This page gives the complete text of all official documents used in the family tree. Documents come in four forms: birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates and census returns. For convenience, I have grouped the documents under these headings.


Birth certificates

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Birth certificate for Charles Watt

In The District of St Giles, Edinburgh 685/4, Entry 73 on January 16th., 1890 at 14, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, Charles Watt, Father - James Watt, Museum Attendant, Mother - Catherine Watt m.s. McColl. Parents married 15/9/1876 in Gibraltar. Registered by Father in Edinburgh on 23/1/1890 - William Sutherland, Registrar.


Birth certificate for Elizabeth Moran

In The District of Canongate 685/3, Entry 847 at 0.20pm on August 3rd., 1891 at 5, Abbey Strand, Edinburgh, Elizabeth Jane Moran, Father - John Moran, Lorryman, Mother - Sarah Moran m.s. Haggerty. Parents Married 18/9/1886 in Edinburgh. Registered by Father in Edinburgh on 10/8/1891 - Alexander White, Registrar.


Birth certificate for George Shields

In The Parish of Canongate 685/3, Entry 1186 at 2am on December 12th., 1862 at Big? (indistinct) Lochend Close, 104, Canongate, Edinburgh, George Shields, Father - Andrew Shields, Van Driver, Mother - Marion Shields m.s. Lauder. Parents married 8/11/1855 in Edinburgh. Registerd by Father in Edinburgh 24/12/1862 - Andrew Balfour, Registrar.


Birth certificate for Isabella Dickson Fleming

In The District of Newington 685/5, Entry 378 at 9pm on April 6th., 1866 at 18, Carnegie Street, Edinburgh, Isabella Dickson Fleming, Father - John Fleming, Mason (Journeyman), Mother - Margaret Fleming m.s. Pearson. Parents married 31/10/1862 in Leith. Registered by Mother on 25/4/1866 - John Minto, Assistant Registrar.


Birth certificate for Isabella Dickson Fleming Shields

In The District of Newington 685/5, Entry 374 at 5.50pm on April 15th., 1905 at 160, Dumbiedykes Road, Edinburgh, Isabella Dickson Fleming Shields, Father George Shields, Plumber (Journeyman), Mother - Isabella Dickson Shields m.s. Fleming. Parents Married 30/12/1887 in Edinburgh. Registered by Father in Edinburgh on 6/5/1905 - William Kirkcaldy, Assistant Registrar.


Birth certificate for Isabella Thorburn

In The District of St. George, Edinburgh 685/1, Entry 1422 at 5am on October 14th., 1868 at 8, Malta Terrace, Edinburgh, Isabella Thorburn, Father - Archibald Thorburn, Waiter, Mother - Sarah Jane Thorburn m.s. Anderson. Parents Married 7/1/1862 at Kirkliston. Registered in Edinburgh on 3/11/1868 - R. Dick, Registrar.


Birth certificate for Janet Bain

In The District of Dunfermline 424/1, Entry 236 at 2pm on April 19th., 1875 at Guildhall Street, Dunfermline, Janet Bain, Father - Michael Bain, Flax Dresser (Apprentice), Mother - Jane Bain m.s Stewart. Parents Married 2/1/1874 at Dunfermline. Registered by Father in Dunfermline 8/5/1875 - R. Wilson, Assistant Registrar.


Birth certificate for Maureen Enid Smith

In The District of Canongate 685/3, Entry 1457 on October 28th., 1934 at 62, Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh, Maureen Enid Graham, Father - Reginald McDonald Graham, Draper (Master), Mother - Isabella Dickson Fleming Graham m.s. Shields. Parents married 3/11/1924 in Edinburgh. Registered by Father in Edinburgh on 19/11/1934 - A. Spence, Assistant Registrar.


Birth certificate for Reginald McDonald Graham

In The Parish of Crieff 342, Entry 10 at 7.35am on January 6th., 1906 at Deanston, Dollerie Terrace, Crieff, Reginald McDonald Graham, Father - Robert Graham, Traveller, Mother - Isabella Graham m.s. Thorburn. Parents Married 9/3/1875 in Edinburgh. Registered by Sara Thorburn, Aunt, in Crieff on 26/1/1906 - Andrew C. Adie, Assistant Registrar.


Birth certificate for Robert Wilson Smith

In The Parish of Auchterderran, Fife 405, Entry 125 at 9pm on June 25th., 1873 at Lochgelly, Robert Wilson Smith, Father - not named, Mother - Eliza (sic) Smith, Domestic Servant. Registered by Mother in Auchterderran 18/7/1873 - John Small, Registrar.


Marriage certificates

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Marriage certificate for Charles Watt and Elizabeth Moran

In The District of St Giles, Edinburgh, 685/4, Entry 925 on December 28th., 1910 at All Saints Church, Edinburgh by G.B.W. Holmes, Rector of All Saints Church, according to The Forms and Rites of The Scottish Episcopal Church, Charles Watt, aged 20, Spirit Dealer's Assistant, Bachelor of 1, Roseneath Place, Edinburgh, Father - James Watt, Museum Attendant, Mother - Catherine Watt m.s. McColl to Lizzie Moran, aged 19, no occupation shown, Spinster of 4, Marchmont Crescent, Edinburgh, Father - John Moran, Lorryman, Mother - Sarah Moran m.s Haggerty. Witnesses - David Sutherland & Winnie Moran. Registered in Edinburgh on 31/12/1910 - W.D. Robertson, Registrar.


Marriage certificate for George Shields and Isabella Fleming

In The District of Newington 685/5, Entry 24 (1888) on December 30th., 1887 at 5, Rillbank Terrace, Edinburgh by A.B. Cameron, Minister according to The Forms and Rites of The United Presbyterian Church, George Shields, aged 25, Plumber, Bachelor of 170, Canongate, Father - Andrew Shields, Coachman, Mother - Marion Shields m.s. Lauder to Isabella Fleming, aged 21, Envelope Folder, Spinster of 160, Dumbiedykes Road, Father - John Fleming, Mason, Mother - Margaret Fleming m.s. Pearson. Witnesses - Andrew Shields & Barbara Edgar. Registered in Edinburgh on 6/1/1888 - R.W. Charlton, Assistant Registrar.


Marriage certificate for John Moran and Sarah Haggarty

In The District of St. Andrew, Edinburgh 685/2, Entry 445 on November 18th., 1887 at The Cathedral, Broughton Street, Edinburgh by Donald ?(illegible) according to The Forms and Rites of The RC Church, John Moran, aged 24, Private 1st. Battn. Royal Scots, Bachelor of 2, St James Place?(unclear), Edinburgh, Father - Anthony Moran, Cabinetmaker, Mother - Winifred Moran m.s. Stanton?(unclear), deceased to Sarah Haggarty (sic), aged 23, Machinist, Spinster of 57, Elm Row, Edinburgh, Father - Thomas Haggarty(sic), Cabinetmaker, Mother - Mary Haggarty m.s. Boyle. Witnesses - William Moran & Elizabeth Colston. Registered in Edinburgh on 24/11/1887 - Alexander Adam, Registrar.


Marriage certificate for Michael Bain and Jane Stewart

In The District of Dunfermline 424/1, Entry 19 on January 2nd., 1874 at McLean's Place , Dunfermline by Alex Mitchell, Minister of N. Parish, Dunfermline, according to The Forms and Rites of The Church of Scotland, Michael Bain, aged 18, Flax Dresser, Bachelor of Lathalmond, Dunfermline, Father - Michael Bain, General Labourer, Mother - Mary Ann Bain m.s. Johnston to Jane Stewart (signed 'X'), aged 17, Flax Spinner, Spinster of Lathalmond, Dunfermline, Father - John Stewart, General Labourer, Mother - Janet Stewart m.s. Robertson. Witnesses - John Stewart, Boilermaker and Bridget Stewart, Factory Worker. Registered in Dunfermline 5/1/1874 - R. Wilson, Registrar.


Marriage certificate for Reginald Graham and Isabella Shields

In The District of Morningside 685/7, Entry 219 on November 3rd., 1924 at 20, Warrender Park Terrace by W. Holms Coats, Minister of Marshall Street Baptist Church according to The Forms And Rites of The Baptist Church, Reginald McDonald Graham, aged 18, Commercial Traveller, Bachelor of 16, Beaumont Place, Edinburgh, Father - Robert Graham, Manager - Riding Academy, Mother - Isabella Graham m.s. Thorburn to Isabella Dickson Fleming Shields, aged 19, Draper's Assistant, Spinster of 16, Beaumont Place, Father - George Lauder Shields, Plumber (Journeyman), Mother - Isabella Dickson Shields m.s Fleming. Witnesses - Frances Bucher Shields of 16 Beaumont Place & John Cameron Russell of 5, Forbes Street. Registered in Edinburgh 5/11/1924 - James B. Fleming, Registrar.


Marriage certificate for Robert Graham and Isabella Thorburn

In The District St. Andrew, Edinburgh 685/2, Entry 65 on March 7th., 1895 at The Royal Hotel, Princes Street by David M. Milne, Minister of St Luke's according to The Forms and Rites of The Church of Scotland, Robert Graham, aged 26, Posting Master, Bachelor of 2, Hinburn Terrace, Leven, Father - John Graham, Farmer, Mother - Mary Anne Graham m.s. Cunningham to Isabella Thorburn, aged 26, Governess, Spinster of 6, Pitt Street, Edinburgh, Father - Archibald Thorburn, Farmer, deceased, Mother - Sarah Jane Thorburn m.s. Anderson, deceased. Witnesses - Alfred A. Graham & Sarah Thorburn. Registered in Edinburgh on 7/3/1895 - John R. McLaren, Registrar.


Marriage certificate for Robert Smith and Janet Bain

In The Parish of Auchterderran, Fife 405, Entry 13 on March 1st., 1897 at St Patrick's Church, Lochgelly by P. McMahon C.C. according to The Forms and Rites of The RC Church, Robert Wilson Smith, aged 23, Coal Miner, Bachelor of 36, High Street, Lochgelly, Father - not named, Mother - Elizabeth Smith, Domestic Servant (Afterwards married to John Mathieson - Coal Miner) to Janet Bain, aged 21, Flax Mill Worker, Spinster of 33, South Walkerton, Kinglassie, Father - Michael Bain, Flax Dresser, Mother - Jane Bain m.s. Stewart. Witnesses - Patrick Smith & Janet Reilly. Registered in Lochgelly 3/3/1897 - Robert Small, Assistant Registrar.


Marriage certificate for William Smith and Winifred Watt

In The District of North Leith 385/10, Entry 49 on April 12th., 1928 at Holy Cross R.C. Church, Ferry Road , Leith by Cuthbert F. Chase, Parish Priest of Holy Cross, according to The Forms and Rites of The R.C. Church, William Smith, aged 21, Butcher's Shop Assistant, Bachelor of 7, Caroline Park, Granton, Edinburgh, Father - Robert Smith, Colour Striker, Mother - Janet Smith m.s. Bain to Winifred Watt, aged 18, Baker's Shop Assistant, Spinster, of 10, Avondale Place, Edinburgh, Father - Charles Watt, Wine & Spirit Merchant's Assistant, Mother - Elizabeth Watt m.s. Moran, deceased. Witnessses - Thomas Smith, 7, Caroline Park and Nora Balfour, 5, Easter Road. Registered in Leith on 14/4/1928 - H.M. Mitchell, Assistant Registrar.


Death certificates

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Death certificate for Elizabeth Watt

In The District of St George, Edinburgh 685/1, Entry 514 at 9.35 pm on November 9th., 1918 at 8, Gibson Terrace, Edinburgh, Elizabeth Watt, aged 27, married to Charles Watt, Grocer's Assistant, Father - John Moran, Engineer's Labourer, Mother - Sarah Moran m.s. Haggerty. Cause of Death - Influenza 6 days, Pneumonia 4 days, Certified by John W. Bell LRCP & SE. Registered by C.R. Watt, Widower in Edinburgh on 11/11/1918 - W. Cowan Telfer, Registrar.


Death certificate for Janet Bain

In The District of Leith 685/8, Entry 1167 on December 13th., 1947 at 21, West Granton Road, Janet Stewart Smith, aged 72, Widow of Robert Wilson Smith, Colour Maker, Father - Michael Bain, Flax Mill Worker, deceased, Mother - Jane Telford Bain m.s. Stewart, deceased. Cause of Death - Arterio Sclerosis 20years, Diabetes Mellitis 12 years, Left Venticular Failure 10days, Certified by Gordon Band M.B. Registered by James Smith, Son of 197, Crewe Road North, Edinburgh in Leith on 15/12/1947 - S. O. Andison, Assistant Registrar.


Census returns

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1891 Census 14 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh

14 George IV Bridge 685/4 041 008

James Watt 43 b. Kincardineshire - Museum attendant

Catherine Watt 39 b. Gibraltar (British subject)

James Watt 14 b. Gibraltar (British subject) - messenger boy

George Watt 12 b. Gibraltar (British Subject)

David Watt 10 b. Bermuda

Alexander Watt 7 b. Ireland

Jane Watt 7 b. Ireland

Catherine Watt 5 b. England

Charles Watt 1 b. Edinburgh


1891 Census 5 Abbey Strand, Edinburgh

5 Abbey Strand 685/3 077 001

John Moran 27 b. Edinburgh - Lorryman

Sarah Moran 26 b. Glasgow

Mary Moran 2 b. Edinburgh

Winifred Moran 1 b. Lasswade

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This page produced by Fergus Smith. Last updated 01 April 1998. If you have any information on any of the people here, please mail me.

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