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Kiparstvo že dolgo ni več samo obvladovanje metjea, temveč
je ideja tista, ki je v njem prevzela bistveno vlogo. Tako
tudi Poloni Maher, sicer kiparki, ni tuje klasično oblikovanje
kipa v glini, ljubša pa ji je uporaba raznih, za kiparstvo
morda nenavadnih predmetov. S svojimi idejami in delom jim
vdihne novo, anekdotično in razigrano vsebino. Polona Maher
se izraža v različnih materialih in v različnih likovnih tehnikah.
V prav vsakem materialu vidi potencialno možnost za novo zgodbo.
Pa naj gre za papir, blago, volno, keramiko, mavec, vosek
ali celo kruh. V delih je vidno veselje do življenja in na
tem temelji tudi izbira materialov. Novo nastala umetnina
odvisna od premišljene izbire le-teh. Skupna lastnost izbire
je "mehkoba", saj pri svojem ustvarjanju večinoma
ne posega po težkih in "trdih" materialih. Avtorica
je strastna opazovalka sveta okoli sebe, tako da njenemu pogledu
ne uidejo predmeti, ki bi z malo umetniške intervencije lahko
zaželi novo, od tega trenutka dalje, umetniško zgodbo. Porajajo
se nove identitete, ki še vedno temeljijo na prvinskih izrazih.
Delovni proces je včasih celo pomembnejši od estetike končnega
objekta. Zanima jo človeška figura, a le kot fragment telesnosti,
vendar se zadnjem obdobju ustvarjanja oddaljuje od figuralno
zasnovanih kipov.
Polona Maher se na razstavi z naslovom Orkester posveča svetlobnim
objektom in njihovi ujetosti v prostor. Umetnica Orkester
vidi kot telo, telo pa vidi kot napravo neskončnih možnosti.
V primeru Orkestra gre za kompleksno telo, ki je krhko in
minljivo, obstojno in vzdržljivo, funkcionalno in deformirano.
Poleg same umetnine jo zanima umetniški poseg v konkretni
prostor. Objekti šele s premišljeno postavitvijo v določenem
ambientu dobijo svojo pravo funkcijo. Temeljna ideja je konstruiranje
novega objekta, ki nastane iz združitve predmeta vsakdanje
rade (v katerih vidi umetnica polni zgodb in vlog) ter steklenih
delov lestencev. Le-ti osvetljujejo objekt, oziroma ga obarvajo
z umetno, žarečo rumeno ali rdečo svetlobo. V novo nastalem
objektu imajo prevladujočo vlogo živobarvni stekleni lestenci,
nosilec (stol, miza) pa je sekundarnega pomena. Vzpostavi
se svojstven dialog med elementi. V polmrak postavljeno dogajanje
le že poudarja dramatičnost novo nastale, avtonomne skulpture,
ki delujejo romantično in pomirjujoče. Igre z mrakom in lučjo
so preverjeno učinkovite, vendar pa je v instalaciji Polone
Maher toliko prefinjenosti in inteligentnosti, da se ji gledalec
pusti brez predsodkov zapeljati.
Sculpture has long ceased
to be merely a matter of mastering the medium. Instead, it
is the idea that has assumed the essential role in sculpture.
Polona Maher, a sculptor by training, is perfectly at home
with traditional sculpting in clay, but she prefers to use
various objects that are perhaps unusual for sculpture. Through
her ideas and work she breathes into them a new, anecdotal
and vivacious content. Polona Maher expresses herself in various
materials and in various artistic techniques. She sees the
potential for a new story in every single material. Be it
paper, cloth, wool, ceramics, plaster, wax or even bread.
The joy of living is evident in her works, and is also the
basis for her choice of materials. The newly created work
of art depends on the careful selection of these materials.
A common characteristic of the selection is "softness",
since she tends not to use heavy and "hard" materials
in her work. She is a passionate observer of the world around
her and is thus constantly finding objects which with a little
artistic intervention could begin a new and -- from that moment
onwards -- artistic story. New identities originate that are
still based on elemental expressions. The working process
is sometimes even more important than the aesthetic aspect
of the finished object. She is interested in the human figure,
but only as a fragment of corporeality. In her recent work,
however, she has been moving away from figurally conceived
In the exhibition entitled Orkester (Orchestra), Polona Maher
devotes herself to light objects and the way they are trapped
in space. The artist sees Orkester as a body, but sees the
body as an appliance of infinite possibilities. In the case
of Orkester the body is a complex one, which is fragile and
transitory, resistant and persevering, functional and deformed.
As well as in the work of art itself, the artist is interested
in the artistic intervention in a concrete space. Only through
careful placing in specific surroundings do the objects gain
their true function. The fundamental idea is the construction
of a new object that arises from the combination of an object
of everyday use (which the artist sees as being full of stories
and roles) and the glass elements of chandeliers. These illuminate
the object, or colour it with an artificial, glowing yellow
or red light. In the newly created object the dominant role
is played by the brightly coloured glass chandeliers, while
the support (a chair, a table) is of secondary importance.
A unique dialogue is established among the elements. The semi-darkness
of the setting merely further emphasises the dramatic nature
of the new, autonomous sculptures, which have a romantic,
calming effect. The interplay of dark and light is a tried
and tested technique, but in Polona Maher,s installation there
is so much refinement and intelligence that the viewer allows
himself to be seduced without prejudices.
Polona Maher je bila rojena leta 1971 v Mariboru. Leta 1999
je diplomirala iz kiparstva na Akademiji za likovno umetnost
v Bologni, leta 2000 pa je diplomirala tudi na Pedagoški fakulteti
v Mariboru, smer likovna pedagogika. Ima status samostojne
ustvarjalke-kiparke. Leta 2002 ji je bila podeljena delavna
štipendija švicarske fundacije Vordenberge-Gildewart. Med
drugim se je izpopolnjevala v Veliki Britaniji, sodelovala
pa je tudi na likovnem simpoziju v Romuniji ter na Slovaškem.
Izbor pomembnejših razstav /1996/ Galleria G7, Bologna<
Galeria Asso, Nica /1998/ razstava nagrajencev natečaja, Ex
Salara, Bologna /1999/ bienale mladih umetnikov Evrope in
Sredozemlja, Ex Mattatoio, Rim /2000/ Mladinsko razstavišče
Avla, Maribor< Miheličeva galerija, Ptuj< Razstavni
salon Rotov/, Maribor>
Homo sapiens za 3. tisočletje, Kibla, Maribor/2001/ Galleria
Studio G7, Bologna< Kibla, Maribor /2003/ Hest 35, Ljubljana/
Aktualni trenutek v slovenski sodobni umetnosti, Podgorica,
črna Gora /2004/ galerija Arte e Ricambi, Verona, Italija
Polona Maher was born in Maribor in 1971. She graduated in
sculpture from the Fine Arts Academy of Bologna in 1999. In
2000 she graduated from the Faculty of Education in Maribor,
where she studied art teaching. Today she is a freelance sculptor.
In 2002 she was awarded a grant by the Vordenberge-Gildewart
Foundation (Switzerland). She has also studied in the United
Kingdom and taken part in art symposiums in Romania and Slovakia.
Selection of major exhibitions /1996/ Galleria G7, Bologna<
Galerie Asso, Nice /1998/ Competition Winners Exhibition,
Ex Salara, Bologna /1999/ Biennial of Young Artists of Europe
and the Mediterranean, Ex Mattatoio, Rome /2000/ Mladinsko
Razstavišče Avla, Maribor< Miheličeva Galerija, Ptuj<
Razstavni Salon Rotov/, Maribor< Homo Sapiens for the 3rd
Millennium, Kibla, Maribor /2001/ Galleria Studio G7, Bologna<
Kibla, Maribor /2003/ Hest 35, Ljubljana< The Current Moment
in Contemporary Slovene Art, Podgorica, Montenegro /2004/
Galleria Arte e Ricambi, Verona, Italy.
Izdal: Festival Ljubljana
Zanj: Darko Brlek, direktor
Trg francoske revolucije 1-2
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Tel.: +386 1/241 60 00
Faks: 01/241 60 37
Razstavo je pripravilo
Društvo likovnih umetnikov
Zanj: Mojca Smerdu, predsednica
Kustosinja razstave: Petra Skaberne
Fotografija> Damjan Švarc
Pokrovitelj: Galerija Gallus,
Gallusovo nabrežje 29, 1000 Ljubljana