of G. Kosec for convection problems in a cave with 2 obstacles. |
CIG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConv3 | Interface with simulator of G. Kosec for convection problems in a cave with 3 obstacles. |
CIG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConv2 | Interface with simulator of G. Kosec for convection problems in a cave with 2 obstacles. |
CIG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConv3 | Interface with simulator of G. Kosec for convection problems in a cave with 3 obstacles. |
CIG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConvBase | Base class for interface with simulator of G. Kosec for convection problems in a cave with obstacles. |
CIG.Num.SingularValueDecomposition | Singular value decomposition of a matrix |
►CIG.Num.VectorApproximatorBase | Base class for vector function approximators. |
CIG.Num.NeuralApproximatorBase | Base class for neural network approximators. |
CIG.Num.VectorFunctionBase | Base class for defining Vector functions whose evaluation is defined in bulk, and evaluation of individual components can not be performed directly. For these functioons, individual values and individual gradient or vector components are evaluated in such a way thet the function is first evaluated as whole, storing its results to an object implementing IVectorFunctionResults. |
CIG.Num.VectorFunctionBaseComponentWise | Base class for defining Vector functions whose component-wise evaluation is defined directly. |
CIG.Num.VectorFunctionBaseGeneral | Base class for VectorFunctionBase and VectorFunctionBaseComponentwise. In general, use VectorFunctionBase and VectorFunctionBase in order to derive from. |
CIG.Num.VectorStore | Vector store |
CIG.Num.VectorStore< T > | Vector store |
CIG.NumExperimental.EvaluatorBase< TypeResponseEvaluator, ResultType, FunctionType > | Base class for higher level classes that perform a single or several response evaluations and output their results. This class contains a response evaluator obect that inherits form ResponseEvaluatorBase , for evaluation and storage of responses. In such a way, derived classes can deal with response evaluation and storage in an unified way. A variety of derived classe include classes for evaluation of single response, for generating 1 dimensional or 2 dimensional tables of responses, etc., for different kinds of responses and corresponding response evaluation objects, such as vector fucntions or dierect analysis (in optimization) response evaluation functions. Some common functionality is included such as properties that define log files, result files, and corresponding streams. |
CIG.NumExperimental.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageAnalysis | Base class for response evaluators where response is evaluated by objects of type IAnalysis . |
►CIG.NumExperimental.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageBase< TypeResults, TypeFunction > | Base class for a variety of response evaluators. Calculates response at specific parameters, stores calculated responses in a list, etc. The current generic class can be used for differnt types of respnses (results) and different types of object for evaluation of responses, such as vector funcitons or optimization analyses. |
CIG.NumExperimental.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageAnalysis | Base class for response evaluators where response is evaluated by objects of type IAnalysis . |
CIG.NumExperimental.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageVector | Base class for response evaluators where response is evaluated by objects of type IAnalysis . |
CIG.NumExperimental.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageVector | Base class for response evaluators where response is evaluated by objects of type IAnalysis . |
►CIG.Plot2d.GraphBase | Graph data & control class. |
CIG.Plot2d.GraphNPlot | NPlot graphs plotting object. |
►CIG.Plot2d.IGraph | Interface for graph plotting objects. |
CIG.Plot2d.GraphBase | Graph data & control class. |
CIG.Script.AppEmbeddedCryptoIGShell | Embedded script class for cryptographic utilities such as calculation and verification of file hashes. Commands of this embedded script can be run from the main application |
CIG.Script.AppFerdo | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppMarkoPetek | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppMarkoPetek | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.AppMarkoPetek | Internal script for running embedded applications. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptExample | Example cls. for testing function of loadable scripts. |
CIG.Web.IWSBase | Interface for basic web service. |
CIG.Web.IWsDevelop | Interface for development web services. |
►CIG.Web.WebServiceLauncher< ServiceType > | Generic class for launching web services. |
CIG.Web.WSBaseLauncher | |
CIG.Web.WSBase | Base class for IGLib webservices. |
CIG.Web.WSBase | Base class for IGLib webservices. |
CIG.Web.WSBase | Base class for IGLib webservices. |
CIG.Web.WSBaseClass | Base class for IGLib webservices. |
►CIG.Lib.ImageBuilderBase | Base class for storing image data and exporting and importing images froom files and different types of objects. |
CIG.Lib.Ib1 | |
CIG.Lib.Ib2 | |
CIG.Lib.Ib3 | |
CIG.Lib.Ib4 | |
CIG.Lib.Ib5 | |
CIG.Lib.Ib6 | |
CIG.Lib.Ib7 | |
CIG.Lib.Ib8 | |
CIG.Lib.Ib9 | |
CIG.Lib.ImageBuilder | Class for storing image data and exporting and importing images froom files and different types of objects. |
►CImageBuilderBase | |
CIGLib.Ib1 | |
CIGLib.Ib2 | |
CIGLib.Ib3 | YYYY |
CIGLib.Ib4 | |
CIGLib.Ib5 | |
CIGLib.Ib6 | |
CIGLib.Ib7 | |
CIGLib.Ib8 | |
CIGLib.Ib9 | |
►CIG.Num.IMatrix | Real matrix interface. |
►CIG.Num.Matrix | Real matrix class. Some operations are performed by the MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix class. |
CIG.Num.Matrix1 | |
CIG.Old.MatrixWithMathNet | |
CIG.Num.Matrix2d | Matrix in a 2 dimensional space. |
CIG.Num.Matrix3d | Matrix in a 3 dimensional space. |
►CIG.Num.MatrixBase | Base class for matrices. |
CIG.Num.Matrix | Real matrix class. Some operations are performed by the MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix class. |
CIG.Num.Matrix2d | Matrix in a 2 dimensional space. |
CIG.Num.Matrix3d | Matrix in a 3 dimensional space. |
CIG.Num.MatrixBaseDev | Development of matrix operations. |
CIG.Num.MatrixBaseDev | Development of matrix operations. |
►CIG.Num.IMatrix< ComponentType > | Generic Matrix interface. |
►CIG.Num.IComplexMatrix | Complex matrix. |
CIG.Num.ComplexMatrix | Complex matrix. |
►CIG.Num.ComplexMatrixBase | Base class for complex matrices. |
CIG.Num.ComplexMatrix | Complex matrix. |
►CIG.Old.IMatrix_OldNumerics< T > | Generic Matrix interface. |
CIG.Old.IMatrixOld | |
►CIG.Neural.INeuralApproximatorContainer | Classes that contain neural approximator. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralControl2D | A 2D neural network approximation demo control. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralDemo1D | A 1D neural network approximation demo control. |
►CINeuralModel | |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralPredictionWindow | Window for making predictions of output values based on ANN model. |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralPredictionWindow | Window for making predictions of output values based on ANN model. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralInputControl | Control for editing input parameter values. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralInputControl | Control for editing input parameter values. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralSamplingInputControl | Control for editing input parameter data necessary for sampling scalar functions. |
►CIG.Num.INeuralModel | Interface for artificial neural network -based models that we can operate on. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralBase | Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. |
CIG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralITOriginalBase | Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. |
CIG.Script.NeuralModelBaseScriptIT | Base class for classes that implement ANN models in forms and other high level constructs that use neural network - based models. |
►CIG.Neural.INeuralModelContainer | Interface for classes that contain the NeuralModel property that implements the INeuralModel interface. |
CIG.Neural.Applications.AnnAppDemo | Form for parametric tests and other viewing operations performed on ANN models. |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralPredictionWindow | Window for making predictions of output values based on ANN model. |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralPredictionWindow | Window for making predictions of output values based on ANN model. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralAboutControlToDelete | Control for making predictions of output values based on ANN model. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralDataControl | Control for manipulating neural approximation data (import/export). |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralInputControl | Control for editing input parameter values. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralInputControl | Control for editing input parameter values. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralParametricTest | Form for training artificial neural networks. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralParametricTest2d | Form for simple parametric tests (variation of selected parameter) performed on ANN models. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralPredictionControl | Control for making predictions of output values based on ANN model. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralSamplingControl | Control for defininng scalar functions and sampling them in order to create neural approximation data (import/export). |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralSamplingInputControl | Control for editing input parameter data necessary for sampling scalar functions. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralTrainingControl | A 2D neural network approximation demo control. |
►CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.Solvers.InitialProblemODE_RK4.InitialProblemSolverBase | A template ODE solver without an actual implementation of the solving method (e.g. RK4). |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.Solvers.InitialProblemODE_RK4.InitialProblemSolverRK4 | A fourth order Runge-Kutta ODE solver. |
CIG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition | Contains data about a field that is recoginzed in the input file, such as field identification number, name, and description. This class is immutable except for Description, and it is thread safe in the scope of intended use. |
CIG.Num.InputOutputDataDefiniton | Definition of input and output data for vector functions, approximations, etc. Contains descriptiove information about individual eleemnts of input and output, default values and eventual bounds of input parameters, etc. |
►CIG.Num.InputOutputElementDefinition | Base class for input or output data element definition for vector functions, approximations, etc. |
CIG.Num.InputElementDefinition | Input data element definition for vector functions, approximations, etc. |
CIG.Num.OutputElementDefinition | Input data element definition for vector functions, approximations, etc. |
CEFA_WS.Service.InsertPaketData | Class that is used to pass data to the InsertPaketXml() method that is launched in a parallel thread. Thread is launched just because for SQLXML the thread must be STA, and thread launched by WS is not of this kind. |
CTest.IntegrateTest | Summary description for IntegrateTest |
CMeta.Numerics.Interval | Represents an interval on the real number line. |
CTest.IntervalTest | This is a test class for IntervalTest and is intended to contain all IntervalTest Unit Tests /summary> |
►CInvalidOperationException | |
CMeta.Numerics.DimensionMismatchException | The exception that is thrown when attempting an operation on objects with incompatible dimensions. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.InsufficientDataException | The exception that is thrown when an operation is attempted with less than the minimum required data. |
Calglib.inverseupdate | |
►CIObjectStore | |
CIG.Num.VectorFunctionBaseGeneral.ObjectStoreResults | |
►CIG.Lib.IObjectStore< T > | Object store. Objects of the specified type can be stored here for later reuse (efficiency improvement). - Template Parameters
T | Type of objects to be stored, must be a reference type. |
CIG.Lib.ObjectStore< T > | Object store. Objects of the specified type can be stored here for later reuse (efficiency improvement). IMPORTANT: Override IsEligible(), NotEligibleMessage() and TryGetNew() and possibly TryStore() methods in derived classes when applicable. |
►CIG.Num.IOptimizationData | Information about optimization data and algorithm parameters. |
►CIG.Num.OptimizationDataBase | Base class for holding information about optimization data and algorithm parameters. |
CIG.Num.OptimizationData | Information about optimization data and algorithm parameters. |
CIG.Num.IOptimizationResults | Storage of optimization results. Stores optimal results, best current guess, etc. |
►CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.IParameterizedDistribution | Represents an parameterized likelihood distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.ExponentialDistribution | Represents an exponential distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.LogisticDistribution | Represents a logistic distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.LognormalDistribution | Represents a log-normal distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.NormalDistribution | Represents a normal (Gaussian) distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.WeibullDistribution | Represents a Weibull distribution. |
►CIG.Num.IPenaltyEvaluator | Classes that evaluates penalty terms corresponding to a specific penalty function. |
CIG.Num.PenaltyEvaluator | Evaluation of penalty functions. |
►CIG.Physics.IPhysicalUnit | |
CIG.Physics.PhysicalUnitBase | |
►CIG.Num.IPointContainer< PointType > | Basic interface for point container classes. |
CIG.Num.PointContainer< PointContainerType, PointType > | Container class that contains a single point plus all the data that are necessary for searching and re-connecting operations on points. |
CIG.Num.PointContainer< PointLinkType, PointContainerType, PointType > | Container class that contains a single point plus all the data that are necessary for searching and re-connecting operations on points. |
CIG.Num.PointContainerSampledDataElement | Container class that contains a single vector point plus all the data that are necessary for searching and re-connecting operations on points. |
CIG.Num.PointContainerVector | Container class that contains a single vector point plus all the data that are necessary for searching and re-connecting operations on points. |
►CIG.Num.IRandomGenerator | Uniform random number generator. |
CIG.Num.RandGeneratorThreadSafe | Generator of uniformly distributed random numbers. Based on the default random generator. Instance members are thread safe! |
CIG.Num.RandomGenerator | Default generator of uniformly distributed random numbers. Provides a global generator and a static function for generating new generators. Currently, the generator used is the system's generator built in C#. |
►CIG.Num.RandomGeneratorSystem | Generator of uniformly distributed random numbers. Based on system random generator. WARNING: Instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe! |
CIG.Num.RandGeneratorThreadSafe | Generator of uniformly distributed random numbers. Based on the default random generator. Instance members are thread safe! |
CIG.Num.RandomGenerator | Default generator of uniformly distributed random numbers. Provides a global generator and a static function for generating new generators. Currently, the generator used is the system's generator built in C#. |
►CIG.Num.IRealFunction | Interface for real functions. |
CIG.Num.Func.Cubic | Cubic function, f(x) = a3*x*x*x + a2*x*x + a1*x + a0. Specific properties: Zero - returns a zero. Zero1 - returns the fierst zero. Zero2 - returns the second zero. Zero3 - returns the third zero. NumZeros - returns number of zeros (0, 1 or 3). HasZero - either the function has a zero or not. Min - returns function's strict minimum. Max - returns function's strict maximum. |
CIG.Num.Func.PenaltyPower | Penalty function consisting of sticked together constant zero-valued function and a power function with positive integer exponent. Formula: hh*((x - xx0)/dd)^pp where: dd: Characteristic barrier length. Length of the interval on which function grows from 0 to characteristic height. hh: Characteristic barrier height. Value of the function at transition point plus characteristic length. xx0: Transition point where function starts to be non-zero. pp: Power. Must be greater than 0; for 2 first derivative is continuous in transition points, for 3 second derivative is also continuous, etc. |
►CIG.Num.IRealFunctionOneParametric | Parameterized real-valued functions of single variable. |
CIG.Num.RealFunctionOneParametric | Base class for one parametric families of real-valued functions of single variable. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. |
►CIG.Num.IRealFunctionParametric | Parameterized real-valued functions of single variable. |
CIG.Num.IRealFunctionOneParametric | Parameterized real-valued functions of single variable. |
CIG.Num.RealFunctionOneParametric | Base class for one parametric families of real-valued functions of single variable. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. |
CIG.Num.RealFunctionParametric | Base class for parameterized real-valued functions of single variable. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Parameters are represented and stored as vector. |
►CIG.Num.RealFunctionParametricBase | Base class for parameterized real-valued functions of single variable. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. |
CIG.Num.RealFunctionOneParametric | Base class for one parametric families of real-valued functions of single variable. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. |
CIG.Num.RealFunctionParametric | Base class for parameterized real-valued functions of single variable. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Parameters are represented and stored as vector. |
►CIG.Num.IRealFunctionPenalty | Interface that must be satisfied by penalty functions. Penalty functions have small values where argument is less than 0, and grow fast where their argument is positive. |
CIG.Num.Func.PenaltyPower | Penalty function consisting of sticked together constant zero-valued function and a power function with positive integer exponent. Formula: hh*((x - xx0)/dd)^pp where: dd: Characteristic barrier length. Length of the interval on which function grows from 0 to characteristic height. hh: Characteristic barrier height. Value of the function at transition point plus characteristic length. xx0: Transition point where function starts to be non-zero. pp: Power. Must be greater than 0; for 2 first derivative is continuous in transition points, for 3 second derivative is also continuous, etc. |
CIG.Num.RealFunction | Represents a real function of a real variabe. |
►CIG.Num.RealFunctionBase | Base class for real functions of real variable. |
CIG.Num.RealFunction | Represents a real function of a real variabe. |
CIG.Num.RealFunctionParametricBase | Base class for parameterized real-valued functions of single variable. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. |
CIG.Num.RealFunctionOneParametric | Base class for one parametric families of real-valued functions of single variable. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. |
CIG.Num.RealFunctionParametric | Base class for parameterized real-valued functions of single variable. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Parameters are represented and stored as vector. |
CIG.Num.RealFunctionParametricBase | Base class for parameterized real-valued functions of single variable. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. |
►CIG.Lib.Old.IReporter | Interface from which all reporters inherit. |
CIG.Lib.Old.Reporter | Base IG class for reporting, tracing and logging; provides a global reporter and a basis for creation of local reporters. This class is identical to the IGLib class (copied directly). IN EFA, refer to the derived class Reporter! |
►CIG.Lib.IReporterBase | Interface from which all reporters inherit. |
CIG.Lib.IReporter | Interface from which majority of reporters inherit. Includes generic reporting functionality plus tracinf plus reportinf to files. |
►CIG.Lib.IReporterTextLogger | Reporters that utilize logging messages to files. IReporterTextLogger typically outputs (to a file) messages in one-line format with possibility to define indentation, while IReporterTextWriter typically outputs multi-line messages formatted for increased visibility. |
CIG.Lib.IReporter | Interface from which majority of reporters inherit. Includes generic reporting functionality plus tracinf plus reportinf to files. |
►CIG.Lib.IReporterTextWriter | Reporters that utilize writing messages to files. Messages are typically formatted as multi-line messages with distinctive markup. For one-line possibly indented messages, IReporterTextLogger should be used. |
CIG.Lib.IReporter | Interface from which majority of reporters inherit. Includes generic reporting functionality plus tracinf plus reportinf to files. |
►CIG.Lib.IReporterTrace | Reporters that utilize system's trace utility. |
CIG.Lib.IReporter | Interface from which majority of reporters inherit. Includes generic reporting functionality plus tracinf plus reportinf to files. |
►CIReporterConsole | |
CIG.ReporterMsgForms.ReporterConsoleMsgboxSpeech | |
►CIReporterMessageBox | |
CIG.ReporterMsgForms.ReporterConsoleMsgboxSpeech | |
►CIReporterSpeech | |
CIG.ReporterMsgForms.ReporterConsoleMsgboxSpeech | |
►CIG.ReporterMsgForms.ReporterConsoleMsgboxSpeech_Base | Base class for reporter classes that contain either reporting via system console, via message box, via speech, or any combination thereof. |
CIG.ReporterMsgForms.ReporterConsoleMsgboxSpeech | |
►CIG.Num.IResponseEvaluatorVectorSimple | Interface for simulators and other systems (used e.g. for optimization) that can calculate vector response as a function of vector input parameters. |
CIG.Num.ConvectionRobertFileManager | File manager for interfacing simulation casting simulator of Robert Vertnik. |
CIG.Num.NafemsTestRoberrFileManager | File manager for interfacing simulation casting simulator of Robert Vertnik. |
CIG.Num.SimCastingRobertFileManager | File manager for interfacing simulation casting simulator of Robert Vertnik. |
CIG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase | File manager for interfacing (for optimization purposes) the simulation code of Gregor Kosec. |
CIG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConv2 | Interface with simulator of G. Kosec for convection problems in a cave with 2 obstacles. |
CIG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConv3 | Interface with simulator of G. Kosec for convection problems in a cave with 3 obstacles. |
CIG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConvBase | Base class for interface with simulator of G. Kosec for convection problems in a cave with obstacles. |
CIG.Lib.IRunnableOld | Classes with Execute() method. |
►CIG.Num.ISampler | Interface representing sampling objects that produce a desired number of sampling points with a particular arrangement in space. |
CIG.Num.SamplerBase | Base class for sampling classes that produce a desired number of sampling points with a particular arrangement in space. |
CIG.Num.SamplerBaseRandom | Base class for sampling classes that produce a desired number of sampling points with a particular arrangement in space, and which use a random generator for creation of sampling points. |
CIG.Num.SamplerBoxRandomUniform | Uniformly distributed random sampling within the coordinate origin-centered cube |
CIG.Num.SamplerCubeRandomUniform | Uniformly distributed random sampling within the coordinate origin-centered cube |
CIG.Num.SamplerUnitBallRandomFromCube | Random sampling within the coordinate origin-centered hyper ball with radius one; derived from uniform random sampling of unit cube by radially stretching (or shrinking) the cube surface in order to fit the ball surface |
►CIG.Num.IScalarFunctionResults | Storage for results of a scalar function. Includes parameters at which function was (or should be) evaluated, flags specifying what has been and what should be evaluated, calculated value, gradient and Hessian of the function in the specified point. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionResults | Storage for results of a scalar function. Includes parameters at which function was (or should be) evaluated, flags specifying what has been and what should be evaluated, calculated value, gradient and Hessian of the function in the specified point. |
►CIG.Num.IScalarFunctionUntransformed | Scalar functions of vector arguments. |
CIG.Neural.Func2dFromApproximator | Approximator function of 2 variables that is based on a general approximator function of vector argument. |
CIG.Num.Func2dBase | Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (base for implementation of IFunc2d interface) |
CIG.Num.Func2dBaseNoGradient | Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc2d interface). that do not implement calculation of function Hessian (second derivatives) or gradient |
CIG.Num.Func2dBaseNoHessian | Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc2d interface). that do not implement calculation of the Hessian (second derivatives) |
CIG.Num.Func2dExamples.Func2dXY | Function f(x, y) = x * y |
CIG.Num.Func2dFromScalarFunction | Scalar function of 2 variables that is based on a general scalar function of vector argument. |
CIG.Num.Func2dFromScalarScript | Scalar function of 2 variables that is generated from expressions for evaluation of function value, gradient components, etc. |
CIG.Num.Func2dLinear | Linear (Affine) function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func2dQuadratic | Quadratic function of 2 variables |
CIG.Num.Func2dVectorFormBase | Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (base for implementation of IFunc2d interface) |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dBase.ComponentFunction1 | Class that represents a scalar function of 2 variables that is the first component of the specified 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dBase.ComponentFunction2 | Class that represents a scalar function of 2 variables that is the first component of the specified 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dBase.ComponentFunction3 | Class that represents a scalar function of 2 variables that is the third component of the specified 3D vector function of 2 variables. |
CIG.Num.Func3dBase | Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (base for implementation of IFunc3d interface) |
CIG.Num.Func3dBaseNoGradient | Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d interface). that do not implement calculation of function Hessian (second derivatives) or gradient |
CIG.Num.Func3dBaseNoHessian | Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d interface). that do not implement calculation of the Hessian (second derivatives) |
CIG.Num.Func3dExamples.Func3dXYZ | Function f(x, y, z) = x * y * z |
CIG.Num.Func3dFromScalarFunction | Scalar function of 3 variables that is based on a general scalar function of vector argument. |
CIG.Num.Func3dFromScript | Scalar function of 3 variables that is generated from expressions for evaluation of function value, gradient components, etc. |
CIG.Num.Func3dLinear | Linear (Affine) function of 3 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3dQuadratic | Quadratic function of 3 variables |
CIG.Num.Func3dVectorFormBase | Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (base for implementation of IFunc3d interface) |
►CIG.Num.IScalarFunction | Scalar functions of vector arguments, with eventual affine transformation of parameters. If transformation is defined then actual function is evaluated as reference function evaluated at inverse affine transformed parameters. |
CIG.Lib.opt.opttest.ParticlePotentialProblem.ConstraintFunctionParticleConstraint | Class that returns the objective function (total potential energy) of the specified particle potential problem |
CIG.Lib.opt.opttest.ParticlePotentialProblem.ObjectiveFunctionPotentialEnergy | Class that returns the objective function (total potential energy) of the specified particle potential problem |
►CIG.Num.IScalarFunctionParametric | Parameterized scalar functions with affine transformation of coordinates. |
►CIG.Num.IScalarFunctionOneParametric | |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionRadialOneParametric | Base class for one parametric families of radial scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionOneParametric | Base class for one parametric families of scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionParametric | Base class for parameterized scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Parameters are represented and stored as vector. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. |
►CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionParametricBase | Base class for parameterized scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionOneParametric | Base class for one parametric families of scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionParametric | Base class for parameterized scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Parameters are represented and stored as vector. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionRadialOneParametric | Base class for one parametric families of radial scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. |
►CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionRadialParametric | Parametric scalar function. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionRadialOneParametric | Base class for one parametric families of radial scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. |
►CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionBase | Base class for scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. The reference function is defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. |
►CIG.Lib.LoadableScalarFunctionBase | A ScalarFunction class used as base class for dynamically loaded scalar functions. Functions loaded from scripts will inherit from this class, which enables script writers to assemble just the minimum necessary amount of code. |
CIG.Script.ScritpScalarFunctionExample.Container.Function | |
CIG.Lib.opt.opttest.ParticlePotentialProblem.ConstraintFunctionParticleConstraint | Class that returns the objective function (total potential energy) of the specified particle potential problem |
CIG.Lib.opt.opttest.ParticlePotentialProblem.ObjectiveFunctionPotentialEnergy | Class that returns the objective function (total potential energy) of the specified particle potential problem |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionExamples.ParaboloidSymmetric2D | Symmetric paraboloid centered at coordinate origin. f(x,y) = x^2 + y^2 - R2. If R2 is positive then 0-level is a circle, if it is negative then the paraboloid does not intersect with zero-plane. Default is R2 = 1 (default constructor). |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionExamples.Quadratic2d | Example quadratic polynomial in 2D. f(x,y) = 2*x^2 + y^2 + x*y + x + y + 10. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionExamples.Quadratic3d | Example quadratic polynomial in 3D. f(x,y,z) = x*x + 2*y*y + 4*z*z + x*y + 2*y*z + 4*z*x + x + y + z + 10 |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionExamples.Rosenbrock | RosenBrock function. f(x,y) = (1-x)^2 + 100 * (y-x^2)^2 |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionExamples.RosenbrockGeneralizedAdjacent | Generalzed multivariate RosenBrock function for Dim >= 2 |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionExamples.RosenbrockGeneralizedExhaustive | Generalzed multivariate RosenBrock function for Dim >= 2 |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionParametricBase | Base class for parameterized scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. |
►CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionRadial | Radial scalar functions. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionRadialParametric | Parametric scalar function. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionTransformed | Scalar function that is defined as some reference function evaluated at inverse affine-trasformed parameters. This class is typically used to convert scalar functions without affine transformation of coordinates (interface IScalafunctionUntransformed) to those that support affine transformation of coordinates. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionExamples.ParaboloidSymmetric2D | Symmetric paraboloid centered at coordinate origin. f(x,y) = x^2 + y^2 - R2. If R2 is positive then 0-level is a circle, if it is negative then the paraboloid does not intersect with zero-plane. Default is R2 = 1 (default constructor). |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionExamples.Quadratic2d | Example quadratic polynomial in 2D. f(x,y) = 2*x^2 + y^2 + x*y + x + y + 10. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionExamples.Quadratic3d | Example quadratic polynomial in 3D. f(x,y,z) = x*x + 2*y*y + 4*z*z + x*y + 2*y*z + 4*z*x + x + y + z + 10 |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionExamples.Rosenbrock | RosenBrock function. f(x,y) = (1-x)^2 + 100 * (y-x^2)^2 |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionExamples.RosenbrockGeneralizedAdjacent | Generalzed multivariate RosenBrock function for Dim >= 2 |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionExamples.RosenbrockGeneralizedExhaustive | Generalzed multivariate RosenBrock function for Dim >= 2 |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionOneParametric | Base class for one parametric families of scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionParametric | Base class for parameterized scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Parameters are represented and stored as vector. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionParametricBase | Base class for parameterized scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionRadial | Radial scalar functions. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionRadialOneParametric | Base class for one parametric families of radial scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionRadialParametric | Parametric scalar function. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionTransformed | Scalar function that is defined as some reference function evaluated at inverse affine-trasformed parameters. This class is typically used to convert scalar functions without affine transformation of coordinates (interface IScalafunctionUntransformed) to those that support affine transformation of coordinates. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionConstant | Constant scalar function of vector variable. Function is evaluated according to f(x) = c where x is vector of parameters, and c is the constant scalar term (function value at x=0). |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionLinear | Linear scalar function of vector variable. Function is evaluated according to q(x) = b^T*x + c where x is vector of parameters, b is vector of linear coefficients (gradient at x=0) and c is the scalar term (function value at x=0). |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionQuadratic | Quadratic scalar function of vector variable. Function is evaluated according to q(x) = (1/2)*x^T*G*x + b^T*x + c where x is vector of parameters, G is constant Hessian matrix, b is vector of linear coefficients (gradient at x=0) and c is the scalar term (function value at x=0). |
►CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionRadialUntransformed | Radial scalar functions. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionRadialUntransformedOneParametric | One parametric radial scalar function (dependent on one tunning parameter). |
►CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionUntransformedBase | Base class for defining scalar functions without possibility of affine transformation of parameters. |
CIG.Num.Func2dBase | Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (base for implementation of IFunc2d interface) |
CIG.Num.Func3dBase | Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (base for implementation of IFunc3d interface) |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionBase | Base class for scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. The reference function is defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionConstant | Constant scalar function of vector variable. Function is evaluated according to f(x) = c where x is vector of parameters, and c is the constant scalar term (function value at x=0). |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionLinear | Linear scalar function of vector variable. Function is evaluated according to q(x) = b^T*x + c where x is vector of parameters, b is vector of linear coefficients (gradient at x=0) and c is the scalar term (function value at x=0). |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionQuadratic | Quadratic scalar function of vector variable. Function is evaluated according to q(x) = (1/2)*x^T*G*x + b^T*x + c where x is vector of parameters, G is constant Hessian matrix, b is vector of linear coefficients (gradient at x=0) and c is the scalar term (function value at x=0). |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionRadialUntransformed | Radial scalar functions. |
►CISerializable | |
CDotNetMatrix.CholeskyDecomposition | Cholesky Decomposition. For a symmetric, positive definite matrix A, the Cholesky decomposition is an lower triangular matrix L so that A = L*L'. If the matrix is not symmetric or positive definite, the constructor returns a partial decomposition and sets an internal flag that may be queried by the isSPD() method. |
CDotNetMatrix.CholeskyDecomposition | Cholesky Decomposition. For a symmetric, positive definite matrix A, the Cholesky decomposition is an lower triangular matrix L so that A = L*L'. If the matrix is not symmetric or positive definite, the constructor returns a partial decomposition and sets an internal flag that may be queried by the isSPD() method. |
CDotNetMatrix.EigenvalueDecomposition | Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real matrix. If A is symmetric, then A = V*D*V' where the eigenvalue matrix D is diagonal and the eigenvector matrix V is orthogonal. I.e. A = V.Multiply(D.Multiply(V.Transpose())) and V.Multiply(V.Transpose()) equals the identity matrix. If A is not symmetric, then the eigenvalue matrix D is block diagonal with the real eigenvalues in 1-by-1 blocks and any complex eigenvalues, lambda + i*mu, in 2-by-2 blocks, [lambda, mu; -mu, lambda]. The columns of V represent the eigenvectors in the sense that A*V = V*D, i.e. A.Multiply(V) equals V.Multiply(D). The matrix V may be badly conditioned, or even singular, so the validity of the equation A = V*D*Inverse(V) depends upon V.cond() |
CDotNetMatrix.EigenvalueDecomposition | Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real matrix. If A is symmetric, then A = V*D*V' where the eigenvalue matrix D is diagonal and the eigenvector matrix V is orthogonal. I.e. A = V.Multiply(D.Multiply(V.Transpose())) and V.Multiply(V.Transpose()) equals the identity matrix. If A is not symmetric, then the eigenvalue matrix D is block diagonal with the real eigenvalues in 1-by-1 blocks and any complex eigenvalues, lambda + i*mu, in 2-by-2 blocks, [lambda, mu; -mu, lambda]. The columns of V represent the eigenvectors in the sense that A*V = V*D, i.e. A.Multiply(V) equals V.Multiply(D). The matrix V may be badly conditioned, or even singular, so the validity of the equation A = V*D*Inverse(V) depends upon V.cond() |
CDotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix | .NET GeneralMatrix class |
CDotNetMatrix.GeneralMatrix | .NET GeneralMatrix class |
CDotNetMatrix.LUDecomposition | LU Decomposition. For an m-by-n matrix A with m >= n, the LU decomposition is an m-by-n unit lower triangular matrix L, an n-by-n upper triangular matrix U, and a permutation vector piv of length m so that A(piv,:) = L*U |
CDotNetMatrix.LUDecomposition | LU Decomposition. For an m-by-n matrix A with m >= n, the LU decomposition is an m-by-n unit lower triangular matrix L, an n-by-n upper triangular matrix U, and a permutation vector piv of length m so that A(piv,:) = L*U |
CDotNetMatrix.QRDecomposition | QR Decomposition. For an m-by-n matrix A with m >= n, the QR decomposition is an m-by-n orthogonal matrix Q and an n-by-n upper triangular matrix R so that A = Q*R |
CDotNetMatrix.QRDecomposition | QR Decomposition. For an m-by-n matrix A with m >= n, the QR decomposition is an m-by-n orthogonal matrix Q and an n-by-n upper triangular matrix R so that A = Q*R |
CDotNetMatrix.SingularValueDecomposition | Singular Value Decomposition |
CDotNetMatrix.SingularValueDecomposition | Singular Value Decomposition |
►CIG.Lib.ISerializationDtoAux< Type > | This interface facilitates use of static helper methods for copying on the SerializationDtoBase class. Contains those methods of ISerializationDto that don't use BaseType. |
►CIG.Lib.ISerializationDto< Type, BaseType > | Interface for Data Transfer Objects (DTO). This class is used as template for producing concrete DTO classes. Such DTOs are used for serialization and deserialization of state of various kinds of objects that need to be transfered between applications, across platforms, or simply stored in files for future use. WARNING: In most cases ISerializationDto<Type> will be used. Different BaseType and Type are used only in relatively rare cases where different derived types all have the same data that is copied to DTO. Otherwise the advantage of this can not be used because of single inheritance. |
►CIG.Lib.ISerializationDto< Type > | Generic base class for Data Transfer Objects (DTO). This class is used as template for producing concrete DTO classes. Such DTOs are used for serialization and deserialization of state of various kinds of objects that need to be transfered between applications, across platforms, or simply stored in files for future use. |
CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< Type > | Generic base class for Data Transfer Objects (DTO). This class is used as template for producing concrete DTO classes. Such DTOs are used for serialization and deserialization of state of various kinds of objects that need to be transfered between applications, across platforms, or simply stored in files for future use. |
CIG.Lib.SerializationDtoBase< Type, BaseType > | Generic base class for Data Transfer Objects (DTO). This class is used as template for producing concrete DTO classes. Such DTOs are used for serialization and deserialization of state of various kinds of objects that need to be transfered between applications, across platforms, or simply stored in files for future use. WARNING: In most cases ISerializationDto<Type> will be used. Different BaseType and Type are used only in relatively rare cases where different derived types all have the same data that is copied to DTO. Otherwise the advantage of this can not be used because of single inheritance. |
CIG.Lib.ISerializationDtoTyped | |
►CIG.Lib.SerializerBase.ISerializationTestArrayMember | Interface for members of arrays in classes for testing serialization. |
CIG.Lib.SerializerBase.SerializationTestArrayMember | Member of arrays in test classes for testing serialization. |
►CIG.Lib.SerializerBase.ISerializationTestClass | Interface for classes for testing serialization. |
CIG.Lib.SerializerBase.SerializationTestClass | Test class for testing serialization. |
►CIG.Lib.ISerializer | Interface for helper classes that perform serialization/deserialization of objects. |
►CIG.Lib.SerializerBase | Base class for serialization helper classes. |
►CIG.Lib.SerializerJsonBase | Helper class for JSON serialization and deserialization. This class does not enable formatting of the generated JSON (no indentation etc.). |
CIG.Lib.SerializerJson | Helper class for JSON serialization and deserialization. This class enables formatting of the generated JSON with propper indentation, which is not the case with its base class. JSON Serializer has several limitations, such as: |
CIG.Lib.SerializerJsonBase | Helper class for JSON serialization and deserialization. This class does not enable formatting of the generated JSON (no indentation etc.). |
►CWcfService_WebDev_FromTemplate.IService1 | |
CWcfService_WebDev_FromTemplate.Service1 | |
►CIG.Lib.ISettingsRreader | Interface for settings readers, which read pairs key/vvalue from various files or configuration servers. Intended for simple configurations! |
CIG.Lib.SettingsReaderBase | |
CIG.Lib.SettingsReaderBase | |
►CIG.Lib.ISettingsServer | |
CIG.Lib.SettingsServerBase | |
CIG.Lib.SettingsServerBase | |
►CIG.Sim.ISimulationComponentDto | Interface for all components of simulation DTOs |
CIG.Sim.SimDomainDto | Base class for simulation domains. |
CIG.Sim.SimFieldBaseDto< FieldType > | Base class for simulation field DTOs (data transfer objects) |
CIG.Sim.SimFieldElemetDto< FieldType > | Base class for a DTO that holds node values of a single element (component) of a specific simulation field. |
CIG.Sim.SimScalarFieldElementDto< FieldType > | Base class for a DTO that holds node values of a single element (component) of a specific scalar field envolved in simulation. |
CIG.Sim.SimTensorFieldElementDto< FieldType > | Base class for a DTO that holds node values of a single element (component) of a specific tensor field envolved in simulation. |
CIG.Sim.SimVectorFieldElementDto< FieldType > | Base class for a DTO that holds node values of a single element (component) of a specific vector field envolved in simulation. |
►CIG.Lib.IStringParsable | Defines classes that can be converted to strings and whose values can be parsed from strings. This is used e.g. in interpreters and in variable storage systems. |
►CIG.Lib.IVarType | Defines classes that can represent variables of different types. Used e.g. in interpreters and variable storing systems. |
►CIG.Lib.VarTypeBase | DO NOT USE! The base class implementing the IVarType interface. |
CIG.Lib.CounterVar | |
CIG.Lib.ScalarVar | Scalar variable. |
►CIG.Lib.IStringParser | String Parsers and Formatted Writers. |
CIG.Lib.StringParser | Parsig data from character arrays. Provides various parsing and writing utilities on character buffers. $A Igor Feb09; |
CIG.Lib.ITypedSerializable | Interface for classes whose type information can be stored in the corresponding data transfer objects (DTOs) when copying contents to DTOS. This enables deserialization of serialized objects that is type dependent, without knowing in advance what is the type of serialized objects. |
►CIG.Lib.ITypeName | Classes that provide separate type names. Classes used e.g. in interpreter systems to represent types of variables, implement this interface. |
►CIG.Lib.IFromXml | Defines classes whose instances can be converted to Xml elements. Conversion is different from that used in serialization. |
►CIG.Lib.IXmlConvertable | Defines classes that can be converted to/from Xml elements. |
CIG.Lib.IVarType | Defines classes that can represent variables of different types. Used e.g. in interpreters and variable storing systems. |
►CIG.Lib.IToXml | Defines classes whose instances can be created from Xml elements. Conversion is different from that used in serialization. |
CIG.Lib.IXmlConvertable | Defines classes that can be converted to/from Xml elements. |
►CIG.Num.IVector | Real vector intrface. |
CIG.Num.Vector | Real vector class. |
CIG.Num.Vector2d | Vector or point in a 2 dimensional space. |
CIG.Num.Vector3d | Vector or point in a 3 dimensional space. |
►CIG.Num.VectorBase | Base class for real vectors. |
CIG.Num.Vector | Real vector class. |
CIG.Num.Vector2d | Vector or point in a 2 dimensional space. |
CIG.Num.Vector3d | Vector or point in a 3 dimensional space. |
►CIG.Num.IVector< T > | Generic Vector interface |
►CIG.Num.IComplexVector | Complex vector intrface. |
CIG.Num.ComplexVector | Complex vector. |
►CIG.Num.ComplexVectorBase | Base class for complex vectors. |
CIG.Num.ComplexVector | Complex vector. |
CIG.Old.IVector_OldNumerics | Generic vector with components of type double. |
►CIG.Old.IVector_OldNumerics< T > | Generic Vector interface |
CIG.Old.XVector | Class that is directly derived from MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Vector |
►CIG.Num.IVectorApproximator | Interface for vector function approximators. |
CIG.Num.INeuralApproximator | Approximator of response by using neural networks. $A Igor Mar11; |
►CIG.Num.IVectorFunctionResults | Vector function results. Used to transfer parameters input (e.g. vector of parameters, request flags) to the vector function and to store function output results (e.g. values, their gradients, error codes, and flags indicating what has actually been calculated). REMARKS: Property CopyReferences specifies whether only references are copied when individial object fields are assigned & set (when the property is true), or values are actually copied (when false - deep copy). Each setter method also has the variant that always copies only the reference (function name appended by "Reference"). This makes possible to avoid duplication of allocated data and also to avoid having different data with the same references. In the beginning of analysis functions, call ResetResults(). |
CIG.Num.VectorFunctionResults | Vector function results. Used to transfer parameters input (e.g. vector of parameters, request flags) to the vector function and to store function output results (e.g. values, their gradients, error codes, and flags indicating what has actually been calculated). REMARKS: Property CopyReferences specifies whether only references are copied when individial object fields are assigned & set (when the property is true), or values are actually copied (when false - deep copy). Each setter method also has the variant that always copies only the reference (function name appended by "Reference"). This makes possible to avoid duplication of allocated data and also to avoid having different data with the same references. In the beginning of analysis functions, call ResetResults(). |
►CIG.Gr3d.IVtkFormContainerGen< VtkControlType > | This interface is implemented by the forms that contain the VTK control that can render VTK graphics. |
►CIG.Gr3d.IVtkFormContainer | This interface is implemented by the forms that contain the VTK control that can render VTK graphics. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkControlBase | Basic control encapsulating the VTK's render control of type Kitware.VTK.RenderWindowControl. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkControlWin | Control for presenting VTK graphics, intended for use in stand-alone windows. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkForm | Windows form for presenting VTK graphics |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkFormPlain | Windows form for presenting VTK graphics |
CXTest.IXTest | |
Calglib.jacobianelliptic | |
Calglib.jarquebera | |
CIG.Lib.JMatProElemetData | Chemical element data used by JMatPro. |
CIG.Num.SimJMatProFileManagerBase.JMatResultInfo | Class for checking and obtaining information about JMatPro results. |
CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.JsonSerialization.JsonExtensions | |
CIG.Lib.JsonFormatter | Formatting of JSON strings into human readable form. |
CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.JsonPrettyPrinterInternals.JsonPPStrategyContext | |
CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.JsonPrettyPrinter | |
CIG.Lib.JustSomething | |
►CIG.Lib.KeyValueSortable< Tkey, Tvalue > | Class representing a key-value pair where sorting can be performed both with respect to key and with respect to value. |
►CIG.Lib.KeyValueSortable< Tkey, Tvalue >.ComparerBase | Base class for different IComparer classes. |
CIG.Lib.KeyValueSortable< Tkey, Tvalue >.ComparerKeyBase | IComparer that compares the key first and then eventually the value and finally the additional ordering parameter, dependent on constructor parameters. |
CIG.Lib.KeyValueSortable< Tkey, Tvalue >.ComparerValueBase | IComparer that compares the key first and then eventually the value and finally the additional ordering parameter, dependent on constructor parameters. |
Calglib.kmeans | |
Calglib.laguerre | |
CTest.LanczosTest | |
Clbfgs | |
CAlgLib.lbfgs | |
CAlgLib.lbfgs.lbfgsreport | |
Clbfgs.lbfgsreport | |
CAlgLib.lbfgs.lbfgsstate | |
Clbfgs.lbfgsstate | |
Calglib.lda | |
Calglib.legendre | |
Calglib.lincg | |
►CIG.Num.LinearSolverBase | |
CIG.Num.CholeskyDecomposition | Cholesky decomposition of a matrix. Available for symmetric positive definite matrices |
CIG.Num.EigenValueDecomposition | Eigenvalue decomposition of a matrix |
CIG.Num.LUDecomposition | LU decomposition of a matrix |
CIG.Num.QRDecomposition | QR decomposition of a matrix |
CIG.Num.SingularValueDecomposition | Singular value decomposition of a matrix |
CIG.Num.LineSearchTestFunc | |
Calglib.linlsqr | |
Calglib.linmin | |
Calglib.linreg | |
►CList | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.ArrayOfString | |
CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptOptTest | Test optimization script cls. |
CIG.Lib.StringParser.LocalizationExample | |
CIG.Lib.Logger | Temporary logging of errors, warnings and infos for later processing. It is used to log multiple events in order to be processed (reported or otherwise) later. |
Calglib.logit | |
CIG.Lib.LogRecord | Single record for temporary logging. |
Calglib.lsfit | |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.LUDecomposition | Represents the LU decomposition of a square matrix. |
CIG.Old.LUDecompositionOld | LU decomposition. |
►CIG.Num.M | Defines some mathematical functions to be used in derived and other classes |
CIG.Num.ExampleMathClass | Example class that derives from the M class. Implements a method that uses basic mathematical functions implemented in M. |
CIG.Num.Func3d2dExamples | Contains a number of example 3D vector functions of 2 variables |
►CIG.Num.MExt | Defines some mathematical functions to be used in derived classes. In addition to functions defined in the M class, functions are defined under other names, and some additional functions are also defined |
►CIG.Num.Experimental.MX | Defines some mathematical functions to be used in derived classes. Beside the auxiliary functions already in class M, this class also defines functions that use type xdouble instead of double |
CIG.Num.Experimental.ExampleMathClassExperimental | Example class that derives from the M class. Implements a method that uses basic mathematical functions implemented in M. |
CIG.Num.UtilMath | |
CIG.Script.ScritpRealFunctionExample.Container | Container class inherits from M in order to enable use of comfortable mathematical functions. |
CIG.Script.ScritpScalarFunctionExample.Container | Container class inherits from M in order to enable use of comfortable mathematical functions. |
CDotNetMatrix.examples.MagicSquareExample | Example of use of GeneralMatrix Class, featuring magic squares. * |
CMailslotNative | The class exposes kernel32.dll methods for Mailslot communication. |
CMainTest | |
Calglib.mannwhitneyu | |
CIG.Neural.MappingDefinition | Definition of input and output data mapping. Contains Mapped and Original Index, descriptiove information about individual eleemnts of input and output and default valuess. $A Igor Jul 19; tako78 Jul 19 |
►CIG.Neural.MappingDefinitionElement | Base class for input or output data element mapping definition. |
CIG.Neural.InputMappingDefinitionElement | Input data element mapping definition for neural networks. |
CIG.Neural.OutputMappingDefinitionElement | Output data element mapping definition for neural networks. |
CIG.Lib.XmlParser.Mark | Position mark in the XML document |
►CMarshalByRefObject | |
CRemotingShared.ClientActivatedObject | A client-activated type for .NET Remoting. |
CIG.Num.mat2 | 2D matrix, struct implementation. |
CIG.Num.mat3 | 3D matrix, struct implementation. |
Calglib.matdet | |
CIG.Num.SimJMatProFileManagerBase.MaterialDirectoryInfoBase | Contains information about the state of specific calculation related to material directory |
Calglib.matgen | |
CAP.Math | |
Calglib.math | |
CAP1.Mathe | |
CMathEval.MathExpressionParser | |
Calglib.matinv | |
CIG.Old.Matrix_OldNumerics | Matrix whose vec are real numbers. |
CIG.Old.Matrix_OldNumerics< ComponentType > | Generic matrix class. |
CMatrixDecomposition.MatrixDecompositionProgram | |
CIG.Lib.MatrixDtoBase | DTO (data transfer object) for matrix interface (IMatrix). |
CIG.Num.MatrixExtensions | Extension methods for IMatrix interface. |
Calglib.mcpd | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.Models.CompPhys.MCRadioactiveSphere | A sphere in which gamma rays are created at random spots, flying off in random directions. |
CIG.Lib.MedicalData | Holds any data that is specified in the section that can contain any medical data, i.e. within XML element whose name equals MsgConst.OoMedicalDataContainer (="support"). This class contains converters to classes holding specific data. |
►CIG.Gr.Mesh | Base class for all mesh classes. |
CIG.Gr.Mesh2D | |
►CIG.Gr.Mesh3D | |
►CIG.Gr.SurfceMesh3D | Surface mesh in 3 dimensions. |
CIG.Gr.StructuredSurfaceMesh3D | |
CLabexBis.CalypsoWs.ServiceReference.Message | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.Message | |
CIG.Lib.MessageAttachment | Represents the Attachment of a msg (intended e.g. for storage of XML findings). Remark: Currently XML findings are not stored in an attachment element. |
Calglib.minbleic | |
Calglib.mincg | |
Calglib.mincomp | |
►CNumLib.MinimizerBase | |
CNumLib.MinimizerLbfgs | Performs minimization of multivariate functions by the LBFGS method. |
Calglib.minlbfgs | |
Calglib.minlm | |
Calglib.minqp | |
CIG.Lib.UtilSystem.MissingAssembly | |
CTest.MixedMatrixTest | |
Calglib.mlpbase | |
Calglib.mlpe | |
Calglib.mlptrain | |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.MomentMath | Contains methods for converting between different kinds of moments. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.Models.CompPhys.MonteCarloSphere | A modified sphere, which had a cylinder shape cut out of it. |
CMeta.Numerics.MoreMath | Contains addtional basic math operations. |
CTest.MoreMathTest | This is a test class for AdvancedMathTest and is intended to contain all AdvancedMathTest Unit Tests /summary> |
►CIG.Lib.MsgConstCommon | Common Constants related to messages sent with BIS. Remark: class MsgConst is composed of different part in order to make it easily scanned. |
►CIG.Lib.MsgConstObservationOrder | Constants related to the ObservationOrder msg. Remark: class MsgConst was composed of different parts in order to make it easily scanned. Constants are used in utilities needed for interpretation and construction of messages. |
►CIG.Lib.MsgConstObservationEvent | Constants related to the ObservationEvent msg. Remark: class MsgConst was composed of different parts in order to make it easily scanned. Constants are used in utilities needed for interpretation and construction of messages. |
►CIG.Lib.MsgConstFinancialTransaction | Constants related to the ObservationEvent msg. Remark: class MsgConst was composed of different parts in order to make it easily scanned. Constants are used in utilities needed for interpretation and construction of messages. |
►CIG.Lib.MsgConst | Constants related to msg for communication with BIS, conversion utilities from and to formats used in messageds, etc. Constants are not defined static in order to enable corrections for different variants of the program. |
CIG.Lib.MsgConstGolnik | Here one can handle specifics with respect to different versions of the program for different customers. This class should not contain any additional definitions! |
CIG.Lib.MultiDimensionalArray< ElementType > | Multidimensional arrays. |
CTest.MultiExtremumTest | |
CMeta.Numerics.Analysis.MultiFunctionMath | Contains methods for the analysis of multi-dimensional functions. |
CTest.MultiIntegrateTest | |
CTest.MultivariateSampleTest | |
CMathEval.MyClassBase | |
CIG.Num.NamespaceDoc | This namespace contains various numerical classes. |
CIG.Lib.NamespaceDoc | This namespace contains those general classes for the IGLib base library that are not put into other base namespaces. |
Calglib.nearestneighbor | |
Calglib.nearunityunit | |
CIG.Num.ExampleMathClass.Nested | A nested class that does not derive from the M class, but still statidc functions from that class can be used because it is embedded in that class. |
CIG.Num.Experimental.ExampleMathClassExperimental.Nested | A nested class that does not derive from the M class, but still statidc functions from that class can be used because it is embedded in that class. |
►CIG.Neural.NeuralAllpicationCommands | Commands for application's interpreter for neural networks. |
CIG.Neural.NeuralAllpicationCommandsNeuronDotNet | Commands for application's interpreter for neural networks. |
CIG.Neural.NeuralApplicationCommandsTadej | Commands for application's interpreter for neural networks. |
►CIG.Num.NeuralApproximatorDtoBase | A data transfer object (DTO) for neural approximation classes that implement the INeuralApproximator interface. $A Igor Mar11; |
CIG.Neural.NeuralApproximatorDtoBaseExt | A data transfer object (DTO) for neural approximation classes that implement the INeuralApproximator interface. |
►CIG.Num.NeuralApproximatorDtoBase< NeuralApproximatorAforge > | |
CIG.Neural.NeuralApproximatorAForgeDto | A data transfer object (DTO) for the NeuralApproximatorAforge class. $A Igor Mar11; |
CIG.Neural.NeuralFileConst | Constants used in definition of neural networks approximation servers and clients working through file system. |
CIG.Neural.NeuralModelContainerFormsBase | Utility class for model container on forms. |
CIG.Neural.NeuralNetworks | |
CIG.Neural.NeuralTadej | |
CIG.Num.NeuralTrainingLimits | Contains Parameters that define neural network architecture limits and trainig parameter limits |
CIG.Num.NeuralTrainingParameters | Contains Parameters that define neural network architecture and trainig procedure, together with achieved results after training such as various error norms |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.Models.CompPhys.NeutronReflector | |
Calglib.nleq | |
CIG.Forms.XMLTreeView.NodeData | |
CIG.Num.NonSIUnit | Non-SI units whose use is not encouraged or not allowed |
Calglib.normaldistr | |
Calglib.normestimator | |
Calglib.ntheory | |
CTest.NullDistributionTests | |
CIG.Num.Numeric | |
►CObjectStore | |
CIG.Num.VectorFunctionBaseGeneral.ObjectStoreResults | |
CIG.Lib.Observation | Holds observation data (goes to rsr... in the main table). |
Calglib.odesolver | |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.OneWayAnovaResult | The result of a one-way ANOVA test. |
CIG.Num.OptConstrained | Unconstrained optimization examples |
CIG.Num.OptFileConst | Constants used in definition of optimization servers and clients working through file system. |
►CIG.Num.OptimizationResultsBase | Base class for storage of optimization results. Stores optimal analysis results, best current guess, etc. |
CIG.Num.OptimizationResults | |
Calglib.optserv | |
CIG.Num.OptUnconstrained | Unconstrained optimization examples |
Calglib.ortfac | |
CMeta.Numerics.Functions.OrthogonalPolynomials | Contains methods that compute the values of orthogonal polynomials. |
CTest.OrthogonalPolynomialsTest | |
CTestWS_Lib.Package | A class that contains all data for each package. |
►CPage | |
CCalcWebService.AddData | |
CCalcWebService.AddData | |
►CParallelJobContainerGen | |
CIG.Lib.CommandLineJobContainer | Carries command execution data, results, and other data such as identification number, etc |
►CIG.Lib.ParsableXmlObject | Base class for data classes that support writing data to / reading from custom XML files, writing from / to database objects, etc. |
►CIG.Lib.MsgBase | Base class for all messages. |
CIG.Lib.DocFindings | Class for holding and manipulating the data about observation order. Includes parsing an XML file, storing data internally, and transcription of read data to a PADO object that enables saving data to a database. |
►CIG.Lib.MsgBaseWithModel | Base class messages, includes possibility of model document for conversion of the object to XML msg according to specification. |
CIG.Lib.MsgFinancialTransaction | Class for holding and manipulating the data about financial transaction. Includes parsing an XML file, storing data internally, and transcription of read data to a PADO object that enables saving data to a database. |
CIG.Lib.MsgObservationEvent | Class for holding and manipulating the data about observation event. Includes parsing an XML file, storing data internally, and transcription of read data to a PADO object that enables saving data to a database. |
CIG.Lib.MsgObervationOrder | Class for holding and manipulating the data about observation order. Includes parsing an XML file, storing data internally, and transcription of read data to a PADO object that enables saving data to a database. |
CIG.Lib.Parser | |
CIG.Lib.Patient | Holds patient's data. |
Calglib.pca | |
CTest.PermutationTest | |
CIG.Crypt.pfx_certificates | |
CIG.Crypt.pfx_tests | |
CJavaScience.PfxOpen | |
CIG.Num.PhysicalConstant | Data of a physical constant, including its value, standard error, units, symbol and description. This is alro used for derived SI units and non-SI units. |
CIG.Num.PhysicalUnit | SI units (basic & derived) |
CIG.Physics.PhysicalUnitConst | |
CPipeNative | The class exposes kernel32.dll methods for named pipes communication. |
CIG.Gr.Plot2dTestZedgraph | Contains the Main1 function that performs some tests on 2D plotting with Zedgraph. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.Plotting.PlotHQ | A pack of 2 class object that are used for plotting: ZedGraphWindow and PlotterZedGraph. The user adds plot objects (e.g. PlotZedGraphCurve) by constructing their classes and specifiying the plotter as an argument. |
►CPlotSurface2D | |
CIG.Plot2d.PlotControlNPlot | Windows forms control that can be used for plotting 2D graphs. |
►CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.PlottableModels.PlottableModelBase | A template class for physical models. Each child should define its own plottable curves). |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.PlottableModels.CompPhys.IsingModel | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.PlottableModels.CompPhys.MolecularCatenary | A case of simulated annealing. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.PlottableModels.KickedRotator | A discrete dynamical system: an electric dipole moment, which is free to rotate, in a pulsating electric field |
►CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.PlottableModels.PlottableODEModelBase | A template class for physical models, which are described by ordinary differential equations (ODEs). It contains a definition of the model's ODE, an ODE solver object and a solution array. Each child should define its own plottable curves). |
►CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.PlottableModels.Oscillators.DrivenOscillatorBase | A template class for the driven oscillators. Holds the values for: angular driving frequency, driving period, steady-state amplitude. Contains the following methods: FindSteadyStateAmplitude(), PlaceOfExtremeInPeriod(), PinpointExtreme(), PlaceOfExtremeInMiniSolver(), CalcSteadyStateAmplitudeVsDrivingFrequency(). |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.PlottableModels.Oscillators.DrivenHarmonicOscillator | Specifični solver, ki zastopa vsiljeno nihanje. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.PlottableModels.Oscillators.DrivenNonlinearOscillator | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.PlottableModels.Oscillators.DrivenNonlinOscNondim | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.PlottableModels.Oscillators.MagneticOscHardSpring | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.PlottableModels.Oscillators.SimpleHarmonicOscillator | |
CIG.Gr.Plotter | |
Calglib.poissondistr | |
Calglib.polint | |
CMeta.Numerics.Polynomial | Represents a polynomial with real coefficients. |
CTest.PolynomialTest | |
CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.JsonPrettyPrinterInternals.PPScopeState | |
CIG.Physics.SIPrefix.PrefixCollection | Collection of al prefixes for the SI units. |
CJsonPrettyPrinterPlus.PrettyPrinterExtensions | |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.PrincipalComponent | Represents a component of a principal component analysis. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.PrincipalComponentAnalysis | Represents a principal component analysis. |
CNumLib.Program | |
CProgram_Evaluator.Program | |
CMathEval.Program | |
CADOGuy.Program | |
CTestGui.Program | |
CTestWS_GUI.Program | |
CHelloVTKForm.Program | |
CXMLEncryption.Program | |
CIGTestMathNet.Program | |
CPipeClient.Program | |
CPipeServer.Program | |
►CProgram | |
CIG.Sendigence.Sendigence | Manages basic program informatin and resources for The Sendigence-W program. |
CCSReceiveWM_COPYDATA.Program | |
CCSSendWM_COPYDATA.Program | |
CCSPipe.Program | |
CIG.Test.Program_Marko_Diploma | Class containing the main method. |
CIG.Test.Program_Marko_Ext | Class containing the main method. |
CIG.Neural.Applications.ProgramAnnApp | |
CMyService_Igor_Cs.ProgramCalcWebService_Igor_Cs | |
CIG.App.ProgramHashGui | |
CIG.App.ProgramHashShell | Main class of the HashShell application. |
CIG.Test.ProgramIGShell | Class containing the main method. |
CIGTest.ProgramIGTest | |
CItaia.ProgramItaia | |
CMyService_Igor_Cs.ProgramMyService_Igor_Cs | |
CIG.Neural.Applications.ProgramNeurApp | |
CNumLib.ProgramOptimization | |
CIG.Script.ScriptExtExamples.ProgramPipeTest | |
CIG.Test.ProgramTestAlglibIgor | |
CIG.Test.ProgramTestNumericsIgor | |
CIG.Neural.Applications.ProgramTestTadejApp | |
CMyService_Igor_Cs.ProgramWS_FromTemplate_Cs | |
CXHelpers.ProgramXHelpers | |
Calglib.psif | |
Calglib.pspline | |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.QRDecomposition | Represents a QR decomposition of a matrix. |
CIG.Old.QRDecompositionOld | |
CIG.Lib.RalatedObservation | Data about related observations (findings) - findings can contain a group of these. |
►CRandom | |
CIG.Num.RandomGeneratorSystem | Generator of uniformly distributed random numbers. Based on system random generator. WARNING: Instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe! |
CIG.Num.RandomGaussian | Gaussian random number generator. |
CTest.RandomTest | |
Calglib.ratint | |
Calglib.rbf | |
CAP1.rcommstate | |
CAP.rcommstate | |
Calglib.rcond | |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.RealEigensystem | Represents a collection of real eigenvalues and eigenvectors. |
CTest.RectangularMatrixTest | |
Calglib.reflections | |
CIG.Lib.RegisterableExamples | Contains examples od implementation of the IIdentifieble and IRegistrable interface. They utilize implementation of helper classes from this file.. |
CLabexUtilities.Rep | |
CTestSqlXml.Reporter_Test | |
►CReporterConf | |
CIG.ReporterMsgForms.ReporterConfSpeech | This class is extension of ReporterConf that enables reporting via speech. |
►CReporterConsoleMsgbox_Base | |
CIG.ReporterMsgForms.ReporterConsoleMsgboxSpeech_Base | Base class for reporter classes that contain either reporting via system console, via message box, via speech, or any combination thereof. |
CUnitTests_ReporterMsg.ReporterTest | This is a test class for ReporterTest and is intended to contain all ReporterTest Unit Tests /summary> |
CReportMsg_Examples.ReportMsg_Examples | |
CIG.Forms.ReportMsg_Examples | |
CIG.Test.Properties.Resources | A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. |
CResponseEvaluatorWithstorageGeneric< TypeResponseEvaluator, TypeData, TypeEvaluator > | |
CTest.RootsTest | |
Calglib.rotations | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.Models.RoughBilliard | |
►CRowHeader | |
CIPLab.GridArray.CellRowHeaderTemplate | |
CIG.Lib.RuntimeCompiler | |
CIG.Test.RuntimeCompilerMain | |
CIG.Lib.RuntimeCompilerOld | |
Calglib.sactivesets | |
Calglib.safesolve | |
CIG.Lib.Sample | Holds sample data. |
CIG.Num.SampledDataElement | A single element of a sampled data, contains vector of input parameters and vector of output values. |
CIG.Num.SampledDataSet | Sampled data consisting of elements of which each contains vector of input parameters and output values |
CTest.SampleTest | |
CIG.Test.Sandbox | |
Calglib.sblas | |
CIG.Num.ScalarFunctionExamples | Various examples of scalar functions. |
Calglib.schur | |
Calglib.scodes | |
CIG.Lib.LoadableScriptBase.Script_CommandAdapter | Adapts that converts internal script commands (delegate of type Script_CommandDelegate) to interpreter commands |
CSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES | Security Attributes structure. |
CSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR | Security Descriptor structure |
CSecurityNative | |
CIG.Sendigence.SendigenceProgram | |
►CIG.Lib.SerializationDto | Auxiliary base class for DTOs, contains some static methods. Provided for simplicity, such that one does not need to state type parameters |
CIG.Lib.SerializationDtoBase< Type, BaseType > | Generic base class for Data Transfer Objects (DTO). This class is used as template for producing concrete DTO classes. Such DTOs are used for serialization and deserialization of state of various kinds of objects that need to be transfered between applications, across platforms, or simply stored in files for future use. WARNING: In most cases ISerializationDto<Type> will be used. Different BaseType and Type are used only in relatively rare cases where different derived types all have the same data that is copied to DTO. Otherwise the advantage of this can not be used because of single inheritance. |
►CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< InputOutputDataDefiniton > | |
CIG.Num.InputOutputDataDefinitonDto | DTO (data transfer object) for data definition that contains input and output elements. |
►CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< MappingDefinition > | |
CIG.Neural.MapDataDefinitionDto | |
►CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< NeuralTrainingLimits > | |
CIG.Num.NeuralTrainingLimitsDto | Transfer Object (DTO) for neural network training limits. |
►CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< NeuralTrainingParameters > | |
CIG.Num.NeuralTrainingParametersDto | Transfer Object (DTO) for neural network training set. |
►CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< NeuralTrainingTable > | |
CIG.Num.NeuralTrainingTableDto | Transfer Object (DTO) for neural network training results. |
►CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< SampledDataElement > | |
CIG.Num.SampledDataElementDto | DTO (data transfer object) for sampled data element (one point with vectors of input and output parameters). |
►CIG.Lib.SerializationDto< SampledDataSet > | |
CIG.Num.SampledDataSetDto | Data Transfer Object (DTO) for sampled data set. |
►CSerializationDtoBase | |
CChemicalCompoundDto | DTO (Data Transfer Objects) for chemical element properties (the ChemicalCompound class). Used to store a state of a chemical element properties object. |
CChemicalElementPropertiesDto | DTO (Data Transfer Objects) for chemical element properties (the ChemicalElementProperties class). Used to store a state of a chemical element properties object. |
►CIG.Neural.MapNeuralImputOutputElementDefinitionDto< ElementType > | DTO (data transfer object) for neural data element mapping definition. |
CIG.Neural.MapImputElementDefinitionDto | DTO (data transfer object) for neural data input element mapping definition. |
CIG.Neural.MapOutputElementDefinitionDto | DTO (data transfer object) for neural data output element mapping definition. |
►CIG.Num.AnalysisRequestDto | DTO (Data Transfer Objects) for storing contents of direct analysis request (in optimization problems). |
CIG.Num.AnalysisResultsDto | DTO (Data Transfer Objects) for storing contents of direct analysis request (in optimization problems). |
►CIG.Num.InputOutputElementDefinitionDto< ElementType > | DTO (data transfer object) for data element definition. |
CIG.Num.InputElementDefinitionDto | DTO (data transfer object) for data input element definition. |
CIG.Num.OutputElementDefinitionDto | DTO (data transfer object) for data output element definition. |
►CIG.Num.NeuralApproximatorDtoBase< Type > | A data transfer object (DTO) for neural approximation classes that implement the INeuralApproximator interface. $A Igor Mar11; |
CIG.Num.NeuralApproximatorAForgeFakeDto | A data transfer object (DTO) for the NeuralApproximatorAforge class. $A Igor Mar11; |
►CIG.Num.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageAnalysisDtoBase< TypeResponseEvaluator > | Base class for DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) for response evaluators with storage where response is evaluated by an (optimization) direct analysis. |
CIG.Num.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageAnalysisDto | DTO (data transfer object) for response evaluators with storage where response is evaluated by an (optimization) direct analysis function. |
►CIG.Num.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageVectorDtoBase< TypeResponseEvaluator > | Base class for DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) for response evaluators with storage where response is evaluated by a vector function. |
CIG.Num.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageVectorDto | DTO (data transfer object) for response evaluators with storage where response is evaluated by a vector function. |
►CIG.Num.VectorFunctionRequestDTO | DTO (Data Transfer Objects) for storing contents of vector function evaluation request. |
CIG.Num.VectorFunctionResultsDto | DTO (Data Transfer Objects) for storing contents of vector function results. |
►CIG.NumExperimental.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageAnalysisDtoBase< TypeResponseEvaluator > | Base class for DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) for response evaluators with storage where response is evaluated by an (optimization) direct analysis. |
CIG.NumExperimental.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageAnalysisDto | DTO (data transfer object) for response evaluators with storage where response is evaluated by an (optimization) direct analysis function. |
►CIG.NumExperimental.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageVectorDtoBase< TypeResponseEvaluator > | Base class for DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) for response evaluators with storage where response is evaluated by a vector function. |
CIG.NumExperimental.ResponseEvaluatorWithStorageVectorDto | DTO (data transfer object) for response evaluators with storage where response is evaluated by a vector function. |
►CIG.Physics.ChemicalElementDtoBase< ChemicalElementType > | Base class for various DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) for chemical elements and derived classes |
CIG.Physics.ChemicalElementDto | DTO (data transfer object) for chemical element (ChemicalElement class). |
CIG.Physics.ChemicalElementQuantityDto | DTO (data transfer object) for chemical element (ChemicalElement class). |
CIG.Lib.SerializationTester | |
Calglib.serializer | |
CPipeServer.Server | |
CIG.Forms.server_program | |
CIG.Forms.ServerMessages | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceDetail | Contains data about individual service that is charged and stated in the DetailedFinancialTransaction msg. |
CLabexUtilities.SettingsReader | Provides functionality for retrieving settings from various sources such as application settings file or PADO server configuration file. |
Calglib.smp.sharedpoolentry | |
►CShellApplication | |
CIG.App.ShellHash | Shell application to be installed in script application. |
CIG.Script.ShellIGLib | Shell application to be installed in script application of the current program. |
CIG.Script.ShellMarkoPetek | Shell application to be installed in script application. |
CIG.Lib.ShellClass | Shell class, implements top-most level of the optimization shell. |
CIG.Lib.SimCastingRobertConst | Constants for (optimization) interface with Robert Vertnik's Continuous casting simulator. |
CIG.Lib.SimJMatProConst | Constants for interface with the JMatPro software (the SimJMatProFileManager and derived classes). |
CIG.Num.SimKosecConst | Constants for (optimization) interface with the simulation code of Gregor Kosec. |
CSimpleLink | |
CSimpleLink_Copy | |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.Models.CompPhys.SimpleNeutronReflector | |
CIG.Num.SimJMatProFileManagerBase.SimulationInfoBase | Contains information about the particular bundle of simulations to be performed. |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.SingularValueDecomposition | Stores the singular value decomposition of a matrix. |
CIG.Num.SIPrefix | SI prefixes for producing multiples of the original units (such as kilo- or micro-). |
CIG.Physics.SIPrefix | Represents a prefix for the SI units of measure. Contains constants for all SI predixes. Class is immutable. It also has no public constructors, so instances can not be created by users of the class. The only existing instances are the constants that represent all existing prefixes of the SI units of measures, which are static constant fields of this class with predefined values. |
CTest.SixJSymbol | |
Calglib.smp | |
Calglib.smpselftests | |
Calglib.snnls | |
►CSoapHttpClientProtocol | |
CCalcWebService.localhost.Service1 | |
CCalcWebService.localhost.Service1 | |
CIG.Lib.WsBaseRef.WSBase | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelop1Ref.WSDevelop1 | |
CIG.Lib.WSDevelopRef.WSDevelop | |
CIGTest.TestWebReference.TempConvert | |
CLabexBis.CalypsoWs.ServiceReference.CalypsoWSNSService | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.CalypsoWSNSService | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.CalypsoWSNSService | |
CLabexBis.WebReference.CalypsoWSNSService | |
CTestGui.localhost.Service | |
CTestWS_GUI.EFA_WS.Service | |
CTestWS_Lib.EFA_WS.Service | |
CWcfService_WebDev_FromTemplate.WSBaseRef.WSBase | |
CMeta.Numerics.Functions.SolutionPair | Contains a pair of solutions to a differential equation. |
CMeta.Numerics.Analysis.SpaceExtremum | Represents a maximum or minimum of a function on a multi-dimensional space. |
Calglib.sparse | |
CTest.SparseSquareMatrixTest | |
Calglib.spdgevd | |
CIG.Num.SpeedTestCpu | Various utilities for testing computational speed of the current system. |
CIG.Old.SpeedTestCpuOld | Various utilities for testing computational speed of the current system - Old version! |
CMeta.Numerics.Spin.Spin | Represents a spinor. |
CMeta.Numerics.Spin.SpinMath | Contains methods for computing functions of spin and spin states. |
CTest.SpinRange | |
CMeta.Numerics.Spin.SpinState | Represents the state of a spinor. |
CIG.MPetekLib.Algorithms.PlottableModels.CompPhys.IsingModel.SpinStateCollection | A nested class providing the indexed property functionality for the _spinState list. |
CTest.SpinTest | Summary description for SpinTest |
Calglib.spline1d | |
Calglib.spline2d | |
Calglib.spline3d | |
CEFA_Tests.SQL_to_XMLTest | This is a test class for SQL_to_XMLTest and is intended to contain all SQL_to_XMLTest Unit Tests /summary> |
CTest.SquareMatrixTest | |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.SquareQRDecomposition | Represents the QR decomposition of a square matrix. |
Calglib.stest | |
►CStream | |
CIG.Forms.ReporterConf.ConsoleWritingStream | A stream that redirects its input to the console. |
CIG.Num.StructuredMesh3d | Structured mesh in 3D |
Calglib.studenttdistr | |
Calglib.studentttests | |
Calglib.svd | |
CIG.Crypt.SymFileEncrypt | |
CTest.SymmetricMatrixTest | |
CIG.Crypt.SymStringEncrypt | |
CIG.Sim.TemperatureFieldDto | Temperature field. |
CTestEvaluator.Test | Summary description for Class1. |
CTSTX.Test1 | |
CTestWS_Console.Test_Console | |
CEFA_Tests.Test_ConsoleTest | This is a test class for Test_ConsoleTest and is intended to contain all Test_ConsoleTest Unit Tests /summary> |
CIG.Test.Plot2D.test_igform_console_program | |
Cigform_console_test.test_igform_console_program | |
CIG.Test.test_igform_console_program | |
Calglib.testablasunit | |
►CIG.Num.TestAlgLibBase2008 | |
CIG.Num.TestAlglibOld2008 | Test class for the old version of AlgLib algorithms that were not under GPL. |
Calglib.testalglibbasicsunit | |
CIG.Test.TestApproximationBase | Unit tests for basic approximations. |
Calglib.testautogkunit | |
Calglib.testbasestatunit | |
Calglib.testbdssunit | |
Calglib.testbdsvdunit | |
Calglib.testblasunit | |
Calglib.testchebyshevunit | |
►CIG.Lib.SerializerBase.TestClass | Simple class using for testing serialization. |
CIG.Lib.SerializerBase.TestClassDerived | Simple derived class using for testing serialization. |
CIG.Num.TestClass | |
CIG.App.TestClass | |
Calglib.testclusteringunit | |
Calglib.testconvunit | |
Calglib.testcorrunit | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestCountRequest | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestCountRequestBody | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestCountResponse | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestCountResponseBody | |
Calglib.testcqmodelsunit | |
Calglib.testcreflectionsunit | |
Calglib.testdensesolverunit | |
Calglib.testdforestunit | |
Calglib.testevdunit | |
Calglib.testfblsunit | |
Calglib.testfftunit | |
Calglib.testfhtunit | |
Calglib.testfiltersunit | |
CIG.Neural.TestFunctions | |
Calglib.testgammafuncunit | |
Calglib.testgkqunit | |
Calglib.testgqunit | |
Calglib.testhblasunit | |
Calglib.testhermiteunit | |
Calglib.testhqrndunit | |
Calglib.testidwintunit | |
CIG.Forms.TestIgforms | |
Calglib.testinverseupdateunit | |
Calglib.testkmeansunit | |
Calglib.testlaguerreunit | |
Calglib.testldaunit | |
Calglib.testlegendreunit | |
Calglib.testlincgunit | |
Calglib.testlinlsqrunit | |
Calglib.testlinminunit | |
Calglib.testlinregunit | |
CIG.Forms.TestLoadableScriptInterpreter | |
Calglib.testlsfitunit | |
Calglib.testmatgenunit | |
Calglib.testmatinvunit | |
CDotNetMatrix.test.TestMatrix | TestMatrix tests the functionality of the DotNetMatrix GeneralMatrix class and associated decompositions |
CIG.Test.TestMatrixDecomposition | Unit tests for matrix decompositions. |
CIG.Test.TestMatrixDecompositonMathNet | Unit tests for matrix decompositions from MathDotNet library. |
CIG.Test.TestMatrixOperations | Unit tests for matrix operations. |
Calglib.testmcpdunit | |
Calglib.testminbleicunit | |
Calglib.testmincgunit | |
Calglib.testminlbfgsunit | |
Calglib.testminlmunit | |
Calglib.testminqpunit | |
Calglib.testmlpbaseunit | |
Calglib.testmlpeunit | |
Calglib.testmlptrainunit | |
Calglib.testnearestneighborunit | |
Calglib.testnlequnit | |
Calglib.testnormestimatorunit | |
Calglib.testodesolverunit | |
Calglib.testortfacunit | |
Calglib.testpcaunit | |
CJavaScience.TestPfx | |
Calglib.testpolintunit | |
Calglib.testpsplineunit | |
Calglib.testratintunit | |
Calglib.testrbfunit | |
Calglib.testrcondunit | |
Calglib.testreflectionsunit | |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.TestResult | Represents the result of a statistical test. |
Calglib.testsactivesetsunit | |
Calglib.testsafesolveunit | |
Calglib.testsblasunit | |
Calglib.testschurunit | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestServiceArgRequest | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestServiceArgRequestBody | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestServiceArgResponse | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestServiceArgResponseBody | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestServiceArgsRequest | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestServiceArgsRequestBody | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestServiceArgsResponse | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestServiceArgsResponseBody | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestServiceRequest | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestServiceRequestBody | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestServiceResponse | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.TestServiceResponseBody | |
Calglib.testsnnlsunit | |
Calglib.testsparseunit | |
Calglib.testspdgevdunit | |
Calglib.testspline1dunit | |
Calglib.testspline2dunit | |
Calglib.testspline3dunit | |
Calglib.teststestunit | |
Calglib.teststudentttestsunit | |
Calglib.testsvdunit | |
CIG.Forms.TestTcpClient | |
CIG.Forms.TestTcpMultiThreadedServer | |
CIG.Forms.TestTcpServer | |
CIG.Num.TestTrainingParametersComparers | Class for testing of Comparers for NeuralTrainingParameters. |
Calglib.testtrfacunit | |
Calglib.testtrlinsolveunit | |
Calglib.testtsortunit | |
CIG.Test.TestVectorOperations | Unit tests for matrix operations. |
►CIG.Gr3d.TestVtkGraphicBase | Tests of 3D graphics enabled by ActiViz (VTK wrapper library). |
CIG.Gr3d.TestVtkGraphic | Tests of 3D graphics enabled by ActiViz (VTK wrapper library). |
CTestWS_Lib.TestWS_Lib | |
Calglib.testxblasunit | |
CIG.Gr.TestZedGraph | |
CTestWS_Lib.ThreadData | A class that contains all the data for each thread, that sends packages to the WS. |
CIG.Lib.ThreadPerformanceData | Stores results of performance test. |
CIG.Lib.ThreadPerformanceTest | Used to measure performance of the currend thread. A standard unit operation is provided for which number of executions per second is measured. Beside number of unit operations per second, the ratio between the CPU time and the clock time is calculated, which gives the feeling of how much the processor on which the thread executes is loaded. Measurements can be performed by specifying the requested number of cycles, but also by specifying the requested time in seconds. |
CIG.Lib.ThreadPulser | Launches (immediately upon creation) a thread that performs pulsing on its object. PulseAll is perfomed on its Lock object every time the object is pulsed from another thread. This object acts as kind of proxy for pulsing and provides the object used for locking and pulsing. |
CTest.ThreeJSymbol | |
CIG.Lib.TrackedThread | Tracked thread object that wraps a single created thread and enables that all active wrapped threads are are tracked (i.e. a list of all active tracked threads can be obtained at any time) |
Calglib.trfac | |
CMeta.Numerics.Matrices.TridiagonalLUDecomposition | Represents the LU decomposition of a tridiagonal matrix. |
CTest.TridiagonalMatrixTest | |
Calglib.trigintegrals | |
Calglib.trlinsolve | |
Calglib.tsort | |
CIG.Lib.ReporterBase.TWClass | A class for storing TextWriters and some data associated with them (such as the name of the file from which a TextWriter was created), which enables searching on basis of this data. |
CMeta.Numerics.UncertainMath | Contains methods for computing basic mathematical functions of uncertain values. |
CTest.UncertainMathTest | |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.UncertainMeasurement< T > | Represents an experimental data point that is a function of an arbitrary variable. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.UncertainMeasurementSample | Represents a set of UncertainMeasurement{Double} measurements. |
CMeta.Numerics.UncertainValue | Represents a value with an associated uncertainty. |
CTest.UncertainValueTest | This is a test class for UncertainValueTest and is intended to contain all UncertainValueTest Unit Tests /summary> |
►CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.UnivariateDistribution | Represents a probability distribution over a single variable. |
►CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.DiscreteDistribution | Represents all discrete, univariate probability distrubtions. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.BernoulliDistribution | Represents a Bernoulli distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.BinomialDistribution | Represents a discrete binomial distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.DiscreteUniformDistribution | Describes a discrete uniform distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.GeometricDistribution | Represents a geometric distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.KolmogorovTwoSampleExactDistribution | |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.PoissonDistribution | Represented a Poisson distribution. |
CTest.DiscreteTestDistribution | |
►CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.Distribution | Represents all continuous, univariate probability distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.BetaDistribution | Represents a beta distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.CauchyDistribution | Represents a Cauchy distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.ChiSquaredDistribution | Represents a χ2 distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.DiscreteAsContinuousDistribution | Represents a discrete distribution as a continous distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.ExponentialDistribution | Represents an exponential distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.FisherDistribution | Represents the distribution of Fisher's F-statistic. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.GammaDistribution | Represents a Gamma distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.GumbelDistribution | Represents a Gumbel distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.KolmogorovDistribution | Represents the distribution of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov D statistic. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.KuiperDistribution | Represents the asymptotic distribution of Kuiper's V statistic. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.LogisticDistribution | Represents a logistic distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.LognormalDistribution | Represents a log-normal distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.NormalDistribution | Represents a normal (Gaussian) distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.ParetoDistribution | Represents a Pareto or power law distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.PearsonRDistribution | Represents the distribution of Pearsons's r statistic. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.StudentDistribution | Represents the distribution of Student't t statistic. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.TriangularDistribution | Represents a triangular distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.UniformDistribution | Represents a uniform distribution over an interval. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.WaldDistribution | Represents a Wald distribution. |
CMeta.Numerics.Statistics.Distributions.WeibullDistribution | Represents a Weibull distribution. |
CTest.TestDistribution | |
CTest.UnivariateDistributionTest | |
CIG.Num.UnstructuredMesh2d | Unstructured mesh in 2D |
CIG.Num.UnstructuredMesh3d | Unstructured mesh in 3D |
►CUserControl | |
CIG.Forms.AlignmentControl | Control for setting horizontal and vertical alignment of items. |
CIG.Forms.AlignmentControlOld | Control for adjusting alignment |
CIG.Forms.BrowserSimpleControl | |
CIG.Forms.HashGeneratorControl | |
CIG.Forms.MathematicaCalculatorControl | |
CIG.Forms.ScalarFunctionEvaluatorControl | Control for test evaluation of scalar functions |
CIG.Forms.ScalarFunctionScriptControl | Control for definition of scalar functions by user defined expressions (through script loader). |
CIG.Forms.TestControl | Test control. |
CIG.Forms.WindowPositionerControl | Control for testing window positioning. |
CIG.Forms.WindowShiftControlNumeric | Control for setting window positions, relative positions, sizes, positions, shifts, etc. |
CIG.Forms.WindowShiftControlText | Control for setting window positions, relative positions, sizes, positions, shifts, etc. |
CIG.Gr3d.Graph3dManipulator | Basic control for manipulating 3D graphics. |
CIG.Gr3d.Graph3dManipulatorBasic | Basic manipulation of VTK-based 3D hraphs. |
CIG.Gr3d.Graph3dManipulatorExtended | Extended control for manipulation of 3D VTK graphics. Contains the standard control plus additional buttons for access to some VTK functions. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkControlBase | Basic control encapsulating the VTK's render control of type Kitware.VTK.RenderWindowControl. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkControlWin | Control for presenting VTK graphics, intended for use in stand-alone windows. |
CIG.Neural.Applications.AbautAnnapControl | |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralDemoAbout | |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralParametricDemoAbout | Form containing information about neural demo software |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralParametricDemoAbout | Form containing information about neural demo software |
CIG.Neural.Applications.NeuralParametricDemoAboutOld | Form containing information about neural demo software |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralAboutControlToDelete | Control for making predictions of output values based on ANN model. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralControl2D | A 2D neural network approximation demo control. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralDataControl | Control for manipulating neural approximation data (import/export). |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralDemo1D | A 1D neural network approximation demo control. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralInputControl | Control for editing input parameter values. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralInputControl | Control for editing input parameter values. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralInputParameterSelectorMinMax | Selection of parameter to be varied, together with bounds - for parametric tests. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralOutputControl | Control for editing output values of an approximative model. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralOutputControl | Control for editing output values of an approximative model. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralOutputValueSelector | Selection of the output value of interest in an ANN model. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralParametricTest | Form for training artificial neural networks. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralParametricTest2d | Form for simple parametric tests (variation of selected parameter) performed on ANN models. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralParametricTestMultiple | Form for training artificial neural networks. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralParametricTestSelection | |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralPredictionControl | Control for making predictions of output values based on ANN model. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralPredictionControl | Control for making predictions of output values based on ANN model. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralSamplingControl | Control for defininng scalar functions and sampling them in order to create neural approximation data (import/export). |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralSamplingInputControl | Control for editing input parameter data necessary for sampling scalar functions. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.NeuralTrainingControl | A 2D neural network approximation demo control. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.Old.NeuralParametricTestOld | Torm for parametric tests. Obsolete! |
CIG.Neural.Forms.Old.NeuralParametricTestOld | Torm for parametric tests. Obsolete! |
CIG.Sendigence.frmAddresses | |
CIG.Sendigence.frmAddresses | |
CIG.Sendigence.frmControl | |
CIG.Sendigence.frmControl | |
CIG.Sendigence.frmMessage | |
CIG.Sendigence.frmMessage | |
CIG.Sendigence.frmParameters | |
CIG.Sendigence.frmParameters | |
CIG.Sendigence.frmSending | |
CIG.Sendigence.frmSending | |
CIG.Web.Forms.WSClient1Control | Control for making predictions of output values based on ANN model. |
CIG.Web.Forms.WSClientFormsAboutForm | Form containing information about Web service test clients software |
CUsingConfigurationClass | |
CIG.Lib.Util | General utilities. |
►CIG.Lib.UtilConsole | Utilities for reading from a console. |
CIG.Lib.Cons | Utilities for reading from a console. Just an alias for UtilConsole. |
CIG.Crypto.UtilCrypto | Basic Cryptographic utilities. |
►CIG.Lib.UtilCsv | Auxiliary utilities for dealing with files in CSV and other delimited formats |
CIG.Lib.UtilStr | Various string operations, random strings, random characters, etc. |
CIG.Forms.UtilForms | Various forms utilities. |
CIG.Petek.Utilities | Various general utilities used by the application. |
CIG.Ferdo.UtilitiesFerdo | Various general utilities used by the application IG.Script.AppFerdo. |
CIG.Neural.Forms.UtilResponseForms | Utilities that enable uniform behavior of response plotting forms. |
CIG.Lib.UtilSettings | |
CIG.Lib.UtilSystem | General utilities. |
CIG.Gr3d.UtilVtk | Various VTK utilities that extend functionality of the ActiViz VTK wrappers. |
Calglib.variancetests | |
CIG.Lib.vartypes | |
CIG.Num.vec2 | 2D vector, struct implementation. |
CIG.Num.vec3 | 3D vector, struct implementation. |
►CVector | |
CIG.Old.XVector | Class that is directly derived from MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Vector |
CIG.Old.Vector_OldNumerics | XVector whose vec are real numbers. |
►CIG.Old.Vector_OldNumerics< ComponentType > | |
CIG.Old.ComplexVector_OldNumerics | Complex vector. |
CIG.Lib.VectorDtoBase | DTO (data transfer object) for vector interface (IVector). |
CIG.Num.VectorExtensions | Extension methods for vector classes. |
CIG.Num.VectorFunctionExamples | Various vector function examples. |
CTest.VectorTest | |
CIG.MPetekLibExt.Algorithms.VelocityFunction | A discrete velocity function for the purpose of solving the acceleration (a^2) minimization |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkFormsExamples | Examples from VTK forms |
►CvtkImplicitFunction | |
CIG.Gr3d.TestVtkGraphicBase.CustomImplicitFunction | An vtkImplicitFunction class that represents a custom function of 3 variables used for plotting contours. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkPlotExamples | Examples for using classes derived from VtkPlot. |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkTestClass1 | For performing quick tests. Delete this later! |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkVolumeContourPlot | |
CIG.Gr3d.VtkVolumePlot | |
►CWebService | |
CCalcWebService.Service1 | Summary description for Service1 |
►CCalcWebService.ServiceBase | Summary description for Service1 |
CCalcWebService.Service1 | Summary description for Service1 |
CEFA_WS.Service | Summary description for Service1 |
CIG.Web.WSBase | Base class for IGLib webservices. |
CIG.Web.WSBaseClass | Base class for IGLib webservices. |
CMyService.WebService2 | Summary description for WebService1. |
►CMyService.WebServiceBase | Summary description for WebService1. |
CMyService.WebService1 | Summary description for WebService1. |
Cefakt1.WebServiceSimulator | |
CJavaScience.Win32 | |
CWindowNative | |
CIG.Forms.WindowPositioner | Takes care of windows positioning, relative of absolute to the screen and/or other windows. |
►CWSBaseBase | |
CIG.Web.WSBase | Base class for IGLib webservices. |
CIG.Web.WSBaseExamples | Class containing some examples. |
►CWSBasePointer | |
CIG.Web.WSBaseRefBase | Intermediate proxy class to a web service based on the WSBaseClass. |
►CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.WSBaseSoap | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.WSBaseSoapChannel | |
CIG.Lib.ServiceReferenceWSBase.WSBaseSoapClient | |
►CWSDevelop1Pointer | |
►CIG.Web.WSDevelop1RefBase | Intermediate proxy class to a web service based on the WSDevelop1Class. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelop1Ref | Class for referencing a web service based on the WSDevelopClass |
►CWSDevelopPointer | |
►CIG.Web.WSDevelopRefBase | Intermediate proxy class to a web service based on the WSDevelopClass. |
CIG.Web.WSDevelopRef | Class for referencing a web service based on the WSDevelopClass |
Calglib.wsr | |
Calglib.xblas | |
Calglib.xdebug | |
CIG.Num.Experimental.xdouble | Extension of type double by a struct. Provides binary operaror ^ (left operand raised to the power of right operand). |
CIG.Lib.Xml | Supplemental basic XML node & document manipulation utilities. Contains some useful static methods for XML manipulation. |
CIG.Lib.xml_generic | |
►CXmlDocument | |
CIG.Lib.XmlData | XmlDocument extended by additional functionality for managing complex data units. In applications, this is used for |
►CIG.Lib.XmlUtilityBase | Base class for various utilities operating on XmlDocumnt. |
►CIG.Lib.XmlParser | Base class for classes taht contain an Xml document that can be parsed. Provides comfortable utilities for transversing the document and for querying the value, name, and attributes of the current node. |
CIG.Lib.XmlBuilder | Class that enables custom parsing and building of an Xml document. |
CIG.Lib.XmlBuilder | Class that enables custom parsing and building of an Xml document. |
CIG.Lib.XmlParser | Base class for classes taht contain an Xml document that can be parsed. Provides comfortable utilities for transversing the document and for querying the value, name, and attributes of the current node. |
CXTest | |
CMeta.Numerics.XY | Represents a two-dimensional point. |
►CIG.Num.ZeroFinderBase | Base class for single variable nonlinear exuation solvers. |
CIG.Num.ZeroFinderNewton | Solver for single variable nonlinear exuations by the Newton method. |